Pamphlets 1-33
Pioneer Explorers and AfricaBox # | Primary Author | Secondary Authors | Title | Year | Notes | |
1 | Almagia, Roberto | Il contributo di Venezia alla conoscenza dell'Africa | 1938 | |||
1 | Bolinder, Gustaf | Busintana indianernas musikbage | 1917 | |||
1 | Guernsey, A.H. | Cameron's Journey Across Africa | n.d. | |||
1 | Hurlbut, George C. | Henry M. Stanley: His Career and Achievements | 1890 | |||
1 | Koner, W. | Ueber die neuesten Entdeckungen in Africa | 1869 | 2 Copies | ||
1 | Joubert, Joseph | Stanley: Le Roi des Explorateurs | 1905 | |||
1 | Koner, W. | Kiepert, H. | Der Anteil der Deutschen Entdeckung und Erforschun Afrika's/Erlauterungen zu der Entdeckungen des 19. Jahrhunderts | 1874 | ||
1 | Schepping, R. | Die Cao-Saule von Kap Cross | 1903 | |||
1 | N/A | Stanley in Africa [Review of his book, "Through the Dark Continent"] | 1878 | NY Times Sept 1, 1878 | ||
1 | N/A | [Stanley] Through the Dark Continent | 1878 | Harpers New Monthly Magazine, 57, 1878 | ||
1 | Trentlein, P. | Durchquerungen Afrikas | 1884 | |||
1 | Trentlein, P. | Die Durchquerungen Afrikas | 1884 | |||
2 | N/A | African Exploration Fund | n.d. | |||
2 | N/A | Africa's Population Problem | 1969 | |||
2 | N/A | African Proverbial Philosophy | 1854 | |||
2 | Association Internationale Africaine | 1880 | ||||
2 | Amberson, Julius M. | Schwarz, Ernest | On African Schistosomiasis | 1953 | ||
2 | Aldrich, T.B. | A day in Africa | 1881 | |||
2 | Allardyce, Janet | African Sketches and Impressions | 1912? | |||
2 | Allardyce, Janet | More African Sketches | 1912 | |||
2 | Almagia, Roberto | L'Africa Italiana | n.d. | |||
2 | Association Internationale Africaine | Journal et Notes de Voyagede la Premiere Expedition | 1879 | |||
2 | N/A | Association Internationale Africaine. Seance Publique du ler Mars 1880 | 1880 | |||
2 | N/A | Social Research and African Studies | 1952 | |||
2 | N/A | The South African Tradition | 1960 | |||
2 | Sturz, J.J. | Der wiedergewonnene Welttheil: ein neues gemeinsames Indian | 1875 | |||
2 | Aubert, G. | Travaux Recents sur les Sols Africains | 1942 | |||
2 | Baker, S.J.K. | White, R.T. | The Distribution of Native Population over South-East Central Africa | 1946 | ||
2 | Barbour, K.M. | Population in Africa: A Geographer's Approach | 1953 | |||
2 | Barker, Lady | African Weather and African Scenery | 1876 | |||
2 | Barstow, Marjorie | Methodist Trails in the African Jungle | 1917 | |||
2 | Biasutti, R. | La carta dell'Africa di G. Gastaldi (1545-1564) | 1920 | |||
2 | Black, Lloyd | The 1962 international Coffee Agreement: Implications for Africa | 1962 | |||
2 | Bolton, Frances B. | Letters from Africa 1955 | 1956 | |||
2 | Byerlee, Derek | Rural-Urban migration in Africa: theory, policy and research implications | 1974 | |||
2 | Caldwell, Keith | Report on Faunal Survey in Eastern and Central Africa | 1948 | |||
2 | Carter, G.F. | Maize to Africa | 1963 | |||
2 | Chatelain, Heli | African Races | 1893 | |||
2 | Chang, Kuei-sheng | Africa and the Indian Ocean in Chinese Maps of the 14th and 15th Centuries | 1960's | |||
2 | Comhaire, J. | Urban Conditions in Africa: Select Reading List on Urban Problems in Africa | 1952 | |||
2 | Craig, J.I. | Isotherms for Africa | 1911 | |||
2 | Cumming, Roualeyn Gorden | African Sporting | 1850 | |||
2 | Deasy, George F. | The Harbors of Africa | 1942 | |||
2 | Dahlberg, Ricard E. | Thomas, Benjamin E. | Map Resources on Africa | 1962 | ||
2 | Desto, Ardito | Regioni di popolamento delle stirpi europee dell'Africa Tropicale | 1938 | |||
2 | Duignan, Peter | United States and Canada Doctoral Dissertations on Africa | 1973 | |||
2 | N/A | Extraits des Rapports des Voyageurs de l'Association Internationale Africaine | 1880 | Duplicate | ||
2 | Kammer, E. | Einige Bemerkungen zum Aufsatz des Herrn Dr. Bludau uber die Projektion der Karte von Africa | 1892 | |||
2 | Hammer, E. | Uber Projektionen der Karte von Africa | 1889 | |||
2 | Hohnel, L. Ritter von | Afrika Reise des Grafen Samuel Teleki | 1889 | |||
2 | Hubert, Henry | Petrographie-Les diabases du Fonta-Djalon et leurs phenomenes de contact | 1917 | |||
2 | Jacquemyns, Guillaume | Le probleme de la "Cuve" de Bruxelles de 1795 a 1854 | 1931-1932 | |||
2 | N/A | Jonathon in Africa | 1849 | Blackwood's Edinburgh, Aug 1849 | ||
2 | N/A | Journees d'etudes sur la cartographie de religions en Afrique Noire | 1953 | |||
2 | Kaltbrunner, D. | L'Afrique en 1890 | 1890 | |||
2 | Taylor, George Lansing | The New Africa: Its Discovery and Destiny | 1888 | |||
2 | Twenty Years of African Travel | 1877 | Eclectic Magazine August 1877 | |||
2 | Michell, Lewis | Cape to Cairo Railway | 1906 | Duplicate | ||
2 | Morgen, C. | Kriegs und Expeditionsfuhrung in Africa | 1893 | |||
2 | Passarge, S. | Reisen im Ngami-Land | 1899 | |||
2 | de Renty, E. | Un chemin de fer transafricain | 1911 | |||
2 | Schwarz, E.H.L. | The Desiccation of Africa: The Cause and Remedy | 1918 | |||
2 | Workman, Fanny B. | Exploration and Climbing in the Nun-Kim Himalaya | Mar-05 | |||
3 | Hoffman, L. | Jungius, H. | Conservation in Tropical Africa | 1972 | ||
3 | Jones, William O. | Regional Analysis and Agricultural Marketing Research in Tropical Africa: Concepts and Experience | 1974 | |||
3 | N/A | Africa General Bibliography | 1946 | |||
3 | N/A | African Resources: A Comprehensive Handbook for American Importers | 1949 | |||
3 | N/A | African Urbanization: A Reading List of Selected Books, Articles, and Reports | 1955 | |||
3 | N/A | Geography of Africa | n.d. | |||
3 | Francis, E.C. | Africa: Notes on the Geography Written for African Schools in Simple English | 1933 | |||
3 | N/A | The Franco-African Transportation System Key to Development and Human Progress in Africa | 1955 | |||
3 | Frankel, S. Herbert | The Tyranny of Economic Paternalism in Africa: A Study of Frontier Mentality 1860-1960 | 1960 | |||
3 | Gillet, Paul | Les Chemins de fer en Afrique | 1931 | |||
3 | Gillman, C. | Musings from the Air | 1932 | |||
3 | Girouard, Sir Percy | The Railways of Africa | 1906 | |||
3 | Geiger, Rudolf | Zierl, Hermann | Koppens Klimazonen und die Vegetations onen von Africa | 1931 | ||
3 | Engler, Von A. | Pflanzengeographische Gliederung von Afrika | 1908 | |||
3 | N/A | Varldens Lander och Folk: Natur och Kultur | n.d. | |||
3 | Haucal, Ibn | de Slane, G. | Description de l'Afrique Translated from Arabic | 1842 | ||
3 | van Hoepen, E.C.N. | On land Connections and the former extent of the African Continent | 1922 | |||
3 | Houphouet-Boigny | Black Africa and the French Union | 1957 | |||
3 | Isaac, Erich | Relations between the Hebrew Bible and Africa | 1964 | |||
3 | Jones, William O. | Environment, Technical Knowledge, and Economic Development in Tropical Africa | 1965 | |||
3 | Jones, William O. | Manioc: An Example of Innovation in African Economies | 1957 | |||
3 | Kaneda, Hiromitsu | Johnston, Bruce F. | Urban Food Expenditure Patterns in Tropical Africa | 1961 | ||
3 | Kenworthy, Leonard S. | Studying Africa in Elementary and Secondary Schools | 1962 | |||
3 | Kirkman, A.E.B. | Africa's Vanishing Fauna | n.d. | |||
3 | Klute, Fritz | Neue Verkehrswege in Africa | 1922 | Duplicate | ||
3 | Krenkel, E. | Moorbildungen im tropischen Africa | 1920 | |||
3 | Labouret, Henri | Le Probleme de l'alimentation des Indigenes en Afrique | 1938 | |||
3 | Lewin, Evans | Africa in the 20th Century | 1927 | |||
3 | de Langle, Fleuriot | Croisieres a la Cote d'Afrique | 1968 | |||
3 | Lewis, L.J. | Equipping Africa | 1948 | |||
3 | Liniger-Goumaz, Max | Hypothese du desengorgement de l'Afrique Centrale | 1966 | |||
3 | Liniger-Goumaz | Une Revolution Indispensable | 1969 | |||
3 | Lobagola, Ibn | An African Savage's Own Story: The Escape from Savage Life | 1929 | |||
3 | Lobagola, Ibn | An African Savage's Own Story: The Marriage Ordeal | 1929 | |||
3 | Lobagola, Ibn | An African Savage's Own Story: A Mating in the Jungle | 1929 | |||
3 | Lobagola, Ibn | An African Savage's Own Story: A Savage Man without a Country | 1929 | |||
3 | Loth, Jerzy | Voyage par l'Afrique du Cap de Bonne Esperance a la Mediteranee in Polish | 1930 | |||
3 | Magenau, Mary S. | A Bibliography of Development Plans in Africa South of the Sahara | 1966 | |||
3 | de Martonne, Ed. | Les Cartes d'Afrique du Service Geographique de l'Armee | 1936 | |||
3 | Matznetter, Josef | Das Problem der Arbeitskraft in Afrika am Beispiel der Kontraktarbeiter der Plantagen von Sao Tome und der Mined des Witwatersrandes | 1962 | |||
3 | Mecking, Ludwig | Bau und Bild afrikanischer Kustenstadte in ihrer Beziehung zum Volkstum | 1938 | |||
3 | Meinhof, C. | Die Afrikanischen Klassensprachen in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Geschichte der Sprache | 1931 | |||
3 | N/A | Notice Bibliographique des principaux Cuvrages francais recents: Le Sahara et les Etats Africains d'Expression Francaise | 1961 | |||
