Pamphlets 1-33

Pioneer Explorers and Africa
Box #Primary AuthorSecondary AuthorsTitleYearNotes
1Almagia, RobertoIl contributo di Venezia alla conoscenza dell'Africa1938
1Bolinder, GustafBusintana indianernas musikbage1917
1Guernsey, A.H.Cameron's Journey Across African.d.
1Hurlbut, George C.Henry M. Stanley: His Career and Achievements1890
1Koner, W.Ueber die neuesten Entdeckungen in Africa18692 Copies
1Joubert, JosephStanley: Le Roi des Explorateurs1905
1Koner, W.Kiepert, H.Der Anteil der Deutschen Entdeckung und Erforschun Afrika's/Erlauterungen zu der Entdeckungen des 19. Jahrhunderts1874
1Schepping, R.Die Cao-Saule von Kap Cross1903
1N/AStanley in Africa [Review of his book, "Through the Dark Continent"]1878NY Times Sept 1, 1878
1N/A[Stanley] Through the Dark Continent1878Harpers New Monthly Magazine, 57, 1878
1Trentlein, P.Durchquerungen Afrikas1884
1Trentlein, P.Die Durchquerungen Afrikas1884
2N/AAfrican Exploration Fundn.d.
2N/AAfrica's Population Problem1969
2N/AAfrican Proverbial Philosophy1854
2Association Internationale Africaine1880
2Amberson, Julius M.Schwarz, ErnestOn African Schistosomiasis1953
2Aldrich, T.B.A day in Africa1881
2Allardyce, JanetAfrican Sketches and Impressions1912?
2Allardyce, JanetMore African Sketches1912
2Almagia, RobertoL'Africa Italianan.d.
2Association Internationale AfricaineJournal et Notes de Voyagede la Premiere Expedition1879
2N/AAssociation Internationale Africaine. Seance Publique du ler Mars 18801880
2N/ASocial Research and African Studies1952
2N/AThe South African Tradition1960
2Sturz, J.J.Der wiedergewonnene Welttheil: ein neues gemeinsames Indian1875
2Aubert, G.Travaux Recents sur les Sols Africains1942
2Baker, S.J.K.White, R.T.The Distribution of Native Population over South-East Central Africa1946
2Barbour, K.M.Population in Africa: A Geographer's Approach1953
2Barker, LadyAfrican Weather and African Scenery1876
2Barstow, MarjorieMethodist Trails in the African Jungle1917
2Biasutti, R.La carta dell'Africa di G. Gastaldi (1545-1564)1920
2Black, LloydThe 1962 international Coffee Agreement: Implications for Africa1962
2Bolton, Frances B.Letters from Africa 19551956
2Byerlee, DerekRural-Urban migration in Africa: theory, policy and research implications1974
2Caldwell, KeithReport on Faunal Survey in Eastern and Central Africa1948
2Carter, G.F.Maize to Africa1963
2Chatelain, HeliAfrican Races1893
2Chang, Kuei-shengAfrica and the Indian Ocean in Chinese Maps of the 14th and 15th Centuries1960's
2Comhaire, J.Urban Conditions in Africa: Select Reading List on Urban Problems in Africa1952
2Craig, J.I.Isotherms for Africa1911
2Cumming, Roualeyn GordenAfrican Sporting1850
2Deasy, George F.The Harbors of Africa1942
2Dahlberg, Ricard E.Thomas, Benjamin E.Map Resources on Africa1962
2Desto, ArditoRegioni di popolamento delle stirpi europee dell'Africa Tropicale1938
2Duignan, PeterUnited States and Canada Doctoral Dissertations on Africa1973
2N/AExtraits des Rapports des Voyageurs de l'Association Internationale Africaine1880Duplicate
2Kammer, E.Einige Bemerkungen zum Aufsatz des Herrn Dr. Bludau uber die Projektion der Karte von Africa1892
2Hammer, E.Uber Projektionen der Karte von Africa1889
2Hohnel, L. Ritter vonAfrika Reise des Grafen Samuel Teleki1889
2Hubert, HenryPetrographie-Les diabases du Fonta-Djalon et leurs phenomenes de contact1917
2Jacquemyns, GuillaumeLe probleme de la "Cuve" de Bruxelles de 1795 a 18541931-1932
2N/AJonathon in Africa1849Blackwood's Edinburgh, Aug 1849
2N/AJournees d'etudes sur la cartographie de religions en Afrique Noire1953
2Kaltbrunner, D.L'Afrique en 18901890
2Taylor, George LansingThe New Africa: Its Discovery and Destiny1888
2Twenty Years of African Travel1877Eclectic Magazine August 1877
2Michell, LewisCape to Cairo Railway1906Duplicate
2Morgen, C.Kriegs und Expeditionsfuhrung in Africa1893
2Passarge, S.Reisen im Ngami-Land1899
2de Renty, E.Un chemin de fer transafricain1911
2Schwarz, E.H.L.The Desiccation of Africa: The Cause and Remedy1918
2Workman, Fanny B.Exploration and Climbing in the Nun-Kim HimalayaMar-05
3Hoffman, L.Jungius, H.Conservation in Tropical Africa1972
3Jones, William O.Regional Analysis and Agricultural Marketing Research in Tropical Africa: Concepts and Experience1974
3N/AAfrica General Bibliography1946
3N/AAfrican Resources: A Comprehensive Handbook for American Importers1949
3N/AAfrican Urbanization: A Reading List of Selected Books, Articles, and Reports1955
3N/AGeography of African.d.
3Francis, E.C.Africa: Notes on the Geography Written for African Schools in Simple English1933
3N/AThe Franco-African Transportation System Key to Development and Human Progress in Africa1955
3Frankel, S. HerbertThe Tyranny of Economic Paternalism in Africa: A Study of Frontier Mentality 1860-19601960
3Gillet, PaulLes Chemins de fer en Afrique1931
3Gillman, C.Musings from the Air1932
3Girouard, Sir PercyThe Railways of Africa1906
3Geiger, RudolfZierl, HermannKoppens Klimazonen und die Vegetations onen von Africa1931
3Engler, Von A.Pflanzengeographische Gliederung von Afrika1908
3N/AVarldens Lander och Folk: Natur och Kulturn.d.
3Haucal, Ibnde Slane, G.Description de l'Afrique Translated from Arabic1842
3van Hoepen, E.C.N.On land Connections and the former extent of the African Continent1922
3Houphouet-BoignyBlack Africa and the French Union1957
3Isaac, ErichRelations between the Hebrew Bible and Africa1964
3Jones, William O.Environment, Technical Knowledge, and Economic Development in Tropical Africa1965
3Jones, William O.Manioc: An Example of Innovation in African Economies1957
3Kaneda, HiromitsuJohnston, Bruce F.Urban Food Expenditure Patterns in Tropical Africa1961
3Kenworthy, Leonard S.Studying Africa in Elementary and Secondary Schools1962
3Kirkman, A.E.B.Africa's Vanishing Faunan.d.
