Pamphlet Files 201–302

United States
Box #Primary AuthorSecondary AuthorTitleDateNotes
181Dwyer, D.J.Symons, L.J.The Development and Location of the Textile Industries in the Irish Republic1963Irish Geography, vol. IV No. 6
181Dwyer, D.J.The Peat Bogs of the Irish Republic: A Problem in Land Use1972The Geographical Journal, vol. CXXVIII Part 2
181Evans, E. E.The Ulster Farmhouse: A Comparative Study1957Ulster Folklife vol. 3 Part I
181Evans, E. E.Gaffikin, M.Belfast Naturalists' Field Club Survey of Antiquities Megaliths and Raths1935Reprinted from Irish Naturalists' Journal vol. V No. 10
181Evans, E. E.Belfast - The Site and the City1944Ulster Journal of Archaeology 3rd Ser. Vol. 7
181Evans, E. E.Folklife Studies in Northern Ireland1965Reprint Journal of the Folklore Institute vol. II No. 3
181Evans, E. E.Editorial. Ten Years Achievement1943Ulster Journal of Archaeology Vol. VI
181Farrington, A.The Glaciation of the Bantry Bay District1936The Scientific Proceedings of The Royal Dublin Society v. 21 No. 37 (2 copies)
181Forbes, JeanMapping Accessibility1964Reprint The Scottish Geographical Magazine vol. 80 No. 1
181Fordham, Sir Herbert GeorgeThe Road-Books and Itineraries of Ireland, 1647 to 18501923
181Freeman, T.W.Historical Geography and the Irish Historian1946Irish Historical Studies vol. V No. 18
181Freeman, T.W.The Geography of Ireland as a Field For Irish Naturalists1946The Irish Naturalists' Journal vol. VIII No. 12
181Freeman, T.W.Migration Movement and the Distribution of Population in Eire1939Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Freeman, T.W.Farming in Irish Life1947Geographical Journal vol. CX Nos. 1-3
181Freeman, T.W.Emigration and Rural Ireland1945Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Freeman, T.W.The Changing Distribution of Population in Kerry and West Cork1942Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Freeman, T.W.The Changing Distribution of Population in Donegal, with Special Reference to the Congested Areas1940Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Freeman, T.W.The Changing Distribution of Population in County Mayo1943Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Gailey, R.A.Settlement and Population in the Aran Islands1959Irish Geography vol. 4 No. 1
181Geary, R.C.The Mortality From Tuberculosis in Saorstat Eireann: A Statistical Study1945Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Hancock, Neilson W.Report on the Supposed Progressive Decline of Irish Prosperity1863
181Hughes, T. JonesThe Origin and Growth of Towns in Irelandrec 1961University Review
181Johnson, James H.Partnership and Clachans in Mid-Nineteenth Century Londonderry1963
181Johnson, James H.Marriage and Fertility in Nineteenth Century Londonderry1958Journal of Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
181Johnson, James H.Agriculture in Co. Derry at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century1964Studia Hibernica [Dublin] vol. 4
181Johnson, James H.The Population of Londonderry During the Great Irish Famine1957Reprint from Economic History Review 2nd Ser. V. X No.2
181Johnson, James H.Der Bevolkerungswandel Irlande im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert1964
181de Kay, CharlesChristian Ireland1889
181de Kay, CharlesIrish Kings and Brehonsn.d.Century Magazine(?) vol. XL.-40.
181de Kay, CharlesThe Monasteries of Ireland1889
181de Kay, CharlesPagan Ireland1889Century Magazine vol. XXXVII.-51.
181de Kay, CharlesWoman in Early Ireland1889Century Magazine vol. XXXVIII.-57.
181Kilroe, JamesThe River Shannon: Its Present Course and Geological History1907Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy vol. XXVI Sec. B #8
181Lamont, ArchieIrish Submarine Disturbances1941The Quarry Managers' Journal vol. XXIV
181Lawton, R.Irish Immigration to England and Wales in the Mid-Nineteenth Centuryrec 1960
181N/ANorthern Ireland Government. Ulster Today1946
181N/AQueen's University of Belfast. Facts From Gweedore From the Notes of Lord George Hill M.R.I.A.1971
181Rolleston, T.W.Ireland and Poland: A Comparison1917
182N/AJournal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland vol. LXVII1937
182N/ALondonderry Past and Present1946Ulster Commentary No. 7
182Martin, C.P.The Raised Beaches of the East Coast of Ireland1930Scientific Proceedings of Royal Dublin Society v. 19 #43
182Mihanovich, C.S.The Vanishing Irish?1948America vol. 79 No. 18
182Murphy, Robert CushmanThe Timeless Arans1931National Geographic Magazine
182Proudfoot, BruceStudies of Conacre1956Irish Geography vol. III Part 3
182Proudfoot, V. BruceClachans in Ireland1959Reprintet from Gwerin vol. 2 No. 3
182Proudfoot, V. BruceVaughan, T.D.Changes in Settlement and Population in Northern Ireland 1835-18601954Queen's University - Western Folklife 5
182Proudfoot, V. B.Boal, F.W.Two Soil Maps of County Down1960Geographical Journal, vol. CXXVI Part I
182Proudman, J.Doodson, A.T.Tides of the Irish Sea1923Reprinted from "Merseyside"
182Rose, A. JamesIreland1956Current Affairs Bulletin vol. 18 No. 12
182N/AA Run Ashore at Queenstown (Incomplete)1884Harpers New Monthly Magazine No. CCCCXII vol. LXIX
182Salaman, Redcliffe N.The Influence of the Potato on the Course of Irish History1943Tenth Finlay Memorial Lecture
182Seymour, H.J.Centenary of the First Geological Survey Made in Ireland1944Economic Proceedings of Royal Dublin Society v. 3 No. 17
182Shearman, HughNorthern Ireland1962His Majesty's Stationary Office
182Shearman, HughNorthern Ireland1946His Majesty's Stationary Office
182N/AUlster, Ireland. Ulster To-day1946
182Whelan, BlakePalaeolithic Question in Ireland1933Report of the 16th International Geological Congress
183Adams, James TruslowOn the Term "British Empire"1922The American Historical Review, vol. XXVII No. 3
183Bowen, Sir George FergusonThe Federation of the British Empire1889The Royal Colonial Institute Second Edition
183N/ABritish Colonial Development1940The Crown Colonist
183Coloquhoun, Archibald R.English Policy in the Far East1885London-Field & Tuer
183Cornish, VaughanThe Geographical Position of the British Empire1925Empire Review No. 296 (2 copies)
183Dix, ArthurEngland am Indischen Ozean1923Velhagen & Klasing's Monetshefte
183Dorner, FriedrichDas britische Weltreich und seine geographischen Grundlagen1926Erdkundliches Gehen und Verstehen
183Hailey, LordBritain and Her Dependencies1943Longhams' Pamphlets on the British Common Wealth
183Harlow, VincentThe British Colonies1944Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs No. 68
183Heyes, J.F.Two Articles Contributed to "Imperial Federation"1887
183Morrell, W.P.A Select List of Books Relating to the History of the British Commonwelath and Empire Overseas1944The Historical Association
183N/ANote on the Conference by the Press Committee1945British Commonwealth Relations Conference
183Stavenhagen, W.Hauptman, a. D.Die kustenverteidigung des Britischen Weltreichs1911Jahrbuchen fur die deutsche Armee und Marine #481
184Lugard, LordBritish Colony Policy1941Britain To-day No. 67
184Muir, RamsayThe Character of the British Empire1917London, Constable and Company Limited
184Oberhummer, EugenDas britische Weltreich und die imperialistischen staaten bildungen fruher zeit1920
184N/APlanning: Prospects for Migration. People for the Commonwealth1944Planning No. 226
184Steel, Robert W.An Inventory of Land and People1960Journal of African Administration vol. XII No. 4
184Thornhill, John BensleyThe Empire at a Glance1921
184Toymbee, A.J.The New Responsibilities of the British Commonwealth1919Round Table
184Veatch, A.C.Petroleum Resources of Great Britain1920Mining and Metallurgy No. 157
201N/AAmerican Automobile Association. Travel Reading. A Selected
Bibliography Covering the United States, Alaska and Mexico
201N/AAmerican Guide Series and Other Writers Project Publications1940
201Bean, Louis H.Crops, Weather, and the Agricultural Revolution1967The American Statistician vol. 21 No. 3
201Bender, Gordon L. (Editor)Future Environments of Arid Regions of the Southwest1969Committee on Desert & Arid Zones Research Symposium
201Bond, Victor PotterThe Impact of Nuclear Power on the Public: The American Experience1974Rheinisch-Westfalische Akademie der Wissenschaften Vortrage N 238
201Brigham, GeorgesTransportation Tomorrow1969Science and Technology, February
202von Cholnoky, EugenReise in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika1912Bulletin de la Societe Hongroise de Geographie tome XL
202Cholnoky, JenoUtazas az Amerikai Egyesult Allamokban1912Foldrajzi Kozlemenyek XL. Kotet, IX-X fuzetebol
202N/AThe Coal Industry of the United States in 19141915Mining World vol. XLII
202Cole, George WatsonElizabethan Americana1925Bibliographical Essays, Cambridge
202N/ACommunity Action for Natural Beauty1966Citizens' Advisory Committee on Recreation & Natural Beauty
202Daly, Charles P.What Produced the American Revolution1875Oration Delivered at Sag Harbor, NY on the 5th of July
202Davis, John W.The Unguarded Boundaryrec 1921Birmingham and Midland Institute (2 Copies)
202DeVany, Arthur S.Garges, Eleanor H.A Forecast of Air Travel Demand and Airport and Airway Use in 19801971Research Contribution 163 Center for Naval Analyses Institute of Naval Studies
202Evans, E. E.Culture and Land Use in the Old West of North America1966
202Fanning, C.E.Travel in the United States. A Study Outline1916H.W. Wilson Co.