3 | N/A | Politica Portugueza na Africa: Memoria Historice e Politica | 1889 | |||
3 | N/A | Secretariat d'Etat aux Relations avec les Etats de la Communaute | 1960 | |||
3 | N/A | African Challenge: The Story of the British in Tropical Africa | 1945 | |||
3 | Correa, Antonio Augusto Mendes | Computos da Populacao Global da Africa | 1948 | |||
3 | Falkner, F.R. | Die Trockengrenze des Regenfeldbaus in Africa | 1938 | |||
3 | Forde, Daryll | Social Development in Africa and the Work of the International African Institute | 1944 | |||
3 | Francolini, Bruno | L'Emigrazione Italiana in Africa | 1949 | |||
3 | N/A | French Colonial Policy in Africa | 1944 | |||
3 | du Gard, Martin | Le Transsaharien | 1941 | |||
3 | Grattan, C. Hartley | The Future of Africa | 1943 | |||
3 | Green, Lawrence G. | Africa's " Heart of Darkness" Today | 1929 | |||
3 | Huxley, Elspeth | African Dilemmas | 1948 | |||
3 | Huxley, Julian S. | Aspects of Africa: Insects, Beasts, and Men | 1930 | |||
3 | Isachsen, Fridtjov | Neger-Afrika. Australia. Sydost-Asia | rec. 1948 | |||
3 | Jaeger, Fritz | Probleme der klimatischen Grenzen in Afrika | 1929 | |||
3 | Hughes, Charles | Hunter, John M. | Disease and "Development" in Africa | 1970 | ||
3 | Johnston, Harry H. | The Bantu and the Semibantic Languages | 1917 | |||
3 | Kimble, George H.T. | Africa Today: The Lifting Darkness | 1951 | |||
3 | Kuchler, A.W. | Vegetation Mapping in Africa | 1960 | |||
3 | Malinowski, Bronislaw | Race and Labour | 1930 | |||
3 | Miracle, Marvin P. | Maize in Tropical African Agriculture | 1958 | |||
3 | Mittelholzer, Walter | Flying over Africa | 1930 | |||
3 | Mulira, E.M.K. | Thoughts of a Young African | rec. 1946 | |||
3 | Schweinfurth, George | Europas Aufgaben und Aussichten im tropicschen Afrika | rec. 1912 | |||
4 | Prince, Julius S. | Applied Demography in the Context of Africa's Development Problems | 1970 | |||
4 | Wober, J.M. | Infancy and Weaning in Africa | 1972 | |||
4 | N/A | Africa: What you should know about its Present and Future | 1944 | |||
4 | Chatelain, M. | Extraits de Lettres | 1904-5 | |||
4 | N/A | Coffee in Africa | 1961 | |||
4 | Cust, M. Robert Needham | L'Occupation de l'Afrique par les Missionaires Chretiens de l'Europe et de l'Amerique du Nord | 1891 | |||
4 | Galton-Fenzi, L.D. | A New Motor Route: East Africa to Lagos and London | 1931 | |||
4 | N/A | La Ligue Philafricaine: Fragments de lettres du missionnaire Heli Chatelain | 1899 | |||
4 | Preliminary List of Africana | n.d. | Empty folder | |||
4 | La Ligue Philafricaine: Fragments de lettres du missionnaire Heli Chatelain | 1899 | Same name as previous, but different picture | |||
4 | N/A | La Mission Philafricaine dans l'Angola (Afrique Occidentale) | 1902 | |||
4 | La Mission Philafricaine dans l'Angola (Afrique Occidentale) | 1904 | Part 2? | |||
4 | N/A | Nachrichten aus der ostafrikanischen Mission | 1906 | Multiple Copies | ||
4 | Neumark, S.D. | Some Economic Development Problems of African Agriculture | 1959 | |||
4 | N/A | The New Franco-African Community | 1960 | |||
4 | Norman, Sir Henry | The Automobile in Africa | 1912 | |||
4 | Olton, Roy | Problems of American Foreign Relations in the African area during the 19th C. | 1954 | |||
4 | N/A | Organization of African Unity: Basic Documents | 1964 | |||
4 | Passarge, S. | Grundlinien im Aufbau Afrikas | 1950 | |||
4 | Pearcy, G. Etzel | Africa: Names and Concepts | 1960 | |||
4 | Perham, Margery | Some Problems of Indirect Rule in Africa | 1934 | |||
4 | Pfaff-Giesberg, Robert | Sklaverei | rec. 1933 | |||
4 | Le Philafricain | Organe de la Mission Philafricaine | 1905 | 2 Serie, No. 3, Mars, 1905 | ||
4 | Le Philafricain | Organe de la Mission Philafricaine | 1907 | 2E Serie, No. 4,5 October 1907 | ||
4 | Le Philafricain | Organe de la Mission Philafricaine | 1907 | 2e serie, No. 8 October 1907 | ||
4 | Le Philafricain | Organe de la Mission Philafricaine | 1907 | 2e serie , No. 6 Mars 1907 | ||
4 | Ojeda, Luis Thayer | La Ttiopia Mitologica | 1930 | Valparaiso | ||
4 | Pinto, Serpa | Comment J'ai Traverse l'Afrique | n.d. | Le Tour du Monde | ||
4 | Porteres, Roland | Vieille Agricultures de l'Afrique Intertropicals | 1950 | Lagronomie Tropicale | ||
4 | Potekhin, Ivan I. | Land Relations in African Countries | 1963 | The Journal Of Modern African Studies Volume 1, No.1 | ||
4 | N/A | Preliminary List of Africana from Gubbins Library | 1931 | Library, University of Witwatersrand | ||
4 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Population Mobility & Trypanosomiasis in Africa | 1963 | Bulletin of World Health Org. No.28 | ||
4 | Prothero, R. Mansell | A Geographer with the World Health Organization | 1962 | Geographical Journal Vol. (No Suggestions), Part 4 | ||
4 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Population Movements and Problems of Malaria Eradication in Africa | 1961 | Bulletin of World Health Org. No.24 | ||
4 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Population Movements and Problems of Malaria Eradication in Africa | 1961 | Bulletin of World Health Org. No.24 (copy2) | ||
4 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Socio-Economic Aspects of Rural/Urban Migration in Africa South of the Sahara | 1965 | Scientia, Sixieme Serie | ||
4 | Read, Margaret | Migrant Labor in Africa and Its Effects on Tribal Life | 1942 | International Labour Review, Vol. XLV | ||
4 | Reyner, Anthony S. | The Length and Status of International Boundaries in Africa | 1969 | Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies | ||
4 | Robertson, C. J. | Monoexport in Africa | 1940 | The S. African Journal of Economics, March 1940 | ||
4 | Romanelli, Pietro | Note Storico-Gepgrafiche relative all Africa al Tempo di Augusto | 1950 | Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Anno 347 | ||
4 | Romer, E. | Paleogeogaphie Problems of Africa as Deduced from Her River System | 1951 | Bull. De l'Acadamie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres | ||
4 | Romer, Eugen | Paleogeogaphie Problems of Africa as Deduced from Her River System | 1951 | Bull. De l'Acadamie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres c2 | ||
4 | Sander, Erich | Afrika als Problem | 1938 | Geographischer Anzeiger, Heft 2 | ||
4 | Santos, Joaquim Rodrigues | II Congresso Pan-africano de Pre-historia | 1952 | Trabalhos da Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia Vol. XIII | ||
4 | Schinz, Hans, ed. | Mitteilungen aus dem Botanischen Museum der Univ. of Zurich | 1923 | Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich | ||
4 | Schultze, Joachim H. | Die Besiedlung der Deutsch-Africanischen Lolonen mit Wiessen | 1939 | Geographischer Anzeiger | ||
4 | Schultze, Joachim H. | Der Gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Deutsch- Afrikanischen Kilonien | 1939 | Geographischer Anzeiger, Jahrgang Heft 7 | ||
4 | Simmer, Hans | Der aktive Vulkanismus auf dem Afrikamischen Festland und der Afrikanischen Inseln | 1906 | Doc. Diss. Erlangen | ||
4 | Spreitzer, Hans | Matznetter, Josef | Forschungsreise der Oesterreichschen Geographen Gesellschaft nach Afrika | 1961 | Oesterreichschen Geographen Gesellschaft , Bd. 103 | |
4 | Steel, Robert W. | Population Increase and Food Production in Tropical Africa | 1965 | African Affairs, Spring | ||
4 | Steel, Robert W. | Problems of Food and Population in Tropical Africa | 1967? | Offprint from Koeniek van Afrika, Leiden | ||
4 | Stephens, Richard W. | Population Pressures in Africa South of the Sahara | 1959 | Population Research Project, George Wash. Univ. | ||
4 | Stevenson, James | The Water Highways of the Interior of Africa with notes on Slave Hunting and the Means of its suppression | 1883 | Trans. Of Council of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, May | ||
4 | Strickland, C. F. | The Co-Operative Movement in Africa | 1934 | Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, June 1st | ||
4 | Terjung, Werner H. | Bi-Monthly Physiological Climates and Annual Stresses and regimes of Africa | 1968 | Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 50, Ser. A | ||
4 | Terjung, Werner H. | The Geographical Application of Some Selected Physio-Climatic Indices to Africa | 1967 | Int. J. Biometeor | ||
4 | Termer, F. | Berichterstattung Aus Der Atlantischen Welt | 1924 | Zeit-Schrift für Geoploitik, April | ||
4 | Troll, C. , Lange, F. | Gerth, E. | Afrika als Rogstofflieferant der Weltwirtsshaft | 1932 | Koloniale Rundschau. October | |
4 | Troll, C. , Lange, F. | Gerth, E. | Afrika als Rogstofflieferant der Weltwirtsshaft | 1932 | Koloniale Rundschau. October (copy2) | |
4 | Troll, Carl | Koloniale Raumplanung in Africa | 1941 | Zeitschrift der Gesellchaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Jahrgang | ||