3Klute, FritzNeue Verkehrswege in Africa1922Duplicate
3Krenkel, E.Moorbildungen im tropischen Africa1920
3Labouret, HenriLe Probleme de l'alimentation des Indigenes en Afrique1938
3Lewin, EvansAfrica in the 20th Century1927
3de Langle, FleuriotCroisieres a la Cote d'Afrique1968
3Lewis, L.J.Equipping Africa1948
3Liniger-Goumaz, MaxHypothese du desengorgement de l'Afrique Centrale1966
3Liniger-GoumazUne Revolution Indispensable1969
3Lobagola, IbnAn African Savage's Own Story: The Escape from Savage Life1929
3Lobagola, IbnAn African Savage's Own Story: The Marriage Ordeal1929
3Lobagola, IbnAn African Savage's Own Story: A Mating in the Jungle1929
3Lobagola, IbnAn African Savage's Own Story: A Savage Man without a Country1929
3Loth, JerzyVoyage par l'Afrique du Cap de Bonne Esperance a la Mediteranee in Polish1930
3Magenau, Mary S.A Bibliography of Development Plans in Africa South of the Sahara1966
3de Martonne, Ed.Les Cartes d'Afrique du Service Geographique de l'Armee1936
3Matznetter, JosefDas Problem der Arbeitskraft in Afrika am Beispiel der Kontraktarbeiter der Plantagen von Sao Tome und der Mined des Witwatersrandes1962
3Mecking, LudwigBau und Bild afrikanischer Kustenstadte in ihrer Beziehung zum Volkstum1938
3Meinhof, C.Die Afrikanischen Klassensprachen in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Geschichte der Sprache1931
3N/ANotice Bibliographique des principaux Cuvrages francais recents: Le Sahara et les Etats Africains d'Expression Francaise1961
3N/APolitica Portugueza na Africa: Memoria Historice e Politica1889
3N/ASecretariat d'Etat aux Relations avec les Etats de la Communaute1960
3N/AAfrican Challenge: The Story of the British in Tropical Africa1945
3Correa, Antonio Augusto MendesComputos da Populacao Global da Africa1948
3Falkner, F.R.Die Trockengrenze des Regenfeldbaus in Africa1938
3Forde, DaryllSocial Development in Africa and the Work of the International African Institute1944
3Francolini, BrunoL'Emigrazione Italiana in Africa1949
3N/AFrench Colonial Policy in Africa1944
3du Gard, MartinLe Transsaharien1941
3Grattan, C. HartleyThe Future of Africa1943
3Green, Lawrence G.Africa's " Heart of Darkness" Today1929
3Huxley, ElspethAfrican Dilemmas1948
3Huxley, Julian S.Aspects of Africa: Insects, Beasts, and Men1930
3Isachsen, FridtjovNeger-Afrika. Australia. Sydost-Asiarec. 1948
3Jaeger, FritzProbleme der klimatischen Grenzen in Afrika1929
3Hughes, CharlesHunter, John M.Disease and "Development" in Africa1970
3Johnston, Harry H.The Bantu and the Semibantic Languages1917
3Kimble, George H.T.Africa Today: The Lifting Darkness1951
3Kuchler, A.W.Vegetation Mapping in Africa1960
3Malinowski, BronislawRace and Labour1930
3Miracle, Marvin P.Maize in Tropical African Agriculture1958
3Mittelholzer, WalterFlying over Africa1930
3Mulira, E.M.K.Thoughts of a Young Africanrec. 1946
3Schweinfurth, GeorgeEuropas Aufgaben und Aussichten im tropicschen Afrikarec. 1912
4Prince, Julius S.Applied Demography in the Context of Africa's Development
4Wober, J.M.Infancy and Weaning in Africa1972
4N/AAfrica: What you should know about its Present and Future1944
4Chatelain, M.Extraits de Lettres1904-5
4N/ACoffee in Africa1961
4Cust, M. Robert NeedhamL'Occupation de l'Afrique par les Missionaires Chretiens de l'Europe et de l'Amerique du Nord1891
4Galton-Fenzi, L.D.A New Motor Route: East Africa to Lagos and London1931
4N/ALa Ligue Philafricaine: Fragments de lettres du missionnaire Heli Chatelain1899
4Preliminary List of Africanan.d.Empty folder
4La Ligue Philafricaine: Fragments de lettres du missionnaire Heli Chatelain1899Same name as previous, but different picture
4N/ALa Mission Philafricaine dans l'Angola (Afrique Occidentale)1902
4La Mission Philafricaine dans l'Angola (Afrique Occidentale)1904Part 2?
4N/ANachrichten aus der ostafrikanischen Mission1906Multiple Copies
4Neumark, S.D.Some Economic Development Problems of African Agriculture1959
4N/AThe New Franco-African Community1960
4Norman, Sir HenryThe Automobile in Africa1912
4Olton, RoyProblems of American Foreign Relations in the African area during the 19th C.1954
4N/AOrganization of African Unity: Basic Documents1964
4Passarge, S.Grundlinien im Aufbau Afrikas1950
4Pearcy, G. EtzelAfrica: Names and Concepts1960
4Perham, MargerySome Problems of Indirect Rule in Africa1934
4Pfaff-Giesberg, RobertSklavereirec. 1933
4Le PhilafricainOrgane de la Mission Philafricaine19052 Serie, No. 3, Mars, 1905
4Le PhilafricainOrgane de la Mission Philafricaine19072E Serie, No. 4,5 October 1907
4Le PhilafricainOrgane de la Mission Philafricaine19072e serie, No. 8 October 1907
4Le PhilafricainOrgane de la Mission Philafricaine19072e serie , No. 6 Mars 1907
4Ojeda, Luis ThayerLa Ttiopia Mitologica1930Valparaiso
4Pinto, SerpaComment J'ai Traverse l'Afriquen.d.Le Tour du Monde
4Porteres, RolandVieille Agricultures de l'Afrique Intertropicals1950Lagronomie Tropicale
4Potekhin, Ivan I.Land Relations in African Countries1963The Journal Of Modern African Studies Volume 1, No.1
4N/APreliminary List of Africana from Gubbins Library1931Library, University of Witwatersrand
4Prothero, R. MansellPopulation Mobility & Trypanosomiasis in Africa1963Bulletin of World Health Org. No.28
4Prothero, R. MansellA Geographer with the World Health Organization1962Geographical Journal Vol. (No Suggestions), Part 4
4Prothero, R. MansellPopulation Movements and Problems of Malaria Eradication in Africa1961Bulletin of World Health Org. No.24
4Prothero, R. MansellPopulation Movements and Problems of Malaria Eradication in Africa1961Bulletin of World Health Org. No.24 (copy2)
4Prothero, R. MansellSocio-Economic Aspects of Rural/Urban Migration in Africa South of the Sahara1965Scientia, Sixieme Serie
4Read, MargaretMigrant Labor in Africa and Its Effects on Tribal Life1942International Labour Review, Vol. XLV
4Reyner, Anthony S.The Length and Status of International Boundaries in Africa1969Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies
4Robertson, C. J.Monoexport in Africa1940The S. African Journal of Economics, March 1940
4Romanelli, PietroNote Storico-Gepgrafiche relative all Africa al Tempo di Augusto1950Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Anno 347
4Romer, E.Paleogeogaphie Problems of Africa as Deduced from Her River System1951Bull. De l'Acadamie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres
4Romer, EugenPaleogeogaphie Problems of Africa as Deduced from Her River System1951Bull. De l'Acadamie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres c2
4Sander, ErichAfrika als Problem1938Geographischer Anzeiger, Heft 2
4Santos, Joaquim RodriguesII Congresso Pan-africano de Pre-historia1952Trabalhos da Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia Vol. XIII
4Schinz, Hans, ed.Mitteilungen aus dem Botanischen Museum der Univ. of Zurich1923Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich
4Schultze, Joachim H.Die Besiedlung der Deutsch-Africanischen Lolonen mit Wiessen1939Geographischer Anzeiger
4Schultze, Joachim H.Der Gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Deutsch- Afrikanischen Kilonien1939Geographischer Anzeiger, Jahrgang Heft 7
4Simmer, HansDer aktive Vulkanismus auf dem Afrikamischen Festland und der Afrikanischen Inseln1906Doc. Diss. Erlangen
4Spreitzer, HansMatznetter, JosefForschungsreise der Oesterreichschen Geographen Gesellschaft nach Afrika1961Oesterreichschen Geographen Gesellschaft , Bd. 103
4Steel, Robert W.Population Increase and Food Production in Tropical Africa1965African Affairs, Spring
4Steel, Robert W.Problems of Food and Population in Tropical Africa1967?Offprint from Koeniek van Afrika, Leiden
4Stephens, Richard W.Population Pressures in Africa South of the Sahara1959Population Research Project, George Wash. Univ.