202Joyaux, Georges J. (Editor)Forest's Voyage aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique en 1831 (in English)1956The Louisiana Historic Quarterly vol. XXXIX No. 4
203Haenszel, WilliamVariation in Incidence of and Mortality from Stomach Cancer, with
Particular Reference to the United States
1958Reprinted from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
vol. 21 No. 2
203Hamy, E.T.Les Cartes du Voyage de Chastellux: Cormatin Geographerec 1946Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris
203Hanson, KittyThe 20-Gallon Vacation Guide1974"The News" New York's Picture Newspaper
203Hervey, G.W./ Diamond, L.K.Watson, VirginiaGeographic Blood Group Variability in the United States1951Reprint Journal of the American Medical Assoc v. 145
203Hewes, LeslieThe Conservation Reserve of the American Soil Bank as an Indicator of Regions of Maladjustment in Agriculture, with Particular Reference to the Great Plains1967Sonderdruck aus Festschrift Leopold G. Scheidl zum 60. Geburtstag II. Teil, Wien
203Hewings, Geoffry J.D.Regional Input-Output Analysis in the United States: A Bibliography1970U. of Kent at Canterbury Centre for Research in the Social
Sciences, Disc. Paper No. 3
204Hill, Roland L.Hillsway. The Best Places to Eat and Stay in the U.S.A.1951
204Hrdlicka, AlesThe Old White Americans1917Extract from Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Americanists, Washington
204Jefferson, MarkWher Men Live in North America1908Western Journal of Education, February
204Jorgensen, ArneLews Evans' Karta over Pehr Kalms Resor1936Nordisk Tidskrift for Bokoch Biblioteks Vasen, Arg. XXIII
204Judah, Samuel BernardA Journal of Travel from New York to Indiana in 18271921Indiana Magazine of History, vol. XVII No. 4
204Kain, John F.Theories of Residential Locations and Realities of Race1969Program on Regional and Urban Economics, Discussion Paper No. 47
204N/AInstitute of Gas Technology. The Role of Gas in a National Energy
1973IIT Center, Chicago, Illinois
205Lee, SydneyThe Call of the West. America and Elizabethan England1907Scribner's vol. XLI.-55
205Leopold, Luna B.Review of studies of hillslopes - U.S.A.1970
205Lowenthal, DavidIs Wilderness "Paradise Enow?" Images of Nature in America1964Columbia University Forum, vol. VIII
205Lowenthal, DavidThe Place of the Past in the American Landscaperec 1974University College London
205Marinelli, OlintoUn viaggio d'istruzione negli Stati Uniti d'America1913Rivista Geografica Italiana, Anno XX
205McKay, JamesExtract from the Manuscript Journal of James McKay Relating his Travels into the Interior Parts of North Americarec 1892
205N/AMan in His Environment1968Social Action vol. XXXIV no. 9
206N/ANational Register of Historic Places1969Federal Register v. 34 No. 37 Part II Dept. of the Interior
206Nichols, George E.The International Phytogeographic Excursion in America1914Reprinted from Torreya, vol. 14 No. 4
206Nostrand, Richard L."Mexican American" and "Chicano": Emerging Terms for a People Coming of Age1973Reprint from Pacific Historical Review The Chicano vol. XLII No. 3
206Partsch, J.Die Transcontinentale Exkursion der Americanischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 22. August bis 18. Oktober 19121913Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin
206Perret, Maurice E.Amtrak. Les services voyageurs des chemins de fer americains1972Tirage a part de "Geographica Helvetica" 27, pp. 171/172
206N/ARecreation in the Nation's Cities. Problems and Approaches1968National League of Cities Department of Urban Studies
207de Reul, PaulImpressions d'Amerique1926Revue de l'universite de Bruxelles 31 annee, No. 3
207Rosengarten, J.G.Achenwall's Observations on North America, 17671903Reprint Pennsylvania Magazine of History & Biography
207Schleiden, R.Reise Erinnerungen aus den Vereinigten Staaten von America1873
207Scott, Robert F.Turn Right at the Red Barn1965Petroleum Today v. 6 no. 2 Spring
207Sheldon, Andrew L.A Quantitative Approach to the Classification of Inland Waters1971
207Shore, William B.What do the People Want?1974Reprint of Ch. 4 "The Good Earth of America: Planning our Land Use." Columbia University
207Swanson, Ernst W.Travel and the National Parks: an Economic Study1969
208Thrower, Norman J.W.Cadastral Survey and County Atlases of the United States1972Reprint from The Cartographic Journal
208N/ATravel Figures for Parks in all Sections of Country in Attached Tables1939United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service Division of Information
208Turk, HermanInterorganizational Activation in Urban Communities: Deductions from the Concept System1973American Sociological Association Rose Monograph Series
208N/AU.S. Commission on Population Growth and the American Future1971
208Velikonja, JosephToday's America -- Land of Contrast1968Public Lecture presented at University of Liverpool
208Winger, John G/Emerson, John DGunning, Gerald D.Outlook for Energy in the United States1970Energy Division The Chase Manhattan Bank
208Young, John EdwardFrom Central Illinois to the Shenandoah Valley in 18431932Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society v. XXV No.3
208Zelinsky, WilburUnited States of America1974From the Fifteenth Edition Of Encyclopedia Britannica
209Adams, Charles FrancisLee's Centennial1907
209Andrews, E. BenjaminA History of the Last Quarter-Century in the United States1895Scribner's Magazine vol. XVII
209N/AHarvard Reading List in American History1936Compliments of the Associated Harvard Clubs Alumni Ed.
210Biggerstaff, KnightThe Far East and the United States1943Cornell Univ. Curriculum Series in World History No. 2
210Brooks, NoahThe Beginnings of American Parties1895Scribner's vol. XVIL-6
210Broshar, HelenThe First Push Westward of the Albany Teachers1920Mississippi Valley Historical Review
210Brown, Lloyd A.Manuscript Maps in the William K. Clements Library1941The American Neptune, vol. I
210N/APartial List of Individual Railroad Histories1957Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington D.C.