4 | Tucker, A. N. | The Spelling of African Place Names on Maps | 1948 | Bull. School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. XII | ||
4 | Umlauft, Friedrich | Afrika in Kartographischer Darstellung von Hereodot bis heute | 1887 | Wien | ||
4 | Vanhove, Julien | La sauvegarde des valeurs culturelles africaines | 1951 | Séance academique 27-X-1951, Anvers, pp. 18-31 | ||
4 | Vanzetti, Carlo | Land and Man in Africa | 1964 | Societa Rurale, Anno I n.2 | ||
4 | Waibel, Leo | Lebensformen und Lebensweise der Waldtiere im tropischen Afrika | 1913 | Dr. Diss. Heidelberg | ||
4 | Walker, Martin | Drought | 1974 | New York Times magazine, June 9, pp 11-13 | ||
4 | Winterbotham, H. S. L. | McCaw, G. T. | The Triangulations of Africa | 1928 | Geographical Journal, January | |
4 | Winterbottom, J. M. | Understand the African | 1946 | Longmans, Green and Co. | ||
5 | Hall, Leland | Tp Picnic in Fez | n.d. | Harpers Magazine | ||
5 | de Amicic, Edmondo | Le Maroc | n.d. | Le Tour du Monde | ||
5 | Awad, Hassan | Morocco's Expanding Towns | 1964 | The Geographical Journal, Vol. 130, March | ||
5 | Barthoux, J. | Les massifs des Djebilet st du Rehamna (Maroc) | 1924 | Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 179 | ||
5 | Barthoux, J. | Metamorphisme de contact dans Le Djebilet et les Rehamna | 1924 | Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 179, no. 17 | ||
5 | Choubert, Georges | Apercu de la Geologie Marocaine | 1946 | Revue de Geographie Marocaine | ||
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5 | Cucinotta, Ernesto | La Questione di Tangeri | 1926 | Rivista Coloniale, Anno XXI | ||
5 | Deasy, George F. | Treaties & Conventions that pertain to boundariesÂ…Spanish Territory in NW Africa since 1860 | 1942 | |||
5 | Depéret, Ch. | Gentil, L. | Geologie- sur une faune miocene superieure marine (Sá_Hélienne) dans le R'arb | 1917 | Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 164 | |
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5 | Fernandez- Llebrez, J. L. | Tetuan Guia Turistica | 1948 | |||
5 | Fogg, Walter | Wazzan: A Holy City of Morocco | 1934 | Aberystwyth Studies, Vol. XIII | ||
5 | Gaillard, Henri | Le Sionisme et la Question Juive dans l'Afrique du Nord | 1918 | Publication du Comité du Maroc | ||
5 | Gautier, E.F. | Savornin, J. | Les Couches Rouges d'Ouaouizert (Maroc Central) | 1925 | Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, No. 16 Avril | |
5 | Gentil, Louis | L'Histoire Physique de Maroc | 1915 | conferences de L'expedition France-Marocaine á Casablanca | ||
5 | Gentil, Louis | Itineraires dans le Haut Atlas Marocaine | 1908 | La Géographie, Vol. XVII, March | ||
5 | Gentil, Louis | Le Maroc San passé-Son Avenir | 1918 | Conferences de L'Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Annee | ||
5 | Gentil, Louis | Note sur les Régions Volcaniques du Maroc Central | 1917 | Bulletin de la Geologiques de France, t. XVI | ||
5 | Algerie Maroc | Hotels er Restaurants | 1955-1956 | Services de Tourisme Michelin, Paris | ||
5 | Barges, M.L'Abbe | Excursion a Sebdou, poste Francais sur la Frontiere du Maroc | 1849 | Journal Asiatique, Aout-Septembre | ||
5 | Bernard, Augustin | La France au Maroc | 1917 | Annales de Géographie | ||
5 | Bernard, Augustin | Les Resources Économiques du Maroc et leur mise en Valeur Aprés la Guerre | 1918 | Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale | ||
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5 | Gentil, Louis | Notes d'un Voyage Géologique á Taza (Maroc Septentrional) | 1918 | Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, t. XVIII | ||
5 | Gentil, Louis | Géologie- Sur l'age du Déetroit Sud-Rifain | 1918 | Comptes Rendus, t. 166 | ||
5 | Gentil, Louis | Sur des Vetiges de Glaciation Quarternaire dans la Région de Telout (Haut Atlas Marocaine | 1924 | Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 178, No. 1 | ||
5 | Guernier, Eugene | La Maroc l'oeuvre du Marechal Lyautey | n.d. | L'Encyclopedie Coloniale et Maritime | ||
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5 | Halewyck, Harold | Le Statut International de Tanger | 1825-1926 | Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 31 annee | ||
5 | Harris, Walter | The Berbers of Morocco | 1904 | Scribner's | ||
5 | Humbert, Henri | Végétation du Grand Atlas Marocain Oriental | 1924 | Société d'Hostoire Naturelle | ||
5 | Le Maroc | Encyclopédie par l'Image | 1931 | Librarie Hachette | ||
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5 | Moroccan Questions | 1952 | French Embassy Press/ Information Division, NY | |||
5 | de la Rue, E. Aubert | Observations sur Quelque Gisements Marocains de plomb et de Zinc | n.d. | |||
5 | de la Rue, E. Aubert | Observations sur Quelques Pierres Précieuses Marocaines | 1928 | Bull. De la Sociétédes Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, Tome VIII | ||
5 | Besnier, Maurice | Géographie Ancienne du Maroc | 1904 | Archives Marocaines, Paris | ||
5 | de Card, E. Rouard | L'Ile de Peregil. Son Importance Strategique. Sa Neutralisation | 1913 | Paris | ||
5 | de Card, E. Rouard | Le Protectorat de la France Sur le Maroc | 1905 | Toulouse, Paris | ||
5 | de Card, E. Rouard | La Question Marocaine de la Négotiation Franco-Espagnole de 1902 | 1912 | Paris | ||
5 | Chardeau, R. | Excursion Géologique au nord et a l'est de Tombouctou | 1915 | Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France | ||
5 | Tangier | 1921 | Comité France-Tangier | |||
5 | Blache, Jules | De Meknés aux Sources de la Moulouya | 1919 | Annales de Géographie, Tome XXVIII | ||
5 | Blache, Jules | Quelques Aspects des Montagnes Marocaines | 1920 | Revué de Géographie Alpine, Tome VIII | ||
5 | Blazquez, Antonio | Las Costas de Marruecos en la Antiguedad | 1921 | Madrid | ||
5 | Bonsal, Stephen | Fez, The Mecca of the Moors | 1893 | The Century Magazine | ||
5 | Bourcart, Jacques | L'Extrémitá Occidentale de l'Anti-Atlas Marocain | 1947 | Revue de Géographie Marocaine | ||
5 | Brunfaut, Jules | L'Urbanisme au Maroc | 1924 | Bulletin de la Classe des Beaux-Arts, Acad. Royale de Belgique, TomeVI | ||
6 | Dieckmann, Walter | Die geologischen Verhaltniss der UmgebungÂ…Eisenerz-Lagerstatten des Gebietes von Beni-Bu-Ifrur im marokkanischen Rif | ||||
6 | Eredia, Filippo | Il Clima di Derna | 1916 | Bolletino d'Informazioni, Anno IV | ||
6 | Eredia, Filippo | Le piene dell'uadi di Derna | 1918 | Bolletino d'Informazioni, Anno V | ||
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10 | Chavanier, C. | Mission Hydrographique de l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1943 | |||
10 | Chudeau, Rene | L'Afrique Occidentale Francaise. Son Etat Actuel-Son Avenir. | 1917 | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Le Climat de l'Afrique Occidentale et Equatoriale | 1916 | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Le Golfe Eocene du Senegal | 1916 | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Note sur l'Ethnographie de la Region du Moyen Niger | 1910 | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Le plateau Mandingle (Afrique occidentale). Profil du chemin de Kayes au Niger | 1917 | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Rapport de Mission en Mauritainie 1910-1911 | 1911? | |||
10 | Chudeau, R. | Recherches sur la Tectonique de l'Africa Occidentale | 1918 | |||
10 | Chukwuemeka, Nwankwo | Industrialization of Nigeria | 1952 | |||
10 | Church, R.J. Harrison | Orange Oil from French Guinea | 1950 | |||
10 | Church, R.J. Harrison | Some Geographical Aspects of West African Development | 1966 | 2 copies | ||
10 | Clozel, M. | Bibliographie des ouvrages relativs a la Senegambie et au Soudan occidental | 1891 | |||
10 | Coleson, Edward P. | Educational Change in Sierra Leone | 1956 | |||
10 | Cora, Guido | Notizie sulla Republica di Liberia specialmente secondo I viaggi e gli studi di J. Buttikofer | 1891-1892 | |||
10 | N/A | Du Danhome au Benin-Niger, Exploration des richesses naturelles | rec. 1958 | |||
10 | Davison, R.B. | Migrant Labour in the Gold Coast | 1954 | |||
10 | Delafosse, Maurice | Traditions historiques et legendaires du Soudan Occidental | 1913 | |||
10 | Dixey, F. | Nigeria, Geology and Mineral Resources | 1945 | |||
10 | Dixey, F. | Primitive Iron-Ore Smelting Methods in West Africa | 1920 | |||
11 | Malfroy, F. | La Peste Bovine (Etude de la Maladie) | 1927 | |||
11 | Le Bourdiec, Paul | Etude Geomorphologique- Cote d'Ivoire | 1958 | |||
11 | Jungerius, P.D. | The Environmental Background of Land Use in Nigeria | 1964 | |||
11 | Jungerius, P.D. | Some Aspects of the Geomorphological Significance of Soil Texture in Eastern Nigeria | 1965 | |||
11 | N/A | Liberia International Foundation for Elevation (L.I.F.E.) Rally time for: Education, Health, Housing, roads. | 1972? | |||