4Stevenson, JamesThe Water Highways of the Interior of Africa with notes on Slave Hunting and the Means of its suppression1883Trans. Of Council of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, May
4Strickland, C. F.The Co-Operative Movement in Africa1934Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, June 1st
4Terjung, Werner H.Bi-Monthly Physiological Climates and Annual Stresses and regimes of Africa1968Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 50, Ser. A
4Terjung, Werner H.The Geographical Application of Some Selected Physio-Climatic Indices to Africa1967Int. J. Biometeor
4Termer, F.Berichterstattung Aus Der Atlantischen Welt1924Zeit-Schrift für Geoploitik, April
4Troll, C. , Lange, F.Gerth, E.Afrika als Rogstofflieferant der Weltwirtsshaft1932Koloniale Rundschau. October
4Troll, C. , Lange, F.Gerth, E.Afrika als Rogstofflieferant der Weltwirtsshaft1932Koloniale Rundschau. October (copy2)
4Troll, CarlKoloniale Raumplanung in Africa1941Zeitschrift der Gesellchaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Jahrgang
4Tucker, A. N.The Spelling of African Place Names on Maps1948Bull. School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. XII
4Umlauft, FriedrichAfrika in Kartographischer Darstellung von Hereodot bis heute1887Wien
4Vanhove, JulienLa sauvegarde des valeurs culturelles africaines1951Séance academique 27-X-1951, Anvers, pp. 18-31
4Vanzetti, CarloLand and Man in Africa1964Societa Rurale, Anno I n.2
4Waibel, LeoLebensformen und Lebensweise der Waldtiere im tropischen Afrika1913Dr. Diss. Heidelberg
4Walker, MartinDrought1974New York Times magazine, June 9, pp 11-13
4Winterbotham, H. S. L.McCaw, G. T.The Triangulations of Africa1928Geographical Journal, January
4Winterbottom, J. M.Understand the African1946Longmans, Green and Co.
5Hall, LelandTp Picnic in Fezn.d.Harpers Magazine
5de Amicic, EdmondoLe Marocn.d.Le Tour du Monde
5Awad, HassanMorocco's Expanding Towns1964The Geographical Journal, Vol. 130, March
5Barthoux, J.Les massifs des Djebilet st du Rehamna (Maroc)1924Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 179
5Barthoux, J.Metamorphisme de contact dans Le Djebilet et les Rehamna1924Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 179, no. 17
5Choubert, GeorgesApercu de la Geologie Marocaine1946Revue de Geographie Marocaine
5Coulter, John WesleyAspects of Morocco Today: Climate & Agriculture1964The Journal of Geography, Vol. LXIII
5Cucinotta, ErnestoLa Questione di Tangeri1926Rivista Coloniale, Anno XXI
5Deasy, George F.Treaties & Conventions that pertain to boundariesÂ…Spanish Territory in NW Africa since 18601942
5Depéret, Ch.Gentil, L.Geologie- sur une faune miocene superieure marine (Sá_Hélienne) dans le R'arb1917Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 164
5Fact Sheet on MoroccoPolitical Setup and Economic Development1956Moroccan Affairs, No. 11
5Fallot, P.Doncieux, L.Le Flysch du Rif Espagnol1933Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 197
5Fallot, P.Nouvelles Observations Geologiques sue le Rif Espagnol1933Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences,
5Fernandez- Llebrez, J. L.Tetuan Guia Turistica1948
5Fogg, WalterWazzan: A Holy City of Morocco1934Aberystwyth Studies, Vol. XIII
5Gaillard, HenriLe Sionisme et la Question Juive dans l'Afrique du Nord1918Publication du Comité du Maroc
5Gautier, E.F.Savornin, J.Les Couches Rouges d'Ouaouizert (Maroc Central)1925Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, No. 16 Avril
5Gentil, LouisL'Histoire Physique de Maroc1915conferences de L'expedition France-Marocaine á Casablanca
5Gentil, LouisItineraires dans le Haut Atlas Marocaine1908La Géographie, Vol. XVII, March
5Gentil, LouisLe Maroc San passé-Son Avenir1918Conferences de L'Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Annee
5Gentil, LouisNote sur les Régions Volcaniques du Maroc Central1917Bulletin de la Geologiques de France, t. XVI
5Algerie MarocHotels er Restaurants1955-1956Services de Tourisme Michelin, Paris
5Barges, M.L'AbbeExcursion a Sebdou, poste Francais sur la Frontiere du Maroc1849Journal Asiatique, Aout-Septembre
5Bernard, AugustinLa France au Maroc1917Annales de Géographie
5Bernard, AugustinLes Resources Économiques du Maroc et leur mise en Valeur Aprés la Guerre1918Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale
5Caprotti, ErminioPaesaggi Vegetali Del Marocco Meridionale1974Natura Vol. 15, XII
5Gentil, LouisNotes d'un Voyage Géologique á Taza (Maroc Septentrional)1918Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, t. XVIII
5Gentil, LouisGéologie- Sur l'age du Déetroit Sud-Rifain1918Comptes Rendus, t. 166
5Gentil, LouisSur des Vetiges de Glaciation Quarternaire dans la Région de Telout (Haut Atlas Marocaine1924Comptes Rendus, Acad. Des Sciences, Tome 178, No. 1
5Guernier, EugeneLa Maroc l'oeuvre du Marechal Lyauteyn.d.L'Encyclopedie Coloniale et Maritime
5Guernier, EugeneLa Maroc l'oeuvre du Marechal Lyauteyn.d.L'Encyclopedie Coloniale et Maritime
5Halewyck, HaroldLe Statut International de Tanger1825-1926Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 31 annee
5Harris, WalterThe Berbers of Morocco1904Scribner's
5Humbert, HenriVégétation du Grand Atlas Marocain Oriental1924Société d'Hostoire Naturelle
5Le MarocEncyclopédie par l'Image1931Librarie Hachette
5Le MarocNos Supplements Coloniaux1921L'Illustration, Numero Special Consacré au Maroc, 12 Fevrier
5Moroccan Questions1952French Embassy Press/ Information Division, NY
5de la Rue, E. AubertObservations sur Quelque Gisements Marocains de plomb et de Zincn.d.