211N/AAction for Outdoor Recreation for America. A Digest Report of the
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review for Commission, with Suggestions for Citizen Action
1963Citizens Committee for the Outdoor Recreation. Resources Review. Commission Report
211Cady, John F.Western Opinion and the War of 18121924Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly vol. XXXIII
211Clews, HenryEngland and Russia in our Civil War, and the War Between Russian and Japann.d.The North American Review vol. CLXXVIII No. 571
211Cogswell, EdwardRecollections of Army Life1883Continent, Feb. 28
211Crist, Raymond E.Chardon, Carlos E.Intercultural Colonial Policies in the Americas: Iberians and Britons in the New World1947American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 6
211Cummings, J.E.The Burning of Sauk-E-Nuk. The Westernmost Battle of the Revolution1927Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society v. XX No. 1
211N/AThe Centennial Celebration of American Independence at Canton, China, on the 4th of July, 18761876"Daily Advertiser"
211Devoto, BernardAnabasis in Buckskin1940Harpers Magazine, no. 1078
211Daly, Charles P.Are the Southern Privateersmen Pirates? A Letter to the Hon. Ira Harris, United States Senator1862
211Douglas, S.A.The War with Mexico and the Boundary of the Rio Grande1848
211N/AAn English Nation [Virginia]1883Harpers New Monthly Magazine, 46
211Faust, Albert B.Swiss Emigration to the American Colonies in the Eighteenth Century1916The American Historical Review, vol. XXII No. 1
211N/AFederal Writers' Project. A Bid for Liberty1937Philadelphia American Guide Series M, CM, XXXVII
211Frijs, Herman R.Bibliography to Accompany the Paper on The Role of Waterways as Migration Routes by our Pioneer Forebears in the United States Prior to 1860rec 1969The National Archives and Records Service. Washington, D.C.
211Finley, JohnThe French in the Heart of America1912Scribner's Vol. LII.-32
211Fischer, AugustBeitrage zur Entstehungsgeschichte der ersten Kolonien in Nordamerika, Westindien und Sudamerika1914Publikationen der Exportakademie des k.k. Osterr. Handelsmuseums, Wien
211Fish, Carl RussellRamsdell, Charles W.The Northern Railroads, April 1861/The Confederate Government and the Railroads1917The American Historical Review vol. XXII No. 4
211Fiske, JohnThe Romance of the Spanish and French Explorers1882Harpers New Monthly Magazine, 67
211N/AThe French Voyageurs1883Harpers New Monthly Magazine, vol. LXVI No. 394
211Fries, Adelaide L.The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence as Mentioned in Records of Wachovia1906Winston-Salem, North Carolina
211Greene, Francis V.The United States Army1901Scribner's vol. XXX.-32
211Greenhill, BasilThe Great Migration Crossing the Atlantic under Sail1968National Maritime Museum
211Harley, Brian J.The American Revolution Maps of William Faden1966Reprint Year Book of the American Philosophical Society
212Hackett, Charles W.The Delimitation of Political Jurisdictions in Spanish North America to
1918Reprint from The Hispanic American Historical Review
vol. I No. 1
212Hale, William BayardGreat Britain and American Ships1914Reprinted from The New York Times, December 31st
212Hart, Albert BushnellThe Cradle of Liberty1918The Mentor, vol. 6 N. 10
212Hazard, Henry R.The Immigration and Nationality Systems of the United States of America1953Reprinted from Federal Rules Decisions
212Heaton, HerbertThe Industrial Immigrant in the United States, 1783-18121951Proceedings of American Philosophical Society v.95 No.5
212Henin, H.L.American Historical Oration1929Reprint
212Henry, Robert S.The Railroad Land Grant Legend in American History Texts1945Mississippi Valley Historical Review vol. XXXII
212Heslin, James J.The Republic of Allegania. An Adventure of the New York Historical Society1967The New York Historical Society Quarterly, vol. LI
212N/AThe History of the Negotiations in Reference to the Eastern and Northeastern Boundaries of the United States1841An Article Published in the New York Review for January
212Hodder, Frank HeywoodPropoganda as a Source of American History1922Mississippi Valley Historical Review vol. IX No. 1
213Dunbar, E.E.American Pioneering, an Address Before The Travelers' Club1863Travelers' Club Paper No. 1
213Lamb, Martha J.The American Life-Saving Service1882Harpers, 64
213N/ALetters and Manuscripts of all of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence1871
213Lowenthal, DavidThe American Way of History1966The Columbia University Forum, vol. IX
213Mahan, A.T.The Naval Campaign of 176 on Lake Champlain1898Scribner's vol. XXIII.-17
213Mead, EllwoodTenant Farming in the United States1917The City Club Bulletin, vol. X
213Merrens, H. RoyHistorical Geography and Early American History1965The William and Mary Quarterly, vol. XXII
213Mood, FulmerThe Concept of the Frontier, 1871-1898. Comments on a Select List of Source Documents1945Agricultural History vol. 19
213N/AThe National Foreign Trade Council: Its Purpose, Personnel, Accomplishments1918
213N/AOfficial Summary of Electoral Votes Cast for Each President of the United States of America1919
213N/AOperations at and Near Hampton During War of 18121929Virginia Magazine of History & Biography v. XXXVII No.1
213N/ALa Royale, Part VII1874
214N/ABibliography on the Monroe Doctrine1924The Library of the Pan American Union
214Paxson, Frederic L.Washington and the Western Fronts 1753-17951932Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society v. XXIV No.4
214Rantoul, Robert S.The Cruise of "Quero" How We Carried the News to the King1899The Century Magazine vol. LVIII-83
214Riegel, R.E.The Missouri Pacific Railroad to 18791923Missouri Historical Review
214Rippy, J. FredThe Negotiations of the Gadsden Treaty1923The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, vol. XVII
214Robinson, Morgan PoitiauxThe Evolution of the Mason and Dixon Line1902Reprinted from Oracle Magazine, Richmond, Virginia
214Roosevelt, TheodoreMad Anthony Wayne's Victory1896Harpers New Monthly Magazine
214Roth, Lawrence V.William Knox on American Taxation, 1769rec 1917Old South Leaflets No. 210, London
214N/AThe St. Thomas Treaty. A Series of Letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser1869
214Schafer, JosephTurner's Frontier Philosophy1933The Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. XVI No. 4
214Schmidt, Louis BernardThe Influence of Wheat and Cotton on Anglo-American Relations During the Civil War1918Iowa Journal of History and Politics
214N/AThe Second Generation of Englishmen in America1883Harpers New Monthly Magazine, vol. LXVII No. 398.-14
214Shelton, W.H.A Hard Road to Travel Out of Dixie1890The Century Magazine
214Sherrill, Charles H.French Memories of Eighteenth-Century America. Dancing and Other Social Customs1915Scribner's vol. LVII.-50
214Siegfried, Francis P.An Old Frontier of France1918American Catholic Hist. Soci. of Philadelphia v. XXIX No.2
215Smith, Guy-HaroldWeather Conditions During Washington's Western Journey of 17701933The Ohio Journal of Science, vol. XXXIII No. 1
215Smith, Justin H.La Republica de Rio Grande1920The American Historical Review vol. XXV
215Tappan, BenjaminThe Northern Boundary of Mainen.d.