11 | N/A | Liberia Welcomes You: A Brief Guide to a Sunshine Holiday | rec. 1975 | |||
11 | Okezie, J. | Onyemelukwe, C. | Industrial Location in Nigeria | 1975? | ||
11 | Hartmann, Martin | Zur Geschichte des westlichen Sudan Wanqara | 1912 | |||
11 | Luc, Jean-Claude | L'Economie du Niger | 1971 | |||
11 | Overs, W.H. | The Church's Investment in Africa | 1926 | |||
11 | Niangoran-Bouah, G. | Les Aboure. Une Societe Langunaire de Cote d'Ivoire | 1965 | |||
11 | de la Ronciere, Ch. | Decouverte d'une Relation de Voyage Datee du Touat et Decrivant en 1447 Le Bassin du Niger | 1918 | also in Pamphlet box 12 (See line 634) | ||
11 | de la Ronciere, Ch. | De Paris a Tombouctou au Temps de Louis XI | 1923 | |||
11 | Heim, Arnold | Die Entstehung der Golderden in der Elfenbeinkolonie | 1934 | |||
11 | Henries, Richard and Doris | Liberia. The West African Republic | 1950 | |||
11 | Hernandez-Pacheco, Francisco | Caracteristicas del zocalo continental del Africa Occidental espanola | 1955 | |||
11 | Hernandez-Pacheco, Francisco | Los Niveles de Playas Levantadas del Litoral de Ifni | 1947 | |||
11 | Herrmann, Albert | Die alteste Kolonialfahrt nach Oberguinea | 1938 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Esquisse preliminaire de la geologie du Senegal | 1917 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Etat actuel de nos Connaissances sur la Geologie de l'Afrique Occidentale | 1911 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Limitie des gres siliceux horizontaux en Afrique occidentale | 1918 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Materiaux pour l'Etablissement de la Carte Geologique de l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1918 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Nos connaissances actuelles sur l'atmosphere, le sol et le sous-sol en Afrique Occidentale | 1918 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Sur l'emploi des avions en Afrique Occidentale pour les recherches d'Ordre Scientifique | 1919 | |||
11 | Hubert, Henry | Sur la superposition des courants aeriens au-dessus de la presquile du Cap vert (Senegal) | 1919 | |||
11 | Huguet, Commandant | La Mauritanie | n.d. | |||
11 | Hunter, John M. | Aspects of the Erosional History of the Upper Birim Basin, Ghana | 1959 | |||
11 | Hunter, John M. | A Note on the Post-Enumeration Uses of the 1960 Population Census Enumeration Area Maps of Ghana | 1963 | |||
11 | Jaubert, Amedee | Relation de Ghanat et des Coutumes de ses Habitans | 1860? | |||
11 | Johnston, B.F. | Staple Food Crops in West Africa and the Congo | 1956 | |||
11 | Jones, H.H. | Fourteen Years in Liberia and How Africa Must be Redeemed | rec. 1930 | |||
11 | Junner, N.R. | Hardwood, H.F. | The Norite of Sierra Leone, British West Africa | 1929 | ||
11 | Karnga, Abayomi | A Guide to our Criminal and Civil Procedure | 1914 | |||
11 | Karnga, Abayomi | The New Liberia and Other Orations | 1925 | |||
11 | Kenworthy, Leonard S. | Nigeria, a Background Paper | 1959 | |||
11 | Kirk-Greene, A.H.M. | A Background Note on the Names of Places in Hausaland | 1964 | |||
11 | Klingenheben, August | Der Bau der Sprache der Vai in Westafrika | 1933 | |||
11 | Lancrenon, P. | Les Travaux de la Mission Telegraphique du Tchad (1910-1912) | 1914 | |||
11 | Legoux, Pierre | Essai sur la Morphologie des Cotes du Gabon et du Moyen-Congo | 1950 | |||
11 | Lemoine, Frederic | Le Senegal. Le pays, son fleuve, ses habitants, ses ressources | 1909 | |||
11 | N/A | Liberia | 1954 | Embassy of Liberia, Washington | ||
11 | N/A | Liberia | n.d. | Bureau of Info., Department of State, Montovia, Republic of Liberia | ||
11 | Little, K.L. | The Mende Farming Household | 1948 | The Sociological Review Vol. XL | ||
11 | N/A | Liberia- Arts and Crafts | 1971 | |||
11 | LoBagola, Ibn | An African Savage's Own Story | 1929 | |||
11 | Louys, G. | La Depopulation dans la basse Cote d'Ivoire. Campagne medicale | 1920 | Duplicate | ||
11 | Mabogunje, A.L. | Yoruba Towns | 1962 | |||
11 | Mage, M. | Voyage dans le Soudan Occidental | 1853-1866 | |||
11 | Manshard, W. | Nigeria in seiner Wirtschaftsstruktur | 1958/59 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | La Carte de l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1925 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | La Cartographie officielle en Afrique occidentale francaise | 1925 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Les Connaissances Geographiques en Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1923 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Magnetisme | 1925 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Le Nivellement General a Executer en Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1925 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Les Observations Magnetiques de la "Carnegie Institution"/ En Afrique occidentale francaise et dans les Pays voisins | 1923 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Organisation de Nivellement General en Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1925 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Rapport sur les Travaux Astronomiques et Geodesiques | 1923 | |||
11 | de Martonne, Ed. | Travaux geographiques d'apres-guerre dans l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1926 | |||
11 | Massaquoi, Momolu | Oration delivered at the Celebration of July 26th, 1921 | 1922 | |||
11 | Matznetter, Josef | Die Guineainseln Sao tome und Principe und ihre Plantagen | 1963 | |||
11 | Mendes Correa, A.A. | A Guine Portuguesa e a Conferencia Intercolonial dos Africanistas Ocidentais | 1948 | |||
11 | Mizon, L. | Itineraires de Yola a Dingei sur le Mayo-Kebbi | 1896 | |||
11 | Mizon, L. | Note pour accompagner les Cartes du Fleuve Ogooue | 1886 | |||
11 | Monod, Theodore | Notes biogeographiques sur l'Afrique de l'Ouest | 1947 | |||
11 | Morgan, W.B. | Farming Practice, Settlement Pattern and Population Density in Southeastern Nigeria | 1955 | |||
11 | Mountmorres, Viscount | The Commercial Possibilities of West Africa | 1907 | |||
11 | Nachtigal, Gusta ve | Voyage du Bornou au Baguirmi | 1872 | |||
11 | N/A | Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Information | 1960 | |||
11 | N/A | Nigeria: An Industrial Reconnaissance | 1961 | Industrial Development Conference, Lagos | ||
11 | N/A | Nigeria: A Virile Republic. A Contributor to Progress. | 1965 | The New York Times November | ||
11 | Nyerere, Julius K. | The Nigeria-Biafra Crisis | 1969 | |||
11 | O'Loughlin, Carleen | What is the Village? The Relevance "Village Studies" in West African Social Research | n.d. | Ghana Social Science Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 | ||
12 | Tolbert, Dr. William R. Jr. | Action for Self-Sufficiency | 1975 | |||
12 | N/A | The Times (Liberia) | 1973 | |||
12 | N/A | The Benguela Railway. Reprint of Paper read before the Liverpool Engineering Society. | 1929 | |||
12 | de Brazza, Savorgnan | Voyages dans l'Ouest Africain | 1875-1887 | |||
12 | Chevalier, Auguste | Joleaud, Leonce/Petit, Georges | Les depots quaternaires de l'ancien cratere de Pedra de Lume (Ile de Sol, Archipel du Cap-Vert) | 1935 | ||
12 | Chevalier, Auguste | Les micro-bioclimates des iles du Cap-Vert et les adaptations de la vegetation | 1906 | |||
12 | Chevalier, Auguste | Premier apercu sur la vegetation de l'Archipel des Iles du Cap Vert | 1934 | |||
12 | N/A | English and American Opinions on the Congo State | 1904 | |||
12 | Gane, Douglas M. | Handbook of Tristan da Cunha | 1924-25 | |||
12 | Gane, Douglas M. | Handbook of Tristan da Cunha | 1928 | |||
12 | N/A | This is Ghana. | 1969 | Ghana Ministry of External Affairs | ||
12 | The New York Times | Republic of Ghana: New Frontier of DemocracyÂ…New Land of Opportunity. | 1960 | |||
12 | Hafsten, Ulf | Pleistocene Development of Vegetation and Climate in Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island | 1961 | |||
12 | Heaney, J.B. | Holdgate, M.W. | The Gough Island Scientific Survey | 1957 | ||
12 | Heaney, J.B. | The Survey of Gough Island | 1957 | |||
12 | Mendes-Correa, A.A. | Les metis des iles du Cap-Vert | 1937 | |||
12 | Murphy, Robert Cushman | The Marine Ornithology of the Cape Verde Islands with a List of all the Birds of the Archipelago | 1924 | |||
12 | Pearson, Scott R. | The Economic Imperialism of the Royal Niger Co. | 1971 | |||
12 | Pereira, Judite dos Santos | Notas Sobre a Geologia da Guine Portugesa | 1943 | |||
12 | Perret, Robert | A Travers le Pays Ajjer. Itineraire de Fort-Flatters a Djanet | 1935 | |||
12 | Pignol, Raoul | Die Niederschlafsverhaltnisse des alten deutschen Schutzgebietes Togo | 1931 | |||
12 | Platt, Elizabeth T. | Lake Chad. | n.d. | Bibliography | ||
12 | Prescott, J.R.V. | The Evolution of Nigeria's Boundaries | 1959 | |||