5de la Rue, E. AubertObservations sur Quelques Pierres Précieuses Marocaines1928Bull. De la Sociétédes Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, Tome VIII
5Besnier, MauriceGéographie Ancienne du Maroc1904Archives Marocaines, Paris
5de Card, E. RouardL'Ile de Peregil. Son Importance Strategique. Sa Neutralisation1913Paris
5de Card, E. RouardLe Protectorat de la France Sur le Maroc1905Toulouse, Paris
5de Card, E. RouardLa Question Marocaine de la Négotiation Franco-Espagnole de 19021912Paris
5Chardeau, R.Excursion Géologique au nord et a l'est de Tombouctou1915Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
5Tangier1921Comité France-Tangier
5Blache, JulesDe Meknés aux Sources de la Moulouya1919Annales de Géographie, Tome XXVIII
5Blache, JulesQuelques Aspects des Montagnes Marocaines1920Revué de Géographie Alpine, Tome VIII
5Blazquez, AntonioLas Costas de Marruecos en la Antiguedad1921Madrid
5Bonsal, StephenFez, The Mecca of the Moors1893The Century Magazine
5Bourcart, JacquesL'Extrémitá Occidentale de l'Anti-Atlas Marocain1947Revue de Géographie Marocaine
5Brunfaut, JulesL'Urbanisme au Maroc1924Bulletin de la Classe des Beaux-Arts, Acad. Royale de Belgique, TomeVI
6Dieckmann, WalterDie geologischen Verhaltniss der UmgebungÂ…Eisenerz-Lagerstatten des Gebietes von Beni-Bu-Ifrur im marokkanischen Rif
6Eredia, FilippoIl Clima di Derna1916Bolletino d'Informazioni, Anno IV
6Eredia, FilippoLe piene dell'uadi di Derna1918Bolletino d'Informazioni, Anno V
6N/AForest Vistas1953French Residency General in Morocco
6Gentil, LouisEsquisse Hydrologique de la Region de Meknes1914Societe de Geographie Commerciale de Paris
6Gentil, LouisLe Maroc- Sa pacification- Son outillage economique Le developpement de ses echanges1914Federation de Industriels et de commercants Francais, Paris
6Gentil, LouisLugeion, M.; Joleaux, L.Notes de Geologie Marocaine1918Comptes redus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences
6Gentil, LouisNotes de Geologie Marocaine Serie V Serie VII1916Received from Author
6Gentil, LouisNotes Geologie Marocaine, Serie VI1916Received from Author
6Gentil, LouisLa Recherche scientifique au Maroc1914Revue Generale des Sciences
6Gentil, LouisPereira de SousaSur les effets au Maroc du grand tremblement de terre en Portugal (1755)1913Comptes redus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences, Tome 157
6Deren, Adrar N.Contribution a une Etude de la Toponymie du Haut Atlas1942Extrait de la Revue de Etudes Islamiques
6Leclercq, JulesLe Maroc1906Revue General, mars
6Le Guillou, LouisLes Frontieres Sahariennes du Maroc1957Ecrits de Paris, Revue des Questions Actuelles, Octobre
6N/AHigh Atlas and Sahara Expedition: A Report on the Trinity College, Dublin1966
6N/AThe Jews of Morroco1949Reports, Institute of Jewish Affairs, Vol. II No. 2
6Lawson, Andrew C.The Atlas Mountains of Morocco1931The Scientific Monthly, February
6Lebel, R.Le maroc dans la litterature francaise1925Bulletin de l'Eseignment public au Maroc, Decembre
6Lecointre,CorrotGeorges; BorrSur les terrains paleozoiques de la region nord-ouest des Zaer./Le Valanginian de la bordure orientale du Bassin in Paris/ Sur la morphologie du Bas-morvan.1922Comptes rendus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences, Tome 175
6Bege, Ed.Le Petrol au Maroc. L'origine et la conservation des gites petroliferes du Nord marocain1921Le Genie Civil, Avril
6Lutaud, LeonLes mouvements post-saheliens et leur influence sur la morphologie dans la zone perifaine du R'arb septentrional1921Comptes rendus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences, Tome 175
6Maire, R.Sur la vegetation du Sud-Ouest marocain1926Comptes rendus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences, Tome 182
6Maire, ReneLa Vegetation alpine du Grand Atlas marocain1924Comptes rendus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences, Tome 170
6Marcy, GeorgesLes Berberes Caouias de l'Aures1942Bulletin de l'Eseignment public du Maroc, No. 172
6Marin, AFallot, P.Sur le raccord des dislocations de Punta pescadores avec celles de la chaine calcaire du Rif1933Comptes rendus des Seances de la Academie des Sciences
6Mikesell, Marvin W.Deforestation in Northern Morocco1960Science, August
6N/AMorocco under the Protectorate: Forty Years of French Administration. An Analysis of the Facts and Figures1953Moroccan Office of Information and Documentation, New York, Feb.
6Mourey, CharlesLe commerce du Protectorat francais du Maroc de 1913 a 19151917Office du Gouvernment Cheripien
6Negro, CarloSul Clima della Libia. Attraverso I tempi storici1916Memorie della Pontificio Accademis Romana
6Ogilvie, Alan G.Morocco and its Future1912The Geographical Journal, June
6Parent, PierreThe Truth about Morocco1953
6Passamard, E.Les terrasses alluviales du Sebou en amont de Fez1921
6Penet, PaulLe Masif du Toubkal et le Lac Ifni1919
6Perret, RobertAu Maroc et dans le Grand Atlas avec le Club Alpin1924Duplicate
6Perez, GarciaSanta Cruz de Mar Pequena y Sahara Occidental1922
6Pobequin, E.Sur la cote Ouest du Maroc1908
6Prothero, R. MansellGeographical Factors and Malaria Eradication. The Case of Morocco1964
6Rene-LeclercLe Maroc. Notice Economique1912
6Ricard, RobertCroyances et pratiques populaires au Maroc1935
6Rohlfs, GerhardLe Tafilelt1910
6Rouch, J.Le metereologie dans "Au Maroc" de Loti1931
6Russo, PNotes tectoniques et paleontologiques sur la region de Bab Moroudj (detroit Sud-Riffain)1925
6Russo, PSur la presence de trois nappes de charriage dans le Rif meridional1926
6Savornin, J.Le Moyen Atlas marocain1921
6Schnell, PaulDas marokkanische Atlasgebirge1891
6Vallaux, CamilleLe Probleme de Tanger19192 copies
6Walsh, Henry CollinsMoorish Pirates of Today and Yesterday1920
6Weeks, Edwin LordTwo Centres of Moorish Art1901
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12The New York TimesRepublic of Ghana: New Frontier of DemocracyÂ…New Land of Opportunity.1960
12Hafsten, UlfPleistocene Development of Vegetation and Climate in Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island1961
12Heaney, J.B.Holdgate, M.W.The Gough Island Scientific Survey1957
12Heaney, J.B.The Survey of Gough Island1957
12Mendes-Correa, A.A.Les metis des iles du Cap-Vert1937
12Murphy, Robert CushmanThe Marine Ornithology of the Cape Verde Islands with a List of all the Birds of the Archipelago1924
12Pearson, Scott R.The Economic Imperialism of the Royal Niger Co.1971
12Pereira, Judite dos SantosNotas Sobre a Geologia da Guine Portugesa1943
12Perret, RobertA Travers le Pays Ajjer. Itineraire de Fort-Flatters a Djanet1935
12Pignol, RaoulDie Niederschlafsverhaltnisse des alten deutschen Schutzgebietes Togo1931
12Platt, Elizabeth T.Lake Chad.n.d.Bibliography
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12Prescott, J.R.V.The Geographical Basis of Nigerian Federation1958
12Prothero, R. MansellLand Use, Land Holdings and Land Tenure at Soba, Zaria Province, Northern Nigeria1957
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12Palmer, J.H. ed.Notes on Strange Farmers1946
12Prothero, R. MansellMigrant Labour in West Africa1962
12Prothero, R. MansellSome Observations on Desiccation in North-Western Nigeria1962
12Pullan, R.A.A Morphological Classification of Lateritic Ironstones and Ferruginised Rocks in Northern Nigeria1967
12Pullan, R.A.The Recent Geomorphological Evolution of the South Central Part of the Chad Basin1964
12Richard, J.J.Volcanological Observations in East Africa1947-8
12Rivet, P.Cranes de la Region du Tchad1914
12de la Ronciere, Ch.Decouverte d'une Relation de Voyage Datee de Touat et Decrivant en 1447 le Bassin du Niger1918Also in Pamphlet box 11 (See line 540)
12Riou, GerardNotes sur les Sols Complexes des Savanes Preforestieres en Cote d'Ivoire1965
12Tricart, M.J.Le Delta du Senegal Type Zonal de Delta1956
12Tricart, J.Oscillation Climatiques Quarternaires en Afrique Occidentale1957
12Tricart, JeanLes Recherches de Geographie Apliquee de L'Institut de Geographie de l'Universite de Strasbourg en A.O.F.1957
12Tromeur, J.Y.M.M.Mission hydrographique du Saloum1943
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12N/AUpper Volta. The Newly Independent Nations1962
12Vuillot, P.A Tombouctou1894
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12Wace, N.M.The Vegetation of Gough Island1961
12Webb, J.E.The Erosion of Victoria Beach: Its Cause and Cure1960
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12Wurz, F.Die mohammedanische Gefahr in Westafrika1904
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12Daly, Reginald A.The Geology of Ascension Island1925
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12Ruinard, J.Some Preliminary Experiments with Kenat in Ghana1967
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12Semmelhack, W.Die Staubfalle im nordwest-afrikanischen Gebiet des Atlantischen Ozeans1934
12Shuaibu, Na'ibi, MalamGwari Gade and Koro Tribes1969
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12Thieriot, PierreAfrique Noir. A Passenger's View of the Operations of Air France in French African.d.
