If you need help obtaining data for visualization, analysis, or any kind of GIS project, we can help you find what you’re looking for.

The AGSL offers GIS and geospatial data services and maintains a collection of digital geospatial data including vector and raster GIS data, digital aerial photography, satellite imagery, and more. These resources can be found in our AGSL GeoDiscovery geoportal alongside links to data held by other institutions or on public open data sites from municipal, county, and state agencies. 

Our GIS services include research consultations with students, academic researchers, and the public focused on finding, accessing, and using geospatial data. We also host a series of Discovery Applications on our website which utilize GIS technologies to highlight distinctive photographic and cartographic collections. 

Read our LibGuide to learn more about finding and using data in your GIS projects.
A geoportal where you can find data from the AGSL, Wisconsin state and local agencies, and other institutions.
A suite of applications created at the AGSL that present a new way of working with some of our digital collections. Follow Louise Boyd’s journey through the fjords of East Greenland or learn about Railways of Central America.
Browse Discovery Applications
Didn’t find what you were hoping to find in AGSL GeoDiscovery? Fill out this form and we can see if we can help you find the data you need! You can also drop us an e-mail at gisdata@uwm.edu or use the button above to schedule a consultation
Submit a Data Request