12 | Prescott, J.R.V. | The Geographical Basis of Nigerian Federation | 1958 | |||
12 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Land Use, Land Holdings and Land Tenure at Soba, Zaria Province, Northern Nigeria | 1957 | |||
12 | Prothero, R. Mansell | African Ethnographic Maps, with a new Example from Northern Nigeria | 1962 | |||
12 | Palmer, J.H. ed. | Notes on Strange Farmers | 1946 | |||
12 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Migrant Labour in West Africa | 1962 | |||
12 | Prothero, R. Mansell | Some Observations on Desiccation in North-Western Nigeria | 1962 | |||
12 | Pullan, R.A. | A Morphological Classification of Lateritic Ironstones and Ferruginised Rocks in Northern Nigeria | 1967 | |||
12 | Pullan, R.A. | The Recent Geomorphological Evolution of the South Central Part of the Chad Basin | 1964 | |||
12 | Richard, J.J. | Volcanological Observations in East Africa | 1947-8 | |||
12 | Rivet, P. | Cranes de la Region du Tchad | 1914 | |||
12 | de la Ronciere, Ch. | Decouverte d'une Relation de Voyage Datee de Touat et Decrivant en 1447 le Bassin du Niger | 1918 | Also in Pamphlet box 11 (See line 540) | ||
12 | Riou, Gerard | Notes sur les Sols Complexes des Savanes Preforestieres en Cote d'Ivoire | 1965 | |||
12 | Tricart, M.J. | Le Delta du Senegal Type Zonal de Delta | 1956 | |||
12 | Tricart, J. | Oscillation Climatiques Quarternaires en Afrique Occidentale | 1957 | |||
12 | Tricart, Jean | Les Recherches de Geographie Apliquee de L'Institut de Geographie de l'Universite de Strasbourg en A.O.F. | 1957 | |||
12 | Tromeur, J.Y.M.M. | Mission hydrographique du Saloum | 1943 | |||
12 | Tuaillon, J.L. Georges | Bibliographie Critique de l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise | 1936 | |||
12 | N/A | Upper Volta. The Newly Independent Nations | 1962 | |||
12 | Vuillot, P. | A Tombouctou | 1894 | |||
12 | Wace, N.M. | Future of the Tristan da Cunha Islands | 1965 | |||
12 | Wace, N.M. | The Vegetation of Gough Island | 1961 | |||
12 | Webb, J.E. | The Erosion of Victoria Beach: Its Cause and Cure | 1960 | |||
12 | Wild, B.L. | van Wijk, A.M. | Geomagnetic Observations on Marion Island, Gough Island, and Tristan da Cunha | 1961 | ||
12 | Wurz, F. | Die mohammedanische Gefahr in Westafrika | 1904 | |||
12 | Bessoh, Raoul | L'Hinterland Algero-Marocain | 1910 | |||
12 | Daly, Reginald A. | The Geology of Ascension Island | 1925 | |||
12 | Rosman, Abraham | Social Structure and Acculturation among the Kanuri of Bornu Province, Northern Nigeria | 1959 | |||
12 | Rousseau, R. | Les Pluies au Senegal de 1887 a 1927 | 1931 | |||
12 | Ruinard, J. | Some Preliminary Experiments with Kenat in Ghana | 1967 | |||
12 | Sautter, Gilles | A propos de quelques terroirs d'Afrique Occidentale | 1962 | |||
12 | Schrenk, E. | Ueber Natur und Menschenleben an der Goldkuste (West Afrika) | rec. 1912 | |||
12 | Semmelhack, W. | Die Staubfalle im nordwest-afrikanischen Gebiet des Atlantischen Ozeans | 1934 | |||
12 | Shuaibu, Na'ibi, Malam | Gwari Gade and Koro Tribes | 1969 | |||
12 | Shufeldt, R.W. | Liberia | 1877 | |||
12 | Sinclair, Joseph H. | Dodging Hippopotami and Crocodiles in Africa | 1930 | |||
12 | Sinclair, Joseph H. | Discovery of Silurian fossils in French Guinea | 1928 | |||
12 | Thevenin, R | Une missione Guinee Francaise et au Niger | n.d. | |||
12 | Thieriot, Pierre | Afrique Noir. A Passenger's View of the Operations of Air France in French Africa | n.d. | |||
12 | Thomas, Benjamin E. | The Legend of Timbuktu | 1956 | |||
12 | Thomas, Benjamin E. | Railways and Ports in French West Africa | 1957 | |||
12 | Thomas, Jean | La Peche sur les cotes de la Guinee Francaise | 1924 | |||
12 | Thomas, Jean | La Peche sur les cotes de la Guinee Francaise et le long du Niger | 1924 | |||
12 | Thomas, Jean | La Peche au Niger | 1924 | |||
12 | Thorbecke, Franz | Thorbecke, Marie Pauline | Reisen im tropischen West Africa | rec. 1930 | ||
12 | Tilho, Jean | Le Logone quittera-t-il le Bassin du Tchad? | 1935 | |||
13 | d'Abbadie, A. | Exploration de l'Afrique Equatoriale "Credo" d'un vieux Voyager | 1884 | |||
13 | N/A | L'Afrique Noire. Economique Touristique et Documentaire | rec. 1955 | |||
13 | Akeley, Delia J. | Among the Pigmies in the Congo Forest | 1926 | |||
13 | Akeley, Mary L. Jobe | Africa's Great National Park | 1929 | |||
13 | Akeley, Mary L. Jobe | Belgian Congo Sanctuaries | 1931 | |||
13 | Akeley, Mary L. Jobe | In the Land of His Dreams. The Last Chapter of Carl Akeley's 1926 African Expedition | 1927 | |||
13 | Akeley, Mary L. Jobe | King Albert Inaugurates the Parc National Albert | 1930 | |||
13 | Alexander, Boyd | From the Niger, by Lake Chad, to the Nile | 1909 | |||
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13 | Alexandre, J. et S. | Les Meandres Encaisses dans une Region Intertropicale (Katanga Meridionale) | 1961 | |||
13 | Allen, J.A. | Lang, Herbert/Chapin, James P. | The American Museum Congo Expedition Collection of Bats | 1917 | ||
13 | N/A | L'Almanach du Congo pour 1908 | 1908 | |||
13 | N/A | Angola, the Land of Promise | rec. 1923 | |||
13 | N/A | L'Association Internationale Africaine et le Comite d'Etudes du Haut- Congo | 1882 | |||
13 | Ball, Sydney H. | Diamond Mining in the African Jungle | n.d. | |||
13 | Ball, Sydney H. | Shaler, Millard K. | Mining Conditions in the Belgian Congo (Congo Free State) | 1910 | ||
13 | Ball, Sydney H. | Shaler, Millard K. | Contribution a l'Etude Geologique de la Partie Centrale du Congo Belge, y compris la region du Kasai | 1912-1913 | ||
13 | Ball, Sydney H. | Shaler, Millard K. | Les Ressources Minerales du Congo Belge | n.d. | ||
13 | Barboux, Henri | Opinion | 1903 | |||
13 | Bederman, Sanford H. | The Cameroons Development Corporation. Partner in National Growth | 1968 | |||
13 | Bel, Jean-Marc | Rapport sur une Mission au Congo Francais (1906-1907) | 1908 | |||
13 | N/A | The Benguela Railway | rec. 1935 | |||
13 | N/A | Benguella Railway, The Great West Gate to Central Africa-Lobito Bay | rec. 1942 | |||
13 | N/A | Benguella Railway-Lobito Bay. Facilities for Trader, Tourist, Big Game Hunter in Angola | rec. 1928 | |||
13 | Bonnin, M.P. | Mission Hydrographique du Cameroun (Juillet-Septembre 1938) | 1939 | |||
13 | Borgerhoff, Robert | Le Ruanda-Urundi | 1928 | |||
13 | Boulger, Demetrius C. | The Congo State is NOT a Slave State | 1903 | |||
13 | Bruel, Georges | Notes Geographiques sur le Bassin de l'Ogooue | 1911 | |||
13 | Brumpt, Emile | Mission de Bourg de Bozas. De la Mer Rouge a l'Atlantique a Travers l'Afrique Tropicale | 1903 | |||
13 | N/A | The Burrows Action in London | 1904 | |||
13 | Buttgenbach, H. | La Cassiterite du Katanga. Quelques Faits a propos de la Formation des Pepites d'Or | 1906 | |||
13 | Buttgenbach, H. | Le Congo deviendra-t-il un Pays Minier? | 1908 | |||
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13 | N/A | Le Congo Independent | 1960 | |||
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13 | Craffen, Enrico | Colombo, le d'Edoardo | Les Niam-Niam | 1906 | ||
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13 | Depasse, Charles | Les Bibliotheques Publiques au Congo | 1948 | |||
13 | Devroey, E.J. | Note concernant l'orthographe des noms geographiques du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi | 1953 | |||
13 | Dixey, F. | The Age of Silicified Surface Deposits in Northern Rhodesia, Angola, and the Belgian Congo | 1941 | |||
13 | Dixey, F. | The Morphology of the Congo-Zambesi Watershed | 1943 | |||
13 | N/A | Equatorial Africa, and its Inhabitants | 1861 | |||
13 | N/A | Federation pour la Defense des Interets belges a l'etranger. Are They all Liars? | 1904 | |||
13 | Hasbrouck, Jan | Belgian Congo a New Frontier in World's Industrial Development | 1951 | |||
13 | N/A | Junta de Desenvolviemento Industrial Fundo de Fomento de Producao e Exportacao (How to Invest in Angola) | 1963 | |||
13 | Kelley, Frank | Further Progress Scored in Belgian Congo | 1954 | |||
13 | N/A | The Land Policy of French West Africa | 1904 | |||
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13 | N/A | Mr. Morel's Errors | 1904 | |||
13 | Bruel, G. | Notes Ethnographiques sur quelques Tribus de l'Afrique equatoriale Francaise | 1913 | |||
13 | N/A | The Story of a Belgian Crime in the Congo. The Tale Concerning Rabineck | 1905 | |||
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13 | N/A | Un Voyage Agricole au Congo Belge | 1918 | |||
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14 | N/A | The Central African Republic. Hour of Independence | 1960 | |||
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14 | Fallon, F. | L'Agriculture au Congo Belge | rec. 1919 | |||
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14 | N/A | Free France. The French Cameroons | 1945 | |||
14 | Friedrich, Willy | Geographie des Eingeborenen in der Mittelafrikanischen Savanne | 1933 | |||