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12Thomas, JeanLa Peche sur les cotes de la Guinee Francaise et le long du Niger1924
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13Ball, Sydney H.Diamond Mining in the African Junglen.d.
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13Ball, Sydney H.Shaler, Millard K.Contribution a l'Etude Geologique de la Partie Centrale du Congo Belge, y compris la region du Kasai1912-1913
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13Barboux, HenriOpinion1903
13Bederman, Sanford H.The Cameroons Development Corporation. Partner in National Growth1968
13Bel, Jean-MarcRapport sur une Mission au Congo Francais (1906-1907)1908
13N/AThe Benguela Railwayrec. 1935
13N/ABenguella Railway, The Great West Gate to Central Africa-Lobito Bayrec. 1942
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13Borgerhoff, RobertLe Ruanda-Urundi1928
13Boulger, Demetrius C.The Congo State is NOT a Slave State1903
13Bruel, GeorgesNotes Geographiques sur le Bassin de l'Ogooue1911
13Brumpt, EmileMission de Bourg de Bozas. De la Mer Rouge a l'Atlantique a Travers l'Afrique Tropicale1903
13N/AThe Burrows Action in London1904
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13de Castro, LincolnUn'Escursione al Monte Zuquala. Al Lago Zuai e Nei soddo1908
13du Chaillu, Paul B.Adventures in Gorilla Land1861
13Chavanne, JosefCentral-Afrika und die neueren Expeditionen zu seiner Erforschung1876
13N/ALe Chemin de Fer du Congo Superieur de Stanleyville a Ponthierville1906
13Choffat, PaulNouvelles Donnees sur la Zone Littorale d'Angola1905
13N/ACompagnie du Chemin de Fer du Bas-Congo au Katanga. Inauguration
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13N/Acompagnie du Chemin de Fer de Benguelan.d.
13N/AA Complete Congo Controversy Illustrating the Controversial Methods of Mr. Morel1905
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13N/ALe Congo Independent1960
13Cornoldi, AristideLa Questione Congolese1907
13Craffen, EnricoColombo, le d'EdoardoLes Niam-Niam1906
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13Daly, [C.P.]Commercial Importance of Central Africa and the Free Navigation of the Congo1884
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13Depasse, CharlesLes Bibliotheques Publiques au Congo1948
13Devroey, E.J.Note concernant l'orthographe des noms geographiques du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi1953
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13N/AEquatorial Africa, and its Inhabitants1861
13N/AFederation pour la Defense des Interets belges a l'etranger. Are They all Liars?1904
13Hasbrouck, JanBelgian Congo a New Frontier in World's Industrial Development1951
13N/AJunta de Desenvolviemento Industrial Fundo de Fomento de Producao e Exportacao (How to Invest in Angola)1963
13Kelley, FrankFurther Progress Scored in Belgian Congo1954
13N/AThe Land Policy of French West Africa1904
13N/APromendade geologique a Leopoldville1954
13N/AMr. Morel's Errors1904
13Bruel, G.Notes Ethnographiques sur quelques Tribus de l'Afrique equatoriale Francaise1913
13N/AThe Story of a Belgian Crime in the Congo. The Tale Concerning Rabineck1905
13N/AA Ten Year Plan for the Economic and Social Development of the Belgian Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi1952
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13Viets, KarlHydracarina1921
13N/AUn Voyage Agricole au Congo Belge1918
14Gabriel, BaldurTerrassenentwieklung und vorgeschichtliche umweltbedingungen im Enneri Dirennao (Tibetsi, ostiche Zentralsahara)1972
14Cayen, MajorPolitique Nationale et Sociale au Congo Belge1928L'Illustration Congolaise Numero Special 64 pages
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14Egoroff, A.Snel, J.Observations Geologiques le long de la ligne du chemin de fer entre Leopoldville et Matadi1955?
14Exell, A.W.Dr. Carrisso's Botanical Mission to Angola1938
14Fallon, F.L'Agriculture au Congo Belgerec. 1919
14Faure, F.Wagha Mandouma, Catechumene1922
14Feio, MarianoO Relevo de Angola Segundo as Interpretacoes de Jessen e de Veatch1946
14Flamme, J.Le Congo Belge1923?
14N/AFondation pour Favoriser l'Etude Scientifique des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge. Statuts1934
14N/AFree France. The French Cameroons1945
14Friedrich, WillyGeographie des Eingeborenen in der Mittelafrikanischen Savanne1933
14Fourmarier, P.Carte Geologique du Congo Belge1924
14Fuchs, F.Report of the Vice-governor General to the Secretary of State1904
14N/AThe Gabon Republic. Hour of Independence1961
14Le Gallois, A.Contribution a la Cartographie du Congo Francais. Region du Stanley Pool1912
14Ghilain, JeanProblemes d'Actualite au Congo Belge1952
14Gillet, PaulLe Chemin de Fer du Bas-Congo au Katanga1928
14Giraud, VictorLes Lacs de l'Afrique Equatoriale1885
14Glardon, Aug.Six Ans dans l'Afrique Centralen.d.