215Tappert, Theodore G.Language and Legislation1939The Lutheran vol. XXII No. 7
215Thompson, DavidRemarks on the Maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie1899Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Results vol. I
215Turner, Frederick JacksonThe Significance of the Section in American History1925The Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. VIII No. 3
215Udall, Stewart L.Our Changing Mineral Outlook1966Mining Congress Journal
215N/AUnited States "History" as the Yankee Makes and Takes It By a Confederate Soldier1900Third Edition
215Welling, James C.The Land Politics of the United States1888New York Historical Society
215Whitaker, Arthur P.Reede and Forde: Merchant Adventurers of Philadelphia Their Trade with Spanish New Orleans1937Offprint from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography vol. LXI No. 3
215Wilson, JamesOn the Improvement and Settlement of Lands in the United States1946The Free Library of Philadelphia
215Wilson, WoodrowIn Washington's Day1896Harpers New Monthly Magazine vol. XCII.-No.548.-19
215Wright, John K.The American Geographical Society 1852-19521952The Scientific Monthly
216Breckinridge, MaryLetter to the Superintendent of [a] Maternity Hospital in London1929
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216Connolly, James B.The Navy in Review1906Scribner's vol. XL .-73
216N/AThe Cruise of the Somers Illustrative of the Despotism of the Quarter Deck; and of The Unmannly Conduct of Commander Mackenzie1844
216Davis, W.T.Who Were the Pilgrims?1882Harpers New Monthly Magazine
216Evans, WaldoThe Development and Growth of the American Navy1925U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 51 No. 272
216Seaman, Louis L.Important Changes in the Organization of the Medical Department of the United States Army1908Reprint from New York Medical Journal
216Stanley, AlbertThe Wilkes Expedition1971Reprint NOAA U.S. Department of Commerce v. 1 No. 4
216Waite, Henry E.Origin of the American Navy1890New England Historic Genealogical Society
217White, Robert C.National Gazetteers of the United States1970Reprinted from Names vol. 18 No. 1
218Aaronson, AaronThe Discovery of Wild Wheat and its Possibilities for the United States1913The City Club Bulletin, vol. VI No. 9
218Abramovitz, MosesResource and Output Trends in the United States Since 18701956Natnl Bureau of Econ. Research, Inc. Occasional Paper 52
218Achert, JosephMeine Reise nach Nordamerika1848
218Ackerman, Edward A.Questions for Designers of Futur Water Policy1956Journal of Farm Economics, vol. XXXVIII
218Adamic, LouisAliens and Alien-Baiters1936Harpers Magazine, vol. 173
218Adams, Cyrus C.Some Phases of Future Geographical Work in America1907American Geographical Society Bulletin vol. XXXIX
218Adams, James TruslowAmerica's Opportunity How We Lost it & How We May Regain It1932Scribner's
218N/AAge Distribution and Relative Earning Capacity of Our American Population1928Statistical Bulletin, vol. IX No. 8
218Agnew, Allen F.State and Federal Geological Surveys. Their History and Growth1968State Geologists Journal vol. 20 No. 2
218Albig, W. EspeyRecession in Industry Affects School Savings Banking1930American Bankers Association
218Albig, W. EspeySavings Withstand Depression Admirably1931Savings Division - American Bankers Association
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218Allen, Durward L.Population, Resources and the Great Complexity1969Population Reference Bureau, Selection No. 29
218N/AAmerican Automobile Association. Climatic Guide1950
218N/AAmericans on the Highway. A Survey of the Trends of Tourist Travel1937American Automobile Association
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218N/AAmerican Bankers Association. Domestic and Foreign Affairs. A Report of Developments Having a Bearing upon the Commerce of the United States1929
218N/AAmerican Bankers Association. Economic Policy Commission. A Study of Group and Chain Banking1929
218N/AAmerican Bankers Association. Report of the Economic Policy Commission1932
218N/AAmerican Dialects/Arid-Land Farming1930Science, Supplement
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218N/AAmerican Friends Service Committee. Refugee Facts. A Study of the German Refugee in Americarec 1939
218N/AAmerican Geography: Inventory and Prospect1956Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
218N/AAmerican Institute of Planners. Committee on Urban Transportation. Urban Freewaysrec 1947
218N/AAmerican Iron and Steel Institute: Charting Steel's Progress. A Graphic Facts Book on the Iron and Steel Industry1956
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218N/AAmerican Library Association. A Plan of Development for National Park Libraries1933
218N/AAmerican Library Association. The United States. A Short Reading List of Popular Books1922
218N/AAmerican Manufacturers Export Association. Foreign Trade and
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218Anderson, George J.How Much Coal is Enough?1928The Atlantic Monthly
218Anderson, WilliamThe Units of Government in the United States. An Enumeration and An1934Public Administration Service No. 42
218Antevs, ErnstClimate and Early Man in North America1937Reprinted from the book Early Man
218Antevs, ErnstClimates of the Last Glaciation in North America1934American Journal of Science, vol. XXVIII
218Antevs, ErnstClimatic Variations During the Last Glaciation in North America1938Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 19
218Antevs, ErnstDisappearance of the Last Ice Sheet in North America1932Geol. Foren. Forhandl.
218Antevs, ErnstSista Istackets forsvinnande i Nordamerika1926
218N/AAnthracite Coal Production1907Reprinted from The Coal Trade Journal
218Appleton, NathanEurope and America in 18701870
218N/AAre Small Towns Doomed? By a Village Trustee1934American Mercury
218N/AArtists' Railroad Excursion over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad1859Harpers New Monthly Magazine, vol. XIX
218Ashley, Geo. H.Our Youthful Scenery1931Bulletin of the Geological Society of America vol. 42
218N/AThe Association of American Railroads1934Railway Age
218N/AAssoc. of American Railroads. List of Maps Showing Railway Lines1950
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218N/ABabson Institute of Business Administration. Your Land and My Landrec 1941
218Bache, A.D.Tide Tables for the Principal Sea Ports of the United States1855
218Baggli, W.Struktur und Strukturwandlungen in der amerikanischen Landwirtschaft1933Schweizerische Landwirtschaftliche Monatshefte Nr. 11
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260Harper, Roland M.The Regional Geography of South Carolina. Illustrated by Census Statisticsrec 1920Reprinted from the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society vol. XXXV Nos. 3 and 4
260Harrison, FairfaxAgriculture in the Piedmont Counties of South Carolina1915
260Johnson, DouglasMysterious Craters of the Carolina Coast1944American Scientist vol. 32 No. 1
260Matthews, Velma D.The Ferns and Fern Allies of South Carolina1940American Fern Journal, vol. 30 No. 3
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261N/AAnderson After the War1945Anderson Chamber of Commerce, Post-War Planning
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261N/ASouvenir of the Great Earthquake at Charleston, SC August 31, 18861886Southern Directory and Publishing Co.
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262Banow, David C. Jr.A Georgia Plantation1881Scribner's vol. 21
262Bederman, Sanford H.Miller, James R.Database Complexities and Problems in the Atlanta S.M.S.A.: a Plea for Standardization1973Atlanta Economic Review vol. 23 No. 5
262Branson, E.C.Farm Prosperity in Forsyth. The City and the Country End of the Problem1917Board of Trade, Winston-Salem, NC
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262Derry, Joseph T.The Story of Georgia1913Instructor Literature Series No. 509
262Fisher, James S.Tenancy and Crop Allotment on the Georgia Piedmont1968Chicago Circle Studies vol. III No. 1
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262N/AGeorgia. Keystone of the Growing South1953The New York Times Section 10
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262de Graffenried, ClareThe Georgia Cracker in the Cotton Mills1891The Century Magazine vol. XLI No. 4
262Green, Philip J.Secession in Georgia, 1860-18611927Quarterly Journal, University of North Dakota v. 17 No. 3
262N/AGrowing Atlanta 1946-19541951Metropolitan Planning Commission, Atlanta
262N/AGrowing Hay in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 71 (2 copies)
262N/AGrowing Peanuts in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 66
262N/AGrowing Sweet Potatoes in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 67
262Harper, Roland M.Georgia's Climatic Zones1937Reprinted from Atlanta Constitution, vol. 69 No. 212
262Harper, Roland M.The Altamaha Grit Region in December1912Reprinted from The Plant World vol. 15 No. 10
262Harper, Roland M.Development of Agriculture in Lower Georgia from 1890 to 1920 With a Summary for the Whole State, 1850 to 19201922The Georgia Historical Quarterly vol. VI No. 4
262Harper, Roland M.Development of Agriculture in Upper Georgia from 1890 to 19201922The Georgia Historical Quarterly vol. VI No. 3