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14 | Fuchs, F. | Report of the Vice-governor General to the Secretary of State | 1904 | |||
14 | N/A | The Gabon Republic. Hour of Independence | 1961 | |||
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18 | du Toit, Alex L. | The Kalahari and Some of its Problems | 1927 | |||
18 | du Toit, Alex L. | The Mier Country | 1926 | |||
18 | N/A | Visitors' Guide to Johannesburg | rec. 1962 | |||
19 | N/A | Proceedings of the Rhodesia Scientific Association Volume XI Part III Containing Papers Read During December 1911-May 1912 | 1912 | |||
19 | N/A | Commercial Possibilities of the Union of South Africa | 1921 | 2 Copies | ||
19 | Evans, I.B. Pole | The Plant Geography of South Africa | 1917 | |||
19 | Jacqz, Jane W. | Development Needs in Botzwana and Lesotho | 1967 | |||
19 | Laidler, P.W. | The Morphology and Classification of Ground and Polished Stone Artifacts of South African Origin | 1939 | |||
19 | Landsell, K.A. | Weeds of South Africa | 1923 | |||
19 | Leclercq, Jules | Les Boers et leur Etat Social | 1900 | |||
19 | Leclercq, Jules | La Carriere Coloniale de Cecil Rhodes | 1902 | 2 Copies | ||
19 | N/A | La Revue Francaise: Le Portugal Insulaire & D'Outre-Mer Mozambique | rec 1960 | |||
19 | Leclercq, Jules | La Golconde Africaine | 1894 | |||
19 | Leclercq, Jules | L'Independence des Boers et les origines des republiques sud- Africaines | 1900 | |||
19 | Leslie, T.N. | Rare Karoo Plants and their Cultivation | 1927 | |||
19 | N/A | Lesotho-Facts and Figures. Capital: Maseru | 1966 | |||
19 | Lerinkind, L. | Droughts in South Africa: A Preliminary Study of their Extent, Severity, and Frequency of Occurrence since 1904. | 1941 | |||
19 | Louw, Eric H. | Changing continent. South Africa's Role in Africa | 1959 | |||
19 | Lowe, C. van Riet | A Contribution to the Prehistory of Mocambique | n.d. | |||
19 | McBean, L. M. | The System of Cadastral Surveying in Southern Rhodesia | 1930 | |||
19 | McConnell, R.B. | Notes on the Geology and Geomorphology of the Bechuanaland Protectorate | 1956 | |||
19 | Macgregor, A.M. | The Problem of the Precambrian Atmosphere | 1927 | |||
19 | Macmillan, W.M. | Economic Conditions in a Non-Industrial South African Town-A Preliminary Study | 1915 | |||
19 | N/A | Mandate for German South-West Africa | 1921 | |||
19 | Mangope, Lukas | Will Bophuthatswana Join Botswana? | 1973 | |||
19 | Markus, Robert | Naturgeographische Aspekte Botswanas | rec 1966 | |||
19 | Marloth, R. | Observations on the Cape Flora. Its Distribution on the line of Contact between the South-Western District and the Karoo | 1924 | |||
19 | Martens, Robert | Natur und Landschaft Lesothos | 1966 | |||
19 | Petermann, Dr. A. | Carl Mauch's Reisen im Inneren von Sud-Afrika 1865-1872 | 1874 | |||
19 | Maufe, H.B. | Changes of Climate in Southern Rhodesia During Later Geological Times | 1930 | |||
19 | Maufe, H.B. | The Geology along the Railway Between Bulawayo, Wankie and the Victoria Falls | 1929 | |||
19 | Maufe, H.B. | On the Formation of Red Soil and of Black Vlei Soil from Dolerite at Salisbury, Northern Rhodesia | 1928 | |||
19 | Maufe, H.B. | Some Problems in Rhodesian Physical Geology | 1927 | |||
19 | Meijs, Leo | Dolerite Dykes in Basutoland with Special Reference to the Geomorphological Effects of the Dykes and their Economic Significance | 1960 | |||
19 | Meijs, Leo | Notes on the Occurrence of Petrified Wood in Basutoland | 1960 | |||
19 | Mendes Correa, A.A. | Prehistoria de Mocambique. Um plano de estudios | 1936 | |||
19 | Michell, Lewis | Cape to Cairo Railway | 1906 | |||
19 | Michell, Margaret R. | Some Observations on the Effects of a Bush Fire on the Vegetation of Signal Hill | 1922 | |||
19 | Middleton, Coral | Bechuanaland: A Bibliography | 1965 | |||
19 | Millard, Thomas F. | With the Boer Army. The Boer as a Soldier General Christian Dewet | 1900-01 | |||
19 | Miller, O.B. | Bryant, E.G. | Mangroves at Sorwana Bay, N. Zululand The Growth of Fodder Bushes | 1926 | ||
19 | Molengraaff, G.A.F. | Hall, A.L. | Alkali Granite and Nepheline Syenites, canadite and Foyaite, in the Vredefort Mountainlans, S. Africa | 1924 | ||
19 | Moore, Wilbert E. | The Migration of Native Laborers in South Africa | 1946 | |||
19 | Morgan, S.C. | Some Observations on the Upper Karroo Lavas and later Sediments of the Gwai Native Reserve, Southern Rhodesia | 1927 | |||
19 | Morris, S.S. | City Engineering in Africa's Southern Gateway | 1951 | |||
19 | Morton, William J. | South African Diamond Fields, and the Journey to the Mines | 1877 | |||
19 | Mota, Teresa P. | A Producao e a Industrializacao do Trigo em Mocambique | 1971 | |||
19 | N/A | Muizenberg, Kalk Bay and St. James | n.d. | |||
19 | de Nadaillac | Le Mashonaland | 1894 | |||
19 | Naude, W.C. | South Africa: A Western Society | 1961 | |||
19 | Neethling, Ernest J. | Timber and Forests. South Africa's Needs and Resources | 1943 | |||
19 | Niddrie, David L. | Cabora Bassa, Mocambique - Development Plans in the Lower Zambesi Valley | 1968 | |||
19 | Nitsche, Georg | Der Ursprung der jahrlichen Uberschwemmungen in Ovamboland | 1913 | |||
19 | Niddrie, David L. | Changing Settlement Patterns in Rural Africa | 1974 | |||
19 | N/A | Northern Rhodesia | 1964 | |||
19 | N/A | Nyasaland. Some Notes for the Assistance of Visitors | rec 1942 | |||
19 | N/A | Nyasaland Protectorate. Aerodromes and Landing Grounds, 1937 | 1937 | |||
19 | Obst, E. | Junge Krustenbewegungen in Sudafrika | 1937 | |||
19 | Obst, Erich | Das Problem der Klimaverschlechterung in Sudafrika | 1936 | |||
19 | Obst, Erich | Reisen und Forschungen im Basutoland (Sudafrika) 1935/36 | 1937 | |||
19 | Ogg, A; Gotsman, B; Van Wijk A.M | The Determination of the Horizontal Component of the Earth's Magnetic Force at the Magnetic Observatory, Hermanus, Union of South Africa | 1944 | |||
19 | N/A | Orange River Project. Taming South Africa's Biggest River | 1968 | |||
19 | Palazzo, L. | Cronistoria dei Terremoti Etiopici anteriori dell Anno 1913 | 1915 | |||
19 | Palmer, Mabel | Natal's Indian Problem | n.d. | |||
19 | Penzhorn, K.E.W. | Future Agricultural Trends in the Catchment Area of the Vaal River and their Possible Influence on Run-off. | 1963 | |||
19 | Peters, Carl | Ophir. Nach den neuesten Forschungen | 1908 | |||
19 | Pettman, Charles | Hottentot Place-Names | 1921 | |||
19 | Phillips, F.V. | Fire: Its Influence on Biotic Communities and Physical Factors in South and East Africa | 1930 | |||
19 | Phillips, John | Some Problems presented by South African Grasses and Grass Communities | 1935 | |||
19 | Phillips, John F.V. | Plant Indicators in the Knysna Region | 1928 | |||
19 | Phillips, Lou A. | Union of South Africa | rec 1949 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Bei den Buren | 1912 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Berichte uber meine Reisen nach Sudafrika 1907-1909 | 1908-1909 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Ethnographische und geographische Ergebnisse meiner Kalaharireisen | 1912 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Meine beiden Kalahari-Reisen 1908 und 1909 | 1911 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Reisen im Innern Sudafrikas zum Studium der Buschmanner in den Jahren 1907 bis 1909 | 1910 | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Seine Reisen in der Kalahari und seine Buschmannstudien von 1908 bis 1909 | 1912? | |||
19 | Poch, Rudolf | Uber die Kunst der Buschmanner Die Stellung der Buschmannrasse unter den ubrigen Menschenrassen Sudafrikanische Steinwekzeuge aus verschiedenen Perioden | 1911 | |||
19 | Polak, H.S.L. | The South African Indian Question | 1947 | |||
19 | Posselt, F.W.T. | Survey of the Native Tribes of Southern Rhodesia | 1927 | |||
19 | Power, J.H. | On the Herpetological Fauna of the Lobatsi-Linokana Area | 1927 | |||
19 | Prescott, J.R.V. | The Kariba gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme | 1959 | |||
19 | N/A | Pretoria. Administrative Capital of the Union of South Africa | 1928 | |||
19 | N/A | Pretoria, Official Handbook and Guide | 1935 | |||
19 | N/A | The Queenstown Gazetteer | 1929 | |||
19 | Querini, G. | Economic Problems of Zambia's Integration into the EAC | 1970 | |||
19 | Rastall, R.H. | Geology of Worcester, robertson, and Ashton Districts (Cape Colony) | 1911 | |||
19 | Reich, B.M. | Short Duration Rainfall Intensity in South Africa | 1961 | |||
19 | Reitz, Conrad | South African Bibliography | 1967 | |||
19 | N/A | Rhodesian Agricultural Union. The Farmers' Handbook containing Report of Proceedings at the Third Annual Farmers' Congress | 1906 | |||
19 | N/A | Rhodesian Agricultural Union. The Farmers' Handbook containing Report of Proceedings at the Fourth Annual Farmers' Congress | 1907 | |||