14Glave, E.J.Fettishism in Congo Land1890
14Glave, E.J."The Realm of Congo" I-My Trip to the Congo1890
14Gourou, PierreLa Geographie au Congo Belge1953
14Gourou, PierreProgres de la connaissance geographique au Congo belge et au Ruanda-Urundi en 19571958
14Gregory, William KingIn Quest of Gorillas IV. Joyous Days in the Kivu Country1936
14Griaule, MarcelMission Dakar-Djibouti, Rapport General (Mai 1931-Mai 1932)1932
14Griaule, MarcelMission Dakar-Djibouti, Rapport General (Juin a Novembre 1932)1933
14Guillaumne, Geoffrey M.D.Bederman, Sanford H.Subsistence Activity in Five Villages on and around Mount Cameroon in Victoria Division, West Cameroon1967
14Halkin, JosephQuelques Peuplades du District de l'Uele1907
14Hall, H.U.Alfred Collins in the Congo. A Photographic Record of Daily Life with Introduction and Notes1926
14Hance, William A.Van Dongen, IreneCabon and its Main Gateways: Libreville and Port Gentil1961
14Hance, William A.Van Dongen, IreneMatadi, focus of Belgian African Transport1958
14Hance, William A.Van Dongen, IreneO Porto do Lobito e o Caminho de Ferro de Benguela1956
14Hawkin, R.C.Central Africa and the League of Nations1918
14Henning, GeorgSamuel Braun, der erste deutsche Wissenschaftlicke Afrikareisende1900
14Jessen, OttoNatur-, Raub und Kulturlandschaft in Angola1933
14Jessen, O.Reiseeindrucke in Angola1932
14Jessen, O.Siedlungs- und Wohnweise der Eingeborenen im westlichen Angolan.d.
14Johnston, Harry H.The Pygmies of the Great Congo Forest1902
14Jourdy, CapitaineEsquisse Geologique de la Colonie du Moyen Congo1919
14Keltie, J. ScottStanley and the Map of Africa1890
14Kiendl, HelmutRuanda und die Nilgiris. Ein geographisch-volkerkundlicher Vergleich1935
14Kuhn, PhilalethesDie Geschichte der Schlafkrankheit in Kamerun und ihre Lehren1916
14Moeller de Laddersous, A.J.Belgian Technique and Capital at the Service of the Congo1951
14N/AReport from His Majesty's Commisioner for British Central Africa Respecting the Anglo-Congolese Frontier in the Neighbourhood of Lake Mweru and the Circumstances Attending the Arrest of the Late
M. Rabinek
14N/AThe Republic of Chad. Hour of Independence1961
14N/AThe Republic of the Congo(Brazzaville) Hour of Independence1961
14N/ARepublique du Tchad. Economie et Plan de Developpement1960
14Sarolea, CharlesA Short History of the Anti-Congo Campaign1905
14Deshler, WalterAn Examination of the Extent of Fire in the Grassland and Savanna of
Africa along the Southern Side of the Sahara
15Various AuthorsThe Journal of the American Portuguese Society (Winter-Spring)1970
15N/A10th Assemblee Generale Union Geodesique et Geophysique Internationale1954
15N/ABibliographie du Congo-Belge (1000 Ouvrages)n.d. rec. 1950
15N/ALes Bois de l'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise 2me Conference1921
15Conant, Helen S.A Naturalist in the Heart of Africa1874
15Coutinho, Padrao de GagoMonumento do Equador no Ilheu das Rolas1935
15Galton-Fenzi, L.D.New Equatorial Road. Nairobi to Gondokoro and Mongalla1924
15Laguerre, AndreFree French Africa1942
15Lang, HerbertNomad Dwarfs and Civilization1919Duplicate
15Leclercq, JulesLa femme blanche au Congo1909
15Cornet, J.Bibliographie Geologique du Bassin du Congo1916
15Lederer, A.Histoire de la Navigation au Congo avant l'arrivee du Chemin de Fer a Leopoldville1953
15Lemaire, Ch.A Travers l'Afrique Centrale1906
15Leriche, MauriceNotes sur la Paleontologie du Congo1920
15Liniger-Goumaz, MaxL'Energie Electrique dans la Republique Democratique du Congo: le Projet d'Inga1967
15Louwers, OctaveLa Campagne Africaine de la Belgique et ses Resultats Politiques1921
15Louwers, O.La Conquete du Ruanda-Urundi1935
15Lynes, Rear AdmiralContribution to the Ornithology of the Southern Congo Basin1938
15Mabie, Catharine L.Our Work on the Congo1917
15Maistre, C.La Mission Maistre, 1892-1893 (du Congo au Niger a Travers l'Afrique Centrale)rec. 1913
15Maistre, C.La Region du Bahr-Sara1902
15Marche, AlfredVoyage au Gabon et sur le Fleuve Ogoue 1875-1877n.d.
15Martens, RobertZur Geologie und Petrographie des sudostlichen und mittleren Angola1963
15de Martonne, Ed.Cartographie de l'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise1931
15Mendes Correa, A.A.Bi-N'Bundo, Andulos e Ambuelas-Mambundas1918
15Monod, TheodoreNotes Botaniques sur les Iles de Sao Tome et de Principe1960
15Morisseaux, CharlesLe Congo. A quoi il doit nous servir- Ce que nous devons y faire1911
15Moynier, GustaveLa Question du Congo devant l'Institut de Droit International1883
15Munger, Edwin S.Letter on the Geography of Ocean Outlets for the Belgian Congo1952
15Niddrie, David L.The Role of the Ground Transport in the Economic Development of Angola1969
15Niddrie, David L.Some Recent Settlement Schemes in Angola1967
15Nys, ErnestThe Independent State of the Congo and International Lawn.d.
15N/AParc National Albert1934
15Patzig, C.A.Die Afrikanische Konferenz und der Congostaat1885
15Pelissier, ReneLa Guinee Espagnole1963
15Perier, G.D.Belgians in the Congo1949
15Dr. PoutrinNotes Ethnographiques sur les Populations M'Baka du Congo Francais1910
15Preumont, G.F.J.Howe, J.A.The Geology and Petrology of Part of the Congo Free Sate, Etc.1905
15N/ARecherche et exploitation des mines au Katanga1913
15Reizler, S.Bibliographie Coloniale1923
15Revoil, G.Voyage chez les Benadirs, les Comalis et les Bayouns 1882 et 18831884?
15Robert, MauriceConsiderations au sujet de la morphologie du territoire de la Feuille Sakabinda (S.W. du Katanga meridional)1937
15Robert, MauriceLe Katanga septentrional1912
15Robert, M.M.La ligne d'evolution suivie par le Katanga1938
15Roscoe, JohnImmigrants and their Influence in the Lake Region of Central Africa1924
15Roscoe, JohnPreliminary Report of the Mackie Ethnological Expedition to Central Africa[1921]
15Rodier, JeanLes Deversements du Logone ver la Benoue1966
15Rosenhainer, Herman OttoVerkehrsgeographie der deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika1904
15N/ASlave-Hunts in Central Africa1874
16N/AThe Belgian Congo1953
16N/ACentral African Republic. The Newly Independent Nations1962
16N/ACameroon, the Newly Independent Nations1962
16van Dongen Irene S.Coffee Trade, Coffee Regions, and Coffee Ports in Angola1961
16Van Dongen Irene S.The Port of Luanda in the Economy of Angola1960
16Van Dongen Irene S.Sea Fisheries and Fish Ports in Angola1962
16van Dongen Irene S.Transportes Africanos Internacionals. A Posicao de Angola e Mocambique1958
16van Dongen Irene S.La vie Economique et les Ports de l'Enclave de Cabinda(Angola)
16Glave, E.J.The Slave Trade in the Congo Basin. By One of Stanley's Pioneer Officers1890
16N/AGuide Touristique du Bas-Congo. Environs de Matadi et de Thysville1938
16Lemos, Francisco SandePortos e Caminhos de Ferro1938
16N/AProgramme des Cours de Preparation Colonialerec. 1935
16Sanford, K.S.Observations on the Geology of Northern Central Africa1937
16Sanford, K.S.Recent Advances in the Knowledge of the Geology of Northern Central Africa1936
16dos Santos, J.R.Rui de Serpa Pinto e a arqueologia de Angola1934
16Schurhammer, GeorgDie Entdeckung des Njaffa-Sees1920
16Seward, A.C.Some late Paleozoic Plants from the Belgian Congo1931
16da Silveira, JoaquimInstrumento pre-historico de quartzo hialino encontrado em Tomboco- Congo Portugues- Angola1934
16Sluys, M.Coupe a travers le fosse tectonique du lac Albert allant de l'Ituri1947
16Soret, MarcelCarte Ethno-Demographique de l'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise1956
16Springer, Helen E.Among the Luba Cannibals (Belgian Congo)1921
16von Stangel, Karl Freih.Der Kongostaat. Eine kolonialpolitishe Studie1903
16Thomas, ReneEssai de classement des formations congolaises a vegetation arborescente d'apres le groupement de leurs indices mensuels d'aridite1950
16Thomas, ReneLes Limites climatiques de la cuvette congolaise et le systeme forestier Bantou envisages sous l'angle de la protection de la foret1942
16Thomson, M.Au Pays des Massain.d.