262Harper, Roland M.The Distribution of Illiteracy in Georgia and Its Significance1919Reprinted from the High School Quarterly vol. 7
262Harper, Roland M.Early Spring Aspects of the Coastal Plain Vegetation of South Carolina, Georgia, and Northeastern Florida1911From the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 38
262Harper, Roland M.Four Maps of Georgia1919University Items
262Harper, Roland M.Geographical Distribution of the Alumni1927Georgia Alumni Record
262Harper, Roland M.Georgia Coastal Plain Geology and Physiography1914Reprinted from Bulletin of the AGS vol. XLVI No. 12
262Harper, Roland M.Georgia Occupation Statistics for 19301931Reprinted from the Macon Telegraph
262Harper, Roland M.Health Conditions in Georgia's Wet and Dry Counties1937Reprinted from the Hartwell Sun
262Harper, Roland M.A New Method of Mapping Complex Geographical Features1918School Science and Mathematics vol. 18 No. 8
262Harper, Roland M.A New Method of Mapping. Complex Geographical Features Illustrated by Some Maps of Georgia1918School Science and Mathematics vol. 18 No. 8
262Harper, Roland M.Okefinokee Swamp1909Popular Science Monthly
262Harper, Roland M.Some Neglected Aspects of the Campaign Against Swamps1907Southern Woodlands vol. 2
262Harper, Roland M.Some Vanishing Scenic Features of the Southeastern United States1919Reprinted from Natural History vol. XIX No. 2
262Harper, Roland M.A Statistical Study of the Aristocracy of Athens1930Reprinted from the Athens Banner Herald
262Harper, Roland M.Two Undescribed Types of Rock Outcrop Vegetation in Georgia1929Separately printed from Torreya, 29: 125-130
262Harper, Roland M.The Wire-Grass1911Savannah Morning News
262Hart, John FraserThe Range Cattle Complex in Georgia1955Assoc. of American Geographers Memo. Folio v. VII-II
262von Herrmann, C.F.The Climate of Atlanta, Georgiarec 1916U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Weather Bureau
262N/AHighlights of Business Activity1949Georgia Business, vol. IX No. 2
262Hillyer, GeorgeBoundary Between Georgia and South Carolina1917The Georgia Historical Quarterly vol. 1 No. 2
262N/AThe Industrial Bureau. Key to Atlanta1925Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
262Ireland, H. Andrew"Lyell" Gully, a Record of a Century of Erosion1939Reprinted from The Journal of Geology, vol. XLVII No. 1
262Johnson, Douglas W.River Capture in the Tallulah District, Georgia1907Reprinted from Science, N.S. vol. XXV No. 637
262Johnson, Douglas W.Drainage Modifications in the Tallulah District1907Proceedings of Boston Soc. of Natural History v. 33 No. 5
262Johnston, R.M.Middle Georgia Rural Life1892Century Magazine vol. XLIII
262Jones, Charles C. Jr.DeSoto's March Through Georgia1880Read Before the Georgia Historical Society
262Long, DavidEconomic Foundations of Prosperity, Carroll County, Georgiarec 1925Carroll County Trade Board
262N/AManual and Syllabuses for Elementary Schools. Geography1922Commonwealth of PA Dept. of Public Instruction
262N/AMarriage and Divorce in Georgia1926The Associated Press
262McCreery, R.A.and OthersPhysiographic Zones in Georgia1970GHD Research Project No. 6907
262McGregor, John R.Water Requirements of Selected North Georgia Manufacturing Industries1969University of Georgia
262N/AMetropolitan Planning Commission. Metropolitan Atlanta: A Factual Inventory1951
262N/APasturage in Georgian.d.Farm Bulletin No. 72
262N/APoultry Raising in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 65
262Pride, J.A.The Rich Farm Lands of South Georgiarec 1917Seaboard Air Line Railway
262Prunty, Merle Jr.Why Does Southern Youth Migrate1949The Georgia Review vol. III No. 3
262N/ARaising Live Stock in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 68
262Ross, MaryThe Restoration of the Spanish Missions in Georgia 1598-16061926Reprinted from The Georgia Historical Quarterly
262Ross, MaryWith Pardo and Boyano on the Fringes of the Georgia Land1930Reprint from Georgia Historical Quarterly v. XIV No.4
262Smith, Howard R.Hart, J. FraserGeorgia's Representatives and the Tariff1955Georgia Business, vol. XV No. 3
262Thomson, M.T.The Grist Mill in Georgia1953Reprinted from The Georgia Review vol. VII No. 3
262Thomson, M.T.Surface Water Resources of Metropolitan Atlanta1951Metropolitan Planning Commission, Atlanta
262Thornton, Ella MayA List of Books of Special Georgia Interest1939Book Week
262N/ATruck Farming in Georgiarec 1925Farm Bulletin No. 60
262Wacht, Richard F.Economic Determinants of Physician Distribution in Georgia1973Atlanta Economic Review vol. 23 No. 5
262Wright, Albert H.Harper, FrancisA Biological Reconnaissance of Okefinokee Swamp: The Birds1913The Auk, vol. XXX No. 4
262Zelinsky, WilburThe Greek Revival House in Georgiarec 1954Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XIII, 2
262Zelinsky, WilburAn Isochronic Map of Georgia Settlement, 1750-18501951Reprint from Georgia Historical Quarterly v. XXXV No.3
262Zelinsky, WilburA Selected Bibliography of Published Materials Relevant to the Geography of the State of Georgia1950
262Zuber, Leo J.Planning in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area1950Reprinted from Short Contributions to the Geology,
Geography, & Archaeology of Georgia Bulletin 56
263Adams, Joseph H.Climate and Sunshine in the Miami Zone. Miami, Florida1932
263Beazley, Jon S.Report on State-Wide Surveying and Mapping1955Journal, Florida Engineering Society vol. IX No. 4
263Beazley, Jon S.State Road Department Re-Mapping Program1948Florida Highways
263Beathea, FlorenceThe Everglades. A List of Selected References in the Library1950Florida State University Library
263Bingham, Millicent ToddLa Floride du Sud-Est et la Ville de Miami1932Melanges Geographiques
263Brevard, Caroline MaysFloridan.d.
263N/ABrief History of the Proposed Everglades National Park up to February 15, 19321932
263Bullen, Ripley P.Sleight, Frederick W.Archaeological Investigations of the Castle Windy Midden Florida1959The William L. Bryant Foundation, American Studies Report Number One
263Bullen, Ripley P.Sleight, Frederick W.Archaeological Investigations of Green Mound Florida1960William L. Bryant Found., American Studies Report No.2
263N/ACentral Florida Flood Control District1961Annual Report
263Charlier, Roger H.Overzicht van de Geografie der Floridaamse Heide1955Calmpthoutania, Zevende jaargang Nummer 3, 155
263Dachnowski-Stokes, Alfred P.Peat Profiles of the Everglades in Florida: the Stratigraphic Features of the "Upper"Everglades and Correlation with Environmental Changes1930Reprinted from the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 20 No. 6
263Dachnowski-Stokes, Alfred P.Allison, R.V.A Preliminary Note on Blue-Green Algal Marl in Southern Florida in Relation to the Problem of Coastal Subsidence1928Reprinted from the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 18 No. 17
263Detwiler, John V.Notes on the Fishing Industry of Eastern Floridan.d.Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission
263Detwiler, John V.Notes on the Fishing Industry of Eastern Florida. Experimental Oyster- Culturerec 1932Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission
263Diettrich, Sigismond deR.Florida's Climatic Extremes: Cold Spells and Freezesrec 1950Economic Geography
263Diettrich, Sigismond deR.Florida's Non-Metropolitan Urban Growth 1930-19501953Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Science v.16
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263Dodge, Charles RichardsSubtropical Floridan.d.The Century Magazine vol. XV
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263N/AFederal Writers' Project, Works Progress Administration. Seeing St. Augustine1937American Guide Series
263N/AFlorida. A Good Sign of Growing Industry1955The New York Times Section 10
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263N/AFlorida in the 1850s1967Orlando Sentinel-Star
263N/AFlorida's State Parks Invite Yourec 1950
263N/AThe Florida Story1952Manufacturers Record
263Gano, Laura CampbellA Study in Physiographic Ecology in Northern Florida1917The Botanical Gazette
263Geiger, MaynardThe Early Franciscans in Florida and Their Relation to Spain's Colonial Effort1936George Washington University Press
263Goggin, John M.Archeological Notes on Lower Fisheating Creek1951Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. IV Nos. 3-4
263Goggin, John M.Archeological Sites in the Everglades1952University of Florida Laboratory Notes: 2
263Goggin, John M.Cultural Occupation of Goodland Point, Florida1949Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. II Nos. 3-4
263Goggin, John M.Cultural Traditions in Florida. Prehistory1949The Florida Indian and His Neighbors
263Goggin, John M.Florida Archaeology - 19501950Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. III Nos. 1-2
263Goggin, John M.Florida Archaeology and Recent Ecological Changes1948Reprint, Journal of Washington Acad of Sciences v.38 #7
263Goggin, John M.Fort Pupo: A Spanish Frontier Outpost1951Reprint, The Florida Historical Quarterly vol. XXX No. 2
263Goggin, John M.An Historic Indian Burial, Alachua County, Florida1949Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. II Nos. 1-2