19 | Ritschmann, Th. | Zum Rassenkampf in Sudafrika | 1914 | |||
19 | Roberts, Alex | A Statistical Inquiry into the Population Problem in South Africa | 1926 | |||
19 | Robertson, T.C. | Vorster, J.P. | Modern Mozambique | 1943 | ||
19 | van Oordt, J.F. | The Origin of the Bantu. A Preliminary Study | 1907 | |||
20 | N/A | South African Tradition | rec 1974 | South Africa-Dept. of Information | ||
20 | N/A | Barberton Carolina and Lake Chrissie. In the Picturesque Eastern Transvaal | 1928 | |||
20 | N/A | A Digest of the Fagan Report | 1947/48 | |||
20 | N/A | Kaffirland | 1848 | Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag. | ||
20 | N/A | Mean Monthly and Annual Precipitation, Inches Selected Stations in Africa | 1923 | |||
20 | N/A | Need for the Conservation of South Africa's Natural Resources and Features of Scientific Interest and Importance (Symposium) | 1938 | |||
20 | N/A | Provisional List of Geographical Proper Names in the Union of South Africa and in South-West Africa Compiled by the Departmental Committee for the Spelling of Geographical Proper Names | 1938 | |||
20 | N/A | Rhodes Inyanga Estate. A Paradise for the Tourist and Sportsman | rec 1940 | |||
20 | Ritso, Bernard William | The Artesian Wells of the Cape Colony | 1903 | |||
20 | Robertson, T.C. | All of Africa is Drying Up | 1949 | |||
20 | Rogers, A.W. | The "Solid" Geology of the Kalahari | 1935 | |||
20 | Ropke, Wilhelm | south Africa: An Attempt at a Positive Appraisal | 1964 | |||
20 | Roux, Edward R. | The Native Reserves and Post-War Reconstruction | 1944 | |||
20 | Russell, Annie | A Woman in the African Diggings | 1893 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | Alguns aspectos da 4.a campanha da missao antropologica de Mocambique | 1947 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, Joaquim R. | Alguns "muzimos" da Zambezia e o culto dos mortos | 1940 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | A Alma do indigena atraves da etnografia de Mocambique | 1950 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | Antropologia de Mocambique | 1956 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, Joaquim R. | Aspectos de Fluctuacoes Demograficas em Indigenas de Mocambique | 1948 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | Berros, Fernando/Castro Francisco | Notas Etnograficas de Mocambique/Notas de Vocabularios Indigenas do Niassa e da Zambezia (Mocambique) | rec 1956 | ||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | Carta da Pre-Historia de Mocambique Carta Ethnologica de Mocambique | rec 1956 | |||
20 | dos Santos Junior, J.R. | Les Peintures Rupestres du Mozambique | 1952 | |||
20 | Saunders, H.P. | Bibliography of South African Geology | 1897 | |||
20 | Schell, Irving I. | Inertial Characteristics of the Winds and their Predictive Implications for the Water Movements off Southwest Africa | 1968 | |||
20 | Schofield, J.T. | Bushman Paintings. | 1923 | |||
20 | Scholtz, A.P. | The Maize Industry in South Africa- Danger Signals for the Future | 1962 | |||
20 | Schonken, J.D. | Our Natural Water Supply | 1931 | |||
20 | Schulze, B.R. | The Climate of Gobabeb | 1969 | |||
20 | Schulze, B.R. | Temperature Fluctuation in South Africa | 1960 | |||
20 | Scott, Peter | Land Policy and the Native Population of Swaziland | 1951 | |||
20 | Scott, Peter | Mineral Development in Swaziland | 1950 | |||
20 | Seward, A.C. | Fossil Plants from the Bikkeveld and Witteberg Beds of South Africa | 1932 | |||
20 | Siegfried, Andre | Les problemes ethniques de l'Afrique du Sud | 1949 | |||
20 | N/A | O Sisal | 1955 | Guia dos Exportadores e Importadores de Mocambique | ||
20 | N/A | Six Thousand Miles of Sunshine Travel over the South African Railways | 1937 | |||
20 | de Smidt, A. | A Brief History of the Surveys and of the Cartography of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope | 1895 | |||
20 | Smit, M.T.R. | Cornelius Sejosing of Griqualand | 1946 | |||
20 | Soares, H. da Silva | O clima de Vila Cabral | 1968 | |||
20 | N/A | South Africa 1910-1950 | rec 1960 | |||
20 | N/A | South Africa's Climate | rec 1955 | |||
20 | N/A | To South Africa for Diamonds | 1878 | |||
20 | N/A | South African Quiz | 1969 | |||
20 | N/A | Southern Rhodesia | 1929 | |||
20 | Spilhaus, A.F. | Diurnal Changes in the Free Atmosphere over Pretoria | 1936 | |||
20 | Spilhaus, Athelstan F. | Results of Aerological Investigations in South Africa | 1937 | 2 copies, 1 a reprint with date unknown | ||
20 | Steven, H.M. | Afforestation in South Africa | 1929 | |||
20 | Stewart, Thomas | Holtzhuisbaaken Spring, Cradock | 1923 | |||
20 | Sutton, J.R. | A Possible Lunar Influence upon the Velocity of the Wind at Kimberley V. IX Part 2 | 1921 | |||
20 | Sutton, J.R. | A Possible Lunar Influence upon the Velocity of the Wind at Kimberley V. IX Part 3 | 1921 | |||
20 | Sutton, J.R. | Rainfall and the Pressure Gradient | 1921 | |||
20 | Sutton, J.R. | Some Statistics of Thunder and Lightning at Kimberley | 1921 | |||
20 | N/A | Tanle Mountain. Some Easy Ways to the Summit | 1913 | |||
20 | Talbot, William J. | Kapstadt als Weltstadt | 1959 | |||
20 | Taswell, H.L.T. | South Africa Prospers while Critics Grumble | 1966 | |||
20 | Tell, William | Soil Erosion in Basutoland- I-II-III-IV | 1931 | |||
20 | N/A | Termos de Vassallagem Nos Territories de Machona, Zambezia e Nyassa 1858 a 1889 | 1890 | |||
20 | N/A | This is South Africa | rec 1946 | |||
20 | N/A | The Times [London] Supplement on the Republic of Botswana | 1966 | |||
20 | Tooke, W. Hammond | Notes on the Geographical Distribution of the Hottentot and Bantu in South Africa | rec 1913 | |||
20 | N/A | Trypanosomiases Committee of Southern Rhodesia. The Scientific Basis of the Control of Glossina Morsitans by Game Destruction | 1946 | |||
20 | Uhlig, Carl | Der sudafrikanische Bundesstaat und Deutsch-Sudwestafrika | 1915 | |||
20 | N/A | Umtali, the Highlands of Southern Rhodesia | 1938 | |||
20 | N/A | Umtali, Southern Rhodesia. The Tourist's and Settler's Paradise | 1940 | |||
20 | N/A | Underground Water | 1946 | |||
20 | N/A | Union of South Africa. Report of the Departmental Committee on Wheat Growing | 1919 | |||
20 | Van der Spuy, K.R. | Flying in South Africa | 1930 | |||
20 | van Dongen Irene S. | Nacala. Newest Mozambique Gateway to Interior Africa | 1957 | |||
20 | N/A | Van Rie beeck Festival- 1652-1952 | 1952 | |||
20 | Vernay, Arthur S. | The Great Kalahari Sand Veldt | 1931 | |||
20 | N/A | Victoria Falls of Southern Rhodesia | 1936 | |||
20 | N/A | The Victoria Falls of Rhodesia | 1938 | |||
20 | N/A | The Victoria Falls on the River Zambesi, Rhodesia | rec 1932 | Inscription says it was gifted Christmas of 1905 | ||
20 | Viktor, Zsivny | A Zambezi Vikrotia-Esesei | 1931 | |||
20 | Viljoen, Marais | The Future of the Vaal River | rec 1963 | |||
20 | Wagner, P.A. | A Contribution to our Knowledge of the National Game of Skill of Africa | 1917 | |||
20 | Wagner, Percy A. | Some Problems in South African Geology | 1917 | |||
20 | Walker, Eric A. | The Frontier Tradition in South Africa | 1930 | |||
20 | Wallis, A. H. | The Rainfall of Southern Rhodesia/The Rainfall of South Africa | 1921 | |||
20 | Walls, Robert R. | The Geology of Portuguese Nyasaland | 1922 | |||
20 | Walter, Heinrich | Grasland, Savanne und Busch der arideren Teile Afrikas in ihrer okologischen Bedingtheit | 1939 | |||
20 | Walter, Heinrich | Die Verbuschung, eine Erscheinung der Subtropischen Savannengebiete, und ihre Olologischen Ursachen | 1954 | |||
20 | Warren, Charles | Boundary Line between the Orange Free State and Griqua-Land West | 1881 | |||
20 | Warren, Ernest | The Mammals and Birds of Natal | rec 1914 | |||
20 | Wayland, E.J. | Some Account of a Pebble Industry in the Transvaal | 1929 | |||
20 | Wegner, E. Walt. | Aus Deutsch-Afrika: Tagebuch-Briefe eines jungen Deutschen aus Angra Pequena (1882-1884) | 1885 | |||
20 | Wellington, J.H. | A Physiographic Regional Classification of South Africa | 1946 | |||
20 | Wellington, John H. | The Kunene River and the Etosha Plain | 1938 | |||
20 | Wellington, John H. | Some Geographical Aspects of the Peopling of Africa | 1937 | |||
20 | Werther, Rudolf | Die Kalahari | 1935 | |||
20 | Westlake, J. | The Transvaal War. A Lecture Delivered in the University of Cambridge, November 1899 | 1899 | |||
20 | Whigham, H.J. | The Fighting with Methuen's Division. Belmont, Gras Pan, and Modder River | 1900 | |||
20 | Whigham, H.J. | The Intermediate Stage of the Boer War | 1900 | |||
20 | Wright, E.H. Smith | Knight, E.F. | Railways in rhodesia/With a Description of the Victoria Falls | rec 1904 | ||
20 | Yergen, Max | Gold and Poverty in South Africa | 1938 | |||
21 | N/A | The Island of Reunion | rec 1972 | Ambassade de France | ||
21 | Anderson, D. Drysdale | The Point of Population Saturation. Its Transgression in Mauritius | 1929 | |||