16Tilho, JeanAu sujet de la capture du Logone par la Renoue1939
16Tilho, JeanSur l'aire probable d'extenion maxima de la mer aleotchadienne1925
16Tollet, MarcelLa Campagne Tragique1950
16Tondeur, G.Expose du Programme Technique de Mise en Valeur Agricole de la Vallee de la Ruzizi1950
16Torday, E.Joyce, T.A.Notes on the Ethnography of the Ba-Huana1906
16Torday, E.Joyce, T.A.Notes on the Ethnography of the Ba-Mbala1905
16Torday, E.Joyce, T.A.Notes on the Ethnography of the Ba-Yaka1906
16Torday, E.Joyce, T.A.On the Ethnology of the Southwestern Congo Free State1907
16Torday, E.Joyce, T.A.Notes on the Ethnography of the Southern Ba-Mbala1907
16N/ASir Travers Twiss et le Congo1884
16Vernay, Arthur S.Angola as a Game Country1927
16Wauters, A.J.L'Orthographe des Noms Geographiques au Congo1892
16Wigny, PierreA Ten Year Plan for the Economic and Social Development of the Belgian Congo1951
16de Wildeman, E.Le Congo et ses Produits Vegetaux1911
16de Wildeman, E.A Propos des Cartes Forestieres de l'Afrique et en particulier du Congo Belge1924
16de Wildeman, E.Sur Quelques Faurea du Congo Belge1924
16WissmannMes appreciations sur les Critiques de l'Oeuvre du Congo1886
16Woldt, A.Die Erforschung des Kassai und Sankurun.d.
17N/ARepublic of Botswana Fact Sheet1968
17Amer, JohnHutcheson, A. MacGregorA Key to Development in Southern Malawi1966
17Ankermann, BernhardUber den gegenwartigen Stand der Ethnographie der Sudhalfte Afrikas1912
17Attridge, Alf. J.Apiculture in South Africa: Position and Prospectsrec. 1922
17Aurousseau, M.Geographical Names in South Africa1939
17Aurousseau, M.Three newspaper articles from the Natal Advertiser, 19251925
17Barker, LadyZulu witches and Witch-Finders/A Bazar and a Picnic in Africa/Kafir Weddings and Kafir Kraals/The Kafir at Home1876
17Bateman, AlanThe Fifteenth International Geological Congress1929
17Bateman, AlanThe Ores of the Northern Rhodesia Copper Belt1930
17Bateman, AlanThe Rhodesian Copper Deposits1930
17Bateman, AlanThe Unexpected Discovery of Orebodies.1931
17Batson, EdwardNotes on the Distribution and Density of Population in Cape Town, 19361947
17Bazalgette, H.L.The Victoria Falls: Automatic Hydro-Electric Plant1939
17Bennett, Hugh E.Summarization of Observations on Conditions of Erosion and Land Use in the Union of South Africa1944
17Bigalke, R.National Parks and their Functions, with Special Reference to South Africa1939
17N/ABloemfontein. The Centre City.1928
17Botha, C. GrahamPlace Names in the Cape District. Their Early Origin and History.1917
17Botha, C. GrahamSome Early Exploring Expeditions and Travels in South Africa1916
17Bourne, R.Aerial Survey in Relation to the Economic Development of New Countries, with Special Reference to an Investigation Carried out in Northern Rhodesia1928
17Breuil, HenriLes Roches Peintes d'Afrique Australe, leurs Auteurs et leur Age1949
17N/AIn Brightest Africa. The World's Riviera1905
17Broekhuysen, G.J.A Preliminary Investigation of the Importance of Desiccation, Temperature and Salinity as Factors Controlling the Vertical Distribution of Certain Intertidal Marine Gastropods in the False Bay, South Africa1940
17Brookes, Edgar H.; Jones, J.D. R.Webb, MauriceSouth Africa Faces UNO1947
17Brown, D.D.The Development of the Tobacco Industry in Southern Rhodesia1929
17Burrows, H.R.Indian Life and Labour in Natal1940
17Cameron, Verney LovettSketch of a Journey Across Africa1876Also in box 23 (see line 1340)
17N/ACape Peninsula Ramblesn.d.
17N/ACapetown for Health and Pleasuren.d.
17N/ACapetown, South Africa. Useful Information and Statisticsrec 1940
17Carol, HansDas Agrargeographische Betrachtungssytem1952
17Castilho, Augusto deObservacoes Meteorologicas de Lourenco Marques 1876, 1877, r 18781884
17Cole, M.M.Elgin, Caledon District, Cape Province. A Land Utilization Survey1949
17Courtois, Rev. PereNotes Chronologiques sur les Anciennes Missions Catholiques au Zambeze1889
17N/ADeutsch Sudwestafrika1909
17N/AThe Great Drought Problem of South Africa1926
17N/AHandbook Dealing with Scientific Activities of Government and University Departments in Pretoria1929
17N/AInformation for Visitors to the Victoria Falls1929
17Breuil, HenriLowe, C. van rietRemains of Large Animal Paintings in Southwest Africa, Older than all other Frescoes the Age and Autheros of the Painted Rocks/Paintings near Cathedral Peakrec.1950
17N/AMotoring in the Eastern Free State and Basutolandrec 1954
17Neves, Henrique Bebiano BaetaTrabalhos da Missao geografica de Mocambique1942
17N/APictures. South Africa1966
17N/ARanching in Rhodesiarec 1919
17N/ARhodesian.d.British South Africa Company
17N/ARhodesia. A Land of Sunshinen.d.British South Africa Company. (Duplicate)
17N/ASouth Africa, 1910-1960rec. 1960
17N/ASouth Africa's Metal Industries1958
17N/ASouthern Rhodesia. Free Gift of Land to Retired and Discharged Sailors and Soldiersrec 1919
17N/ASouthern Rhodesia. Land Termsrec 1919
17N/AWhile the Steamer Waits. Notes for Rapid Sight-Seeing during a few
Hours Visit to Cape Town
n.d.Cape Peninsula Publicity Association
18Hobday, David K.Orme, Antony R.The Port Durnford Formation: A Major Pleistocene Barrier-Lagoon
Complex Along the Zululand Coast
18Curtis, LionelSouth Africa Since the Union1927
18Daly, Reginald A.Bushveld Igneous Complex of the Transvaal1928
18Daly, Reginald A.Carbonate Dikes of the Premier Diamond Mine, Transvaal1925
18Daly, Reginald A.Molengraff, Gustaaf A.F.Structural Relations of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, Transvaal1924
18Dart, Raymond A.The Discovery of a Stone-Age Manganese Mine at Chowa, Northern Rhodesia1934
18Dart, R.A.The South African Negro1929
18Davis, Richard HardingWith Buller's Column: The Battle of Pier's Hill/The Relief of Ladysmith/Pretoria in War-Time/The Last Days of Pretoria1900
18Davis, W.M.Geographical Factors in the Development of South Africa1941
18Davis, W.M.The Mountains of Southernmost Africa1906
18Hance, William A.Economic Potentialities of the Central African Confederation1954
18Hance, William A.Van Dongen, IreneLourenco Marques in Delagoa Bay1957
18Harrigan, AnthonySouth West Africa. A Special Reportrec. 1963
18Harrod, R.F.Gold's vital role in world trade1958
18Hartmann, GeorgDie Zukunft Deutsch-Sudwestafrikas. Beitrag zur Besiedlungs-und Eingeborenenfrage1904
18Haughton, S.H.On Karroo Vertebrates from Nyasaland1926
18Haughton, S.H.Notes on the River-System of South-West Gordonia1927
18Haughton, S.H.On Some Reptilian Remains from the Dinosaur Beds of Nyasalandn.d.