263Goggin, John M.Manifestations of a South Florida Cult in Northwestern Florida1947Reprint from American Antiquity vol. 12 No. 4
263Goggin, John M.A Preliminary Definition of Archaeological Areas and Periods in Florida1947Reprint from American Antiquity vol. 13 No. 2
263Goggin, John M.A Revised Temporal Chart of Florida Archaeology1948Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. I Nos. 3-4
263Goggin, John M.Stratigraphic Tests in the Everglades National Park1950Reprint from American Antiquity vol. 15 No. 3
263Goggin, John M.The Snapper Creek Site1950Reprint, The Florida Anthropologist, vol. III Nos. 3-4
263Gorsine, D.S.Dynamic Characteristics of West Florida Gulf Coast Beaches1966Marine Geology vol. 4
263Griffin, John W.Digging Up Florida's Past1947Florida Highways Magazine, vol. 15
263Griffin, John W.Green Mound - A Chronological Yardstick1948Reprinted from The Florida Naturalist vol. XXII No. 1
263Griffin, John W.History Along Florida Roads…1949Florida Highways
263Griffin, John W.Smith, Hale G.Nocoroco. A Timucua Village of 1605 Now in Tomoka State Park1949Reprint the Florida Historical Quarterly v. XXVII No. 4
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263Harper, Roland M.Birth and Death Rates in Florida1924
263Harper, Roland M.A Botanically Remarkable Locality in the Tallahassee Red Hills of Middle Florida1925Reprinted from Torreya, vol. 25
263Harper, Roland M.The Fern Grottoes of Citrus County, Florida1916Reprinted from American Fern Journal, 6
263Harper, Roland M.History of Soil Investigation in Florida and Description of the New Soil Map1926Seventeenth Annual Report of the Florida State Geological Survey
263Harper, Roland M.An Inventory of Florida's Forests and the Outlook for the Future1916Quarterly Bulletin of the Florida Department of Agriculture vol. 26 No. 2
263Harper, Roland M.A Middle Florida Cedar Swamp1926Reprinted from Torreya, vol. 26
263Harper, Roland M.Productivity of the Soil of Florida and Various Other Parts of the United States, Illustrated by Statistics1920Florida Quarterly Bulletin of the Agricultural Department vol. 30 No. 4
263Harper, Roland M.Relation of Water Level to Bird Nesting Sites in Florida1927Reprinted from The Auk, vol. 44
263Harper, Roland M.Religion and Family Size. Composition of Families in Different Religious Dominations in Tallahassee, Florida1928Reprinted from the Journal of Heredity vol. XIX No. 4
263Harper, Roland M.The River-Bank Vegetation of the Lower Apalachicola and a New Principle Illustrated Thereby1911Reprinted from Torreya, vol. 11 No. 11
263Harper, Roland M.Some Statistics of Automobile Traffic into Florida1925Florida Highways, vol. II No. 8
263Hefny, M.B.A Climatic Study in Florida1952Reprint Bulletin of Faculty of Arts, Fouad U v. XIV Pt. II
263Heilprin, AngeloExplorations on the West Coast of Florida and in the Okeechobee Wilderness1886Wagner Free Institute of Science
263Henn, WilliamCaught on a Lee Shore. Pleasures and Perils of a Cruise on the Florida Coast1893The Century Magazine, vol. XLVI
263N/AHighlighting Miami's Parade of Progress1953Miami Daily News Magazine
263Hill, Nicholas S. Jr.New Water Supply System at Tampa, Florida1926Reprinted from the Journal of New England Water Works Association vol. XL No. 2
263Hilton, WilliamA Relation of a Discovery lately made on the Coast of Floridarec 1876
263N/A[History of Florida] Florida Highways1945Reprint Centennial Number
263Holder, C.F.Game Fishes of the Florida Reef1891The Century Magazine vol. XLII No. 1
263Holmes, R.S.Variations of the Colloidal Material in Typical Areas of the Leonardtown Silt Loam Soil1928Journal of Agricultural Research vol. 36
263Imbeaux, EdouardLa Fontaine de Jouvence (Silver Spring)1922Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences No. 26 tome 175
263N/AIste Semoli1883The Continent, vol. III No. 10
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263N/AKissimmee, Osceola County, Florida. The Cross-State Cityn.d.
263N/ALakeland, Florida. Opportunity the Year 'Round1925Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
263Lodewich, J. ElsonEffect of Certain Climatic Factors on the Diameter Growth of Longleaf Pine in Western Florida1930Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 41 No. 5
263N/ALeesburg, Florida. The Heart of the Lake Region1925
263Mansfield, G.R.Geological Surveys in Florida State and Federal1935The Florida Conservator
263Manucy, Albert C.Ghost in the Gulf1942The Saturday Evening Post
263Martel, E.A.Les Everglades de la Floride1906La Nature, 34 annee
263Montgomery, R.B.Sea Level Differences Between Key West and Miami, Florida1941Sears Foundation: Journal of Marine Research v. IV No.1
263Olschki, LeonardoPonce de Leon's Fountain of Youth: History of a Geographic Myth1941The Hispanic American Historical Review vol. XXI No. 3
263Paige, SidneyEffect of a Sea-Level Canal on the Ground-Water Level of Florida1936Reprinted from Economic Geology, vol. XXXI No. 6
263N/APalm Beach County Resources Development Board. The New Pictorial Palm Beach County Story1951
263N/APalm Beach Guaranty Company. Spend the Winter in the Palm Beaches as Cheaply as at Homerec 1927
263N/APensacola Florida. The Every Day of the Year Playgroundrec 1926
263N/APublicity Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, Pensacola. Practical Hand Book of Floridarec 1926
263N/ARedland District of Floridan.d.
263Reynolds, Charles B.Give Back Its Lost Dignity to Historical St. Augustine1938
263Reynolds, Charles B.The Landing of Ponce de Leon. A Historical Review1934
263Reynolds, Charles B."The Oldest House in the United States"19213 copies
263Robertson, William B. Jr.Everglades -- The Park Story1959University of Miami Press
263N/AThe Sanctuary and Singing Tower at Mountain Lake, Florida1939Through the Ages
263Sellards, E.H.Classification of the Soils of Florida191312th Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Florida
263Sellards, E.H.Elevations in Florida19135th Annual Report of the FL State Geological Survey
263Sellards, E.H.and OthersThe Natural Resources of an Area in Central Florida19157th Annual Report of the FL State Geological Survey
263Sellards, E.H.Origin of the Hard Rock Phosphate Deposits of Florida19135th Annual Report of the FL State Geological Survey
263Sellards, E.H.The Soils and Other Surface Residual Materials of Florida. Their Origin, Character, and the Formations from which They Derived19124th Annual Report of the FL State Geological Survey
263Sellards, E.H.Gunter, HermanThe Underground Water Supply of West-Central and West Florida19124th Annual Report of the FL State Geological Survey
263Small, John K.Among Floral Aborigines1927Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 28
263Small, John K.A Botanical Excursion to the Big Cypress1920Reprinted from Natural History, 20
263Small, John K.Botanical Exploration in Florida in 19171928Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 19
263Small, John K.The Botanical Fountain of Youth. A Record of Exploration in Florida in April 19201922Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 23
263Small, John K.The Brittle-Thatch -- Thrinax Microcarpa1931Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 32
263Small, John K.The Coconut-Palm -- Cocos Nucifera1929Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 30
263Small, John K.Collecting Prickly-Pears at Apalachicola1918Reprint Journal of the NY Botanical Garden v. XIX No. 217
263Small, John K.Cypress and Population in Florida1920Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 21
263Small, John K.The Everglades1929Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly, 28
263Small, John K.An Everglade Cypress Swamp1933Journal of the NY Botanical Garden vol. XXXIV No. 408
263Small, John K.Exploration in Southern Florida in 19151918Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 17
263Small, John K.Ferns of Tropical Florida1918Reprinted from The American Museum Journal, 18
263Small, John K.Gathering Cacti in the Eastern Coastal Plain. A Record of Botanical Exploration in August 1922Journal of the New York Botanical Garden vol. XXVI No. 311
263Small, John K.Green Deserts and Dead Gardens. A Record of Exploration in Florida in the Spring of 19211923Journal of the New York Botanical Garden vol. XXIV No. 286 (2 copies, 1 a reprint)
263Small, John K.Of Grottoes and Ancient Dunes. A Record of Exploration in December 19181920Reprinted from Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 21
263Small, John K.Historic Trails, by Land and by Water1921Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 22
263Small, John K.Historic Trails, by Land and by Water. A Record of Exploration in Florida in December 19191921Journal of the New York Botanical Garden vol. XXXII No. 263, 264
263Small, John K.The Land of Ferns. The Habitats and Distribution of the Fernworts of Florida1920Reprinted from the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society vol. 11
263Small, John K.Land of the Question Mark1923Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 24
263Small, John K.The Land Where Spring Meets Autumn1924Journal of the New York Botanical Garden vol. XXV No. 291 (2 copies, 1 a reprint)
263Small, John K.Narrative of a Cruise on Lake Okeechobee1918Reprinted from The American Museum Journal, 18