21 | de la Rue, E. Aubert | L'Ile de la Nouvelle Amsterdam | 1931 | |||
21 | N/A | "Aye-Aye!" | 1871 | Scribner's | ||
21 | Baehr, Alfred | Zur Landesunde der Maskarenen | 1912 | |||
21 | Barrabe, Louis | Sur le mode de gisement et l'age des roches eruptives de la region mediane du pays sakalave | 1926 | |||
21 | Various Authors | Academie des Sciences Tome 177 Decembre | 1923 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Contribution a l'Etude de la Declinaison Magnetique a Madagascar et de ses Rapports avec la Geologie | 1937 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Contribution a l'Etude des Solds de Madagascar | 1937 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Hourcq, Victor | Eaux thermo-minerales de Madagascar recement etudiees | 1935 | ||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Le laboratoire de recherches geologiques et de prospection du Service des Mines de Madagascar | 1935 | |||
21 | Besairie, H. | Note sur la geologie de la region du Zomendao (Madagascar) | rec 1937 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Les principaux types de sols de Madagascar | 1935 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Les Recherches Petroliferes dans l'Ouest de Madagascar | 1930 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Les Sols de la Basse Menaranda | 1935 | |||
21 | Besairie, Henri | Les Sols de Madagascar | 1937 | |||
21 | N/A | The Comoro Islands | 1962 | |||
21 | Davy, E.G. | The Probability of Tropical Cyclones at Mauritius | 1960 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Le Crocodile Malgache. Ses moeurs, son role dans la vie indigene | 1949 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Le Lac Ihotry | 1942 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | La legende du Rokh et l'AEpyornis | 1937 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Les Marofotsy. Coutumes et Croyances | 1946 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Les noms francais dans la toponymie de Madagascar | 1944 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Notes geologiques sur l'Extreme-Sud de Madagascar | 1931 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | L'origine de la dissemination du flamboyant dans Madagascar. Les grottes d'Andranoboka | 1938 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | La Population de l'Androy (Extreme Sud de Madagascar) | 1937 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Les recherches de Botanique pure et appliquee a Madagascar | 1938 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | La population de Madagascar | 1947-48 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Les Satellites de Madagascar et l'ancienne navigation dans le Canal de Mozambique | 1937 | |||
21 | Decary, Raymond | Les Voyages de Portugais a Madagascar au XVI Siecle | 1949 | |||
21 | Deherain, Henri | Le Voyage de Francois Leguat dans l'Ocean Indien (1690-1698) Est-il Imaginaire? | 1926 | |||
21 | Dixey, Frank | Observations sur les surfaces d'Erosion a Madagascar | 1958 | |||
21 | Edwardes, S.B. de Burgh | Geographie illustree de l'Ile Maurice | 1921 | |||
21 | Falck, Kjell | L'ancien villege a Vakinankaratra, Madagascar | 1958 | |||
21 | Fosberg, F.R. | The Fern Vegetation of Aldabra Atoll | 1971 | |||
21 | Fosberg, F. Raymond | Unique Aldabra | 1967 | |||
21 | Golding, Artur | Zur Landesnatur der Seychellen | 1913 | |||
21 | Grandidier, Alfred | Sur les travaux geographiques et cartographiques executes a Madagascar par ordre du general Galileni, de 1897 a 1899 | 1899 | |||
21 | Grandidier, Guillaume | Voyage dans le sud-ouest de Madagascar | 1900 | |||
21 | Hance, William A. | The Economic Geography of Madagascar | 1937 | |||
21 | Hance, William A. | The Ports of Madagascar/The Roads of Madagascar/Air Transport in Madagascar | 1958 | |||
21 | Hance, William A. | Railroads of Madagascar | 1958 | |||
21 | Keller, Conrad | Natur und Volksleben der Insel Reunion | 1888 | |||
21 | Kling, G. | Sainte-Marie de Madagascar | 1955 | |||
21 | Kloeden, G.A.v. | Afrikanische Inseln | 1871 | |||
21 | N/A | Madagascar, birth of a new republic. Ten Years of French Economic Assistance 1949-1959 | 1960 | |||
21 | N/A | The Malgasy Republic, Hour of Independence | 1960 | |||
21 | N/A | Mystery of the Man Eating Tree of Madagascar | 1924 | American Weekly, Inc. Great Britain Rights Reserved | ||
21 | Rodgers, Joel Townsley | Osborn's Madagascar. The Land of the Man Eating Tree | n.d. | Brentano's January Book Chat | ||
21 | N/A | Reunion the perfume island | 1961 | |||
21 | Routier, Gaston | L'Agriculture. La Flore, les Mines et la Faune de Madagascar | 1890 | |||
21 | de la Rue, E. Aubert | Une Excursion Geologique a la Reunion et a l'Ile Maurice | rec 1932 | |||
21 | Ruggeri, V. Giuffrida | Nuovi studi sull'antropologia dell'Africa orientale | 1916 | |||
21 | Stoddart, D.R. | The Aldabra Affair | rec 1968 | |||
22 | de Bassilan, M. | Essai sur la Cartographie de Madagascar | 1890 | |||
22 | N/A | British East Africa. Survey Department. Annual Report 1907-1908 | 1908? | |||
22 | Grandidier, Alfred | Histoire de la Decouverte de l'Ile de Madagascar par les Portugais (pendant le XVIe siecle) | 1902 | |||
22 | Grandidier, Alfred | Voyage de Decouvertes sur les Cotes Occidentale et Merisionale de l'Ile de Madagascar en 1913-1614 | 1899 | |||
22 | Grandidier, Alfred | Les Voyageurs Francaise a Madagascar pendant les trente Dernieres Annes | 1893 | |||
22 | Grandidier, Guillaume | Voyage deans le sud-ouest de Madagascar | 1900 | |||
22 | N/A | Introduction a l'Ile Bourbon de l'arbre a the et de l'arbre a vernis | 1937 | |||
22 | Joleaud, L. | Renseignements sur Madagascar a ll'usage du voyageur naturaliste | rec 1930 | |||
22 | Joleaud, L. | Sur les Hippoptames subfossiles de Madagascar et sur les connexions geographiques recents de la Grande Ile avec le continent Africain | 1923 | |||
22 | Jumelle, Henri | Les Ravenea, Palmiers de Madagascar | 1926 | |||
22 | Kurse, G. | Das Volk der Sud-Sakalava | rec 1912 | |||
22 | Lacroix, A. | Les Industries minerales non metalliferes a Madagascar | 1920 | |||
22 | Lacroix, A. | Une nouvelle eruption du volcan da la Reunion | 1925 | |||
22 | Linton, Ralph | Desert | 1928 | The Atlantic Monthly (November) | ||
22 | Linton, Ralph | White Magic | 1928 | The Atlantic Monthly (June) | ||
22 | N/A | Madagascar and the United States | 1883 | |||
22 | Peill, J. | Jones, Gore | Social Conditions and Prospects of Madagascar | n.d. | ||
22 | Petter, J.J. | Les Lemuriens Malgaches et leur Protection | 1958 | |||
22 | Pickersgill, W.C. | French Doings among the Sakalava and Hova | n.d. | |||
22 | Robequain, Charles | Une Capitale Montagnarde en pays tropical: Tananarive | 1949 | |||
22 | Savornin, Andre | Besairie, Henri | Les anomalies magnetiques a Madagascar et leurs relations avec des phenomenes geologiques | 1935 | ||
22 | Stoddart, D.R. | Wright, C.A. | Ecology of Aldabra Atoll | 1967 | ||
22 | Toussant, A. | Select Bibliography of Mauritius | 1951 | |||
22 | Wade, Arthur | Madagascar and Its Oil Lands | 1929 | |||
22 | N/A | What are "French Claims" on Madagascar? A Statement of the Madagascar Committee | 1882 | |||
23 | N/A | Research Report no. 8: Some State-controlled Industrial Companies in Tanzania. A Case Study | 1971 | |||
23 | N/A | Abruzzi's Conquest of Lofty "Ruwenzori" | 1908 | |||
23 | Akeley, Delia J. | Report of the Museum's Expedition to Africa | 1925 | |||
23 | Alexander, C.S. | Final Report of Field Work Carried out in Tanganyika | 1966 | |||
23 | Alexander, C.S. | The Marine Terraces of the Northeast Coast of Tanganyika | 1968 | |||
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34 | Cattan, Henry | To Whom Does Palestine Belong? | 1970 | |||
34 | Clapp, Frederick G. | Geology and Bitumens of the Dead Sea Area, Palestine and Transjordan | 1936 | |||
34 | Clapp, Frederick G. | The Site of Sodom and Gomorrah | 1936 | |||
34 | Comay, Michael | Arab Refugees and Middle East Peace | 1967 | |||
34 | Combier, Ch. | Essai d'une Formule de Classification des Climats du Levant | 1948 | |||
34 | N/A | Crossing the Desert | 1847 | |||
34 | Curtiss, Samuel Ives | The Emperor William in the Holy Land | 1889 | |||
34 | Dafni, Rinna | The Negev | 1960 | |||
34 | Dayan, Moshe | Israel's Border and Security Problems | 1955 | |||
34 | Dor, Abraham | Negev's Mineral Resources | 1951 | |||
34 | Dubertret, Louis | Apercu de Geographie Physique sur le Liban, l'Anti-Liban et la Damascene | 1948 | |||
34 | Dubertret, Louis | Etats du Levant sous Mandat Francais | 1933 | |||
34 | Dussaud, Rene | La Palmyrene et l'Exploration de M. Alois Musil | 1929 | |||
34 | Eddington, G.H. | Lower Palestine during the Great War | 1922-24 | |||
34 | Eig, A. | On the Phytogeographical Subdivision of Palestine | 1938 |