263Small, John K.The Needle Palm Rhapidophyllum Hystrix1923Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 24
263Small, John K.The Prickly Pears of Florida1929Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 20
263Small, John K.Royal Palm Hammock1918Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 17
263Small, John K.Seminole Bread -- The Conti1921Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 22
263Small, John K.The Tree Cacti of the Florida Keys1917Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 18
263Small, John K.Vegetation and Erosion on the Everglade Keys1930Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly vol. XXX
263Small, John K.Wild Pumpkins. Have We Found the Original Home of the Garden Esculent?1922Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 23
263Small, John K.A Winter Collecting Trip in Florida1918Reprinted from Journal of the NY Botanical Garden, 19
263Smith, Hale G.The First Floridians…rec 1950Florida Highways
263Smith, Hale G.Two Historical Archaeological Periods in Florida1948Reprinted from American Antiquity vol. 13 No. 4
263N/ASome Account of Belair, also of the City of Sanford, Florida, with a Brief Sketch of their Founder1889
263St. John, Edward P.More About the Distribution of Ferns in Florida1943American Fern Journal, vol. 33 No. 2
263Stephan, L. LemarGeographic Role of the Everglades in the Early History of Florida1942Reprinted from the Scientifc Monthly vol. LV
263Stephan, L. LemarHistoric-Economic Aspects of Drainage in the Florida Everglades1944Reprinted from the Southern Economic Journal v. X No. 3
263N/ASymposium on the Age and Relations of the Fossil Human Remains Found at Vere, Florida1917Preprinted for Private Circulation Journal of Geology vol. XXV No. 1
263Theaman, John R.The Heaviest Rainfalls of Florida1943
263Truce, David O.Some Early Maps Relating to Floridarec 1955Imago Mundi XI
263N/AUnited States Sugar Corporation. Sugar in the Evergladesrec 1938
263Vaughan, Thomas WaylandThe Building of the Marquenas and Tortugas Atolls and a Sketch of the Geologic History of the Florida Reef Tract1919Publication No. 182 of Carnegie Institution, Washington
263Vaughan, Thomas WaylandThe Results of Investigations of the Ecology of the Floridian and Bahaman Shoal-Water Corals1916Reprinted from The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 2
263Vaughan, Thomas WaylandSketch of the Geologic History of the Florida Coral Reef Tract and Comparisons with Other Coral Reef Areas1914Reprinted from the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. IV No. 2
263Vaughan, T. WaylandSketch of the Geologic History of the Floridian Plateau1910Reprinted from Science, N.S. vol. XXXII No. 809
263Webber, H.J.The Florida Scrub, A Fire-Fighting Association1935American Journal of Botany vol. 22 No. 3
263Wroth, Lawrence C.Source Materials of Florida History in the John Carter Brown Library of Brown University1941Reprinted from Florida Historical Quarterly, vol. XX No. 1
263Zabriskie, George A.Landing of Ponce de Leon in Florida, 15131945NY Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin v. XXIX No. 4
264N/AAlabama Farm Bureau Committee. Progress Rural Electric Service in
rec 1925
264N/AAlabama, "The Heart of the South." Natural Resources, Industries, Agriculture1925
264N/AAlabama Power Company. Alabama's Resources and Industriesrec 1925
264N/AAlabama State Chamber of Commerce. Alabama Vacation Trails. New South Playgrounds. Old South Charmrec 1924
264Andrews, Daniel MarshallDe Soto's Route from Cofitachequi, in Georgia, to Cosa in Alabama1917Alabama Anthropological Society, Misc. Papers No. 3
264N/AChamber of Commerce. Anniston, Alabama. Accurate and Concrete Information Regarding its Natural Resources and Industrial Opportunitiesrec 1925
264Cleland, Herman F.A Pleistocene Peneplain in the Coastal Plain1920Reprinted from The Journal of Geology, v. XXVIII No. 8
264N/AGraphic Comparison of Climatic Conditions of Montgomery, AL and Des Moines, IAn.d.
264Harper, Roland M.The Aquatic Vegetation of Squaw Shoals, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama1914Reprinted from Torreya vol. 14 No. 9
264Harper, Roland M.Alabamans in "Who's Who"1927Reprinted from the Montgomery Advertiser v. 99 no. 359
264Harper, Roland M.Alabama Vital Statistics - Some Comparisons with Other Times/Alabama's Ratings in Vital Statistics1940Reprinted from Anniston times, March 15 and 22
264Harper, Roland M.Analysis of a Recent Magazine Article about Birmingham, Alabama1937From Birmingham Age-Herald
264Harper, Roland M.Asarum and Hexastylis in Alabama and Neighboring States1936Reprinted from Journ. Sp. App. Bot. Club vol. I
264Harper, Roland M.A Botanical Bonanza in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama1922Reprinted from Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society v. XXXVII Nos. 3 and 4
264Harper, Roland M.A Depressed Outlier of the Cumberland Plateau in Alabama and Its Vegetation1937Reprinted from the Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club vol. II
264Harper, Roland M.Distribution of Illiteracy1922From the Montgomery Advertiser vol. 93 No. 99 p. 4
264Harper, Roland M.Duration of Life in Alabama1924From the Montgomery Advertiser
264Harper, Roland M.Farm Incomes in the Black Belt and Other Parts of Alabama in Relation to Soil Fertility1921From the Montgomery Advertiser, vol. 92 No. 231 (2 copies)
264Harper, Roland M.Flora of Claiborne Bluff, Alabamarec 1938
264Harper, Roland M.A Forest Census of Alabama by Geographical Divisions1916Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters v. XI No. 2
264Harper, Roland M.The Forest Regions of Alabama1913Reprinted from The Southern Lumberman
264Harper, Roland M.The Forest Regions of Alabama1913American Forestry vol. XIX No. 10
264Harper, Roland M.Illiteracy in Alabama. Where and Why?1919From the Montgomery Advertiser vol. 90 No. 152
264Harper, Roland M.The Limestone Prairies of Wilcox, Alabama1920Reprinted from Ecology vol. I No. 3
264Harper, Roland M.Marriage Seasons in Mobile and Elsewhere1937Reprinted from Mobile Press
264Harper, Roland M.Montgomery's Feminine Pulchritude as Seen by a Statistician1927Montgomery Advertiser October 7
264Harper, Roland M.A New Heart-Leaf and Other Interesting Plants from Aubauga County, Alabama1924Reprinted from Torreya, 24
264Harper, Roland M.Palms of the Southern Appalachian Region in Alabama1938Reprint from Castanea; Journ. So. App. Bot. Club, v. III
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268.1Yost, Casper S.Missouri and Imperialism1927The Missouri Historical Review vol. XXI No. 4
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269Cooke, Morriw LlewellynPlain Talk About a Missouri Valley Authority1947Reprinted from The Iowa Law Review vol. 32 No. 2
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269Deatherage, Chas. P.Steamboating on the Missouri River in the 'Sixties1924
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269Holt, Edgar A.Missouri River Transportation in the Expansion of the West1926The Missouri Historical Review vol. XX No. 3
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270Bannon, HenryThe Indian's Head1921Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XXX No.1
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270Bennett, JohnBlue Jacket. War Chief of the Shawnees and his Part in Ohio's History1943
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270Brown, Robert M.The Ohio River Floods of 19131913Reprinted from the Bulletin of the AGS v. XLV
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270Burroughs, Wilbur GreeleyEconomic Geology of the Berea Sandstone Formation of Northern Ohio1913Reprinted from Economic Geology vol. VIII No. 5
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270Caren, Henry J.Columbus1953Museum Echoes vol. 26 No. 8 Serial No. 292
270Carney, FrankThe Abandoned Shorelines of the Oberlin Quadrangle, Ohio1910Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Denison University
270Carney, FrankThe Abandoned Shorelines of the Vermillion Quadrangle, Ohio1911Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
270Carney, FrankThe Economic Mineral Products of Ohio1910Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
270Carney, FrankGlacial Erosion on Kelleys Island, Ohio1908From Bulletin of the Geological Society of America v. 20
270Carney, FrankGlaciation in Ohio1910Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
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270Carney, FrankGeographic Influence in the Development of Ohio1909Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly
270Carney, FrankGeographical Influences in the Development of Ohio1911Reprinted from The Journal of Geography v. IX
270Carney, FrankGeographic Conditions in the Early History of the Ohio Country1911Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
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270Carney, FrankThe Relief Features of Ohio1911Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
270Carney, FrankSome Pro-Glacial Lake Shore Lines of the Bellevue Quadrangle, Ohio1913Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVII
270Carney, FrankTransportation in Ohio1910Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XVI
270Carney, FrankValley Dependencies of the Scioto Illinoian Lobe in Licking County, Ohio1907Reprinted from the Journal of Geology vol. XV No. 5
270Chamberlin, Willis ArdenOhio and Western Expansion1922Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XXXI No.3
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270Conrey, G.W.The Soils of the Glacial Lake Region of Northwestern Ohio1926Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. The Bimonthly Bulletin vol. XI No. 6 Whole Number 123
270Coyle, WilliamA Classification of Ohio Place-Names1951The Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly
270Crew, MildredJ.J. Ampere's Journey Through Ohio1951The Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly
270Downes, Randolph ChandlerEvolution of Ohio County Boundaries1927Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XXXVI No.3
270Dudley, Helen M.The Origin of the Name of the Town of Worthington1943OH State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v.LII No.3
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270Faries, ElizabethThe Miami Country, 1750-1815 as Described in Journal and Letters
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270Fordyce, Wellington G.Immigrant Institutions in Cleveland1938The Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XLVII No. 2 (2 copies)
270Fordyce, Wellington G.Nationality Groups in Cleveland Politics1937The Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly
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270Frye, H.E.A Means of Flood Prevention1914Ohio Engineering Society, Rept. 34 and 35
270Galbreath, C.B.Washington's Interest in the Ohio Country1932Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
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270Grant, Kenneth C.Flood Prevention in the Miami Valley1914Ohio Engineering Society, Rept. 34 and 35
270Green, James A.The Map of Hamilton County1926The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly v. XXV No. 2 (2 copies, 1 original, 1 reprint)
270Green, James A.A Visit in 1929 to the Sites in Western Ohio, of Forts Built by Generals Arthur St. Clair, Anthony Wayne and William Henry Harrison1929The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly v. XXXVIII No. 4
270Gregory, William M.Maps in Community Studies1947Reprint 18th Yearbook Natnl Council for Social Studies
270Gregory, W.M.Northern Ohio Geography at the National Education Association1908Reprinted from School Science and Mathematics
270Harrison, Joseph T.The Pillars of Harrison County1922Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly v. XXXI #2
270Henning, Geo. F.The Origin of Livestock and Distance Transported by Truck to Cleveland from Ohio1934Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. The Bimonthly Bulletin vol. XIX No. 167
270Heskett, ClarenceChanging Economies Centered in Eastern Ohio1941Reprint from Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations, v.35
270Higgy, Robert C.Radio Exploration for Burried Valleys in Ohio1943Engineering Experiment Station News vol. XV No. 5
270Hirsch, Arthur H.The Construction of the Miami and Erie Canal1921Mississippi Valley Historical Review Extra Number
270Holt, W.P.The Geography of Ohio1923
270Houser, J.S.Hessian Fly in 19271927Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. The Bimonthly Bulletin vol. XII No. 5 Whole Number 128
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270Hubbard, George D.Illinoian Glaciation in Killbuck Valley South of Millersburg, Ohio1941Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University vol. XXXVI
270Hubbard, George D.Champion, Milton M.Physiographic History of the Five River Valleys in Northern Ohio1921Reprint from the Ohio Journal of Science v. XXV No. 2
270Hubbard, George D.Pre-Cambrian in Ohio1932Reprint from the Ohio Journal of Science v. XXXII No. 6
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270Jones, LyndsBird Migration at Grinnell, Iowa and Oberlin, Ohio1895Reprinted from "The Auk." Vol. XII
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270Kaatz, Martin K.The Black Swamp: A Story in Historical Geography1955Reprint Annals of Assoc. of Amer. Geog. v. XLV No.1
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1941Reprinted from Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations No. 34
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270Mabry, William AlexanderIndustrial Beginnings in Ohio1946OH State Archaeological & Historical Society v. LV No.3
270Martin, EarleThe Crossroads of Commerce1929Trade Winds
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270Melamid, AlexanderGeography and Planning: An Example from Cleveland, Ohio1957Reprinted from The Journal of Geography vol. LVI No. 4
270Moffett, RossThe Raisch-Smith Site, an Early Indian Occupation in Preble County, Ohio1949The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly v. 58 No. 4
270Morgan, Arthur E.Bock, C.A.A History of Flood Control in Ohio1925Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XXXIV No.4
270Morrison, Paul CrossKelleys Island, Ohio: An Economy in Transition1950Reprinted from Economic Geography vol. 26 No. 2
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270Mueller, Zita A.The Ohio River: America's Busy Waterway1952Bulletin of Historical & Philosophical Society OH v.10 #3
270Newcomer, LeeConstruction of the Wabash and Erie Canal1937OH State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. 46 #2
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270N/AOhio Development and Publicity Commission. The Geography of Ohio1949Ginn and Company
270N/AOhio Indian Relic Collectors Society. The Warren County Serpent Mound1954
270N/AThe Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society1939Museum Echoes vol. 12 No. 5
270Overman, William D.Akron1953Museum Echoes vol. 26 No. 11 Serial No. 295
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270Prince, B.F.Early Journeys to Ohio1921OH Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XXX #1
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270N/AQueen and Crescent Route. From the Window. A Description of the Scenery, Industries and Points of Historic Interest1914
270Raup, H.F.The Standardization of Spelling in Ohio Settlement and Stream Names of Indian Origin1967Reprinted from Names vol. 15 No. 1
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270Sears, Paul B.The Natural Vegetation of Ohio1926Reprint OH Journal of Science v. XXV #3 & XXVI #s.3-4
270Sears, Paul B.Pollen Analysis of Mud Lake Bog in Ohio1931Reprinted from Ecology vol. XII No. 4
270Sears, Paul B.A Record of Post-Glacial Climate in Northern Ohio1930Reprint from The Ohio Journal of Science v. XXX No.4
270Sherman, W.J.The Flood of 1913 at Lima and Marietta, Ohio1914Ohio Engineering Society, Rept. 34 and 35
270Smith, Dwight L.An Unsuccessful Negotiation for Removal of the Wyandot Indians from Ohio, 18341949The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly vol. 58 No. 3
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270Smith, Guy-HaroldInterstate Migration as Illustrated by Ohio1929Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia v. 27 No. 4
270Smith, Guy-HaroldWashington Camp Sites on the Ohio River1932OH Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. XLI No. 1
270Smith, J. WarrenPossibility of Recurrence of the Floods of March 19131914Ohio Engineering Society, Rept. 34 and 35
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270Stevens, Harry R.A Study of Notable Ohioansrec 1938Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly
270Stoddard, Paul WakeleeThe Knowledge of Coal and Iron in Ohio Before 18351929OH State Archaeological & Historical Quarterly v. 38 No. 2
270Stout, WilburLamb, G.F.Physiographic Features of Southeastern Ohio1938Reprint from The Ohio Journal of Science v. XXXVIII #2
270Thornthwaite, C.W.Microclimatic Studies in Oklahoma and Ohio1937Reprinted from Science vol. 86 No. 2222
270Thornthwaite, C.W.The Reliability of Rainfall Intensity-Frequency Determinations1937Trans. of American Geophysical Union 18th Meeting
270Vogt, Paul L.Village Growth and Decline in Ohio1915American City, Town and Country
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v. XI No. 5 Whole Number 122
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270White, Charles LangdonThe Iron and Steel Industry of Youngstown, Ohio1930Reprinted from Denison University Bulletin vol. XXV
270White, Charles LangdonLocation Factors in the Iron and Steel Industry of Cleveland, Ohio1929Reprinted from Denison University Bulletin vol. XXIV
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270.1Meyer, Alfred H.Fundament Vegetation of the Calumet Region, Northwest Indiana - Northeast Illinois1952Reprinted from Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters v. XXXVI
270.1Miller, Leonore PaxtonPrinceton -- An Early Frontier Village in the Hoosier Pocket1955Indiana Magazine of History vol. LI No. 1
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270.1Robinson, Oliver W.The Shakers in Knox County1938Indiana Magazine of History vol. XXXIV No. 1
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