18Haughton, S.H.The Volcanic rocks of South Zuurberg1924
18Hemery, WilfredSome Side-Lights on Affairs in South Africa1915
18Henkel, J.S.Forestry in Southern Rhodesia1920
18Heurich, GerhardRestvolker und Ruckzugsgebiete in Sudafrica1936
18Hewtson, W.M.Environmental Influences Affecting Blondes in Rhodesia and Their Bearing on the Future1922
18Holub, EmilColonisation Afrikas. Die Englander in Sud-Afrika, I Die Eingebornen- Frage Sud-Afrikas1882
18Holub, EmilEinige Worte uber die Eingebornenfrage (Stallung der Farbigen) in Sud- Africa1877
18Holub, EmilDie Englander in Sud-Africa II. Der Export und Import des Caplandes1882
18Holub, EmilFuhrer durch die Sudafrikanische Ausstellung1892
18Holub, EmilDis Stellung des Arztes in den transoceanischen Gebieten1882
18Holub, EmilDie sudafrikanische Vogelwelt1882
18Holub, EmilUeber den Ausbau und die Eroffnung der Betschaunaland- und uber die Beira-Bahn1898
18Humphrey, W.A.The Changed Conditions of Namaqualand1927
18Humphrey, W.A.Note on an Occurrence of Diamonds near Port Nolloth1927
18Hutcheon, JamesThe Influence of Geographical Conditions on the Economic Development of South Africa1922
18Isaac, William EdwynThe Geographical Distribution of Seaweed Vegetation in Relation to Temperature and other Factors with Special Reference to South Africa1938
18Isaac, Wm. EdwynStudies of South African Seaweed Vegetation.1937
18Flume, OttoVerkehrsgeographie von Sudafrika1905
18Forkel, HellmuthDas Kustengebiet Sudwestafrikas und seine wirtschaftsgeographische Bedeutung1920
18Garabedian, S.Contributions to a Knowledge of the Flora of South-West Africa1925
18Goodwin, A.J.H.The Archeology of the Vaal River Gravels1928
18Gould-Adams, Sir HamiltonSouth-Central Africa: A Narrative of Personal Travel and Experiences1915
18Goudie, AndrewNotes on Some Major Dune Types in Southern Africa1970
18Gourdalt, JulesAu Pays des Marcutses. Episodes des Voyages de M. Le Docteur E. Holub sur le Haut Zambese1875-1879
18Gouveia, D. GodinhoBarbosa, L. GrandvauxEcological-agricultural Survey of Mozambique1967
18Gouveia, D. GodinhoRegioes naturais e zonas agrarias de Mocambique1969
18Green, JamesCauses of the War in South Africa1900
18Hance, William A.Van Dongen, IreneBeira, Mozambique Gateway to Central Africa1957
18Davis, W.M.Observations in South Africa1906
18Deherain, HenriUn Colon du Cap de Bonne-Esperance au XVIII Siecle Adam Tas1927
18Deherain, HenriVoyage du landdrost Starrenburg au nord du Cap de Bonne- Esperance en 17051929
18Dieterlen, H.Portraits et Souvenirs du Lessoulo1923
18Dixey, F.Bauxite Deposits in Nyasaland1925
18Dixey, F.The Dinosaur Beds of Lake Nyasa19282 Copies
18Dixey, F.The Early Cretaceous and Miocene Peneplains of Nyasaland, and their Relation to the Rift Valley1937
18Dixey, F.Erosion Cycles in Central and Southern Africa1942
18Dixey, F.Geology and Mineral Resources of Nyasaland1926
18Dixey, F.The Geomorphology of Northern Rhodesia1944
18Dixey, F.The Lupata Gorge on the Lower Zambezi1928
18Dixey, F.Notes on the Karroo Sequence North-West of Lake Nyasa1926
18Dixey, F.The Nyasaland Section of the Great Rift Valley1926
18Dixey, F.The Nyasa Rift Valley1941
18Dixey, F.An Outline of the Physiography, Geology and Mineral Resources of Nyasaland1932
18Dixey, F.The Tertiary and Post-Tertiary Lacustrine Sediments of the Nyasan Rift Valley1927
18Dixey, F.The Transgression of the Upper Karroo and its Counterpart in Gondwanaland1935
18Doeff, H.Nederland en Zuid-Africa, De verhouding na den oorlog1903
18Dornan, S.S.Divination and Divining Bones1923
18Dowd, Herbert WalterNon-White Land and Labor Policies in South West Africa from 1918 to 19481954
18v. Drygalski, ErichSud Afrikarec 1911
18Duke, H. LyndhurstBukara Island1920
18N/AAn Experiment in Limited Local Development- The Inhamissa Marshlands in Mozambique1961
18Fair, T.J.D.Geography and Physical Planning1956
18Fair, T.J.D.A Pattern of Development Regions for South Africa1957
18Fair, T.J.D.Rhodesion lowveld: source of new economic strength1964
18Fick, J.C.The Abuse of the Soil, Veld and Water Resources of South Africa1944
18Jager, H.S. (Editor)Fish Hoek, Union of South Africa. The Peers' Cave. Tunnel Cave and Rock Shelters at Skildergat, Fish Hoek The Home of the Prehistoric Map1941
18Jackson, S.P.Climates of Southern Africa1951
18Jellicoe, G.A.The Case for a Commission to Report upon the Establishment of a Zambesi Authority1947
18Jenkins, TreforBrain, C.K.The Peoples of the Lower Kuiseb Valley, South West Africa1967
18Jones, NevilleSurvey of Archeological Research in Rhodesia. Zambesi River Evidence of Man's Antiquity in South Africa1933
18Kaiser, ErichDer Bau der sudlichen Mamib. Fragen und Probleme der Geologie der Wusten1926Februar
18Kaiser, ErichDer Bau der sudlichen Mamib. Fragen und Probleme der Geologie der Wusten1926Januar
18Kaiser, ErichGanginjektionen und Faltung1926
18Kaiser, ErichNeue topographische und geologische Karten der sudlichen Namib Sudwestafrikas1925
18Kanthack, F.E.Irrigation in South Africa1922?
18Keep, F.E.Observations on the Shabani Chrysotile Asbestos Deposits1927
18Kent, Leslie E.The Warm Springs at Loubad, near Nylstoom, Transvaal1946
18King, L.C.Attempt at a Measure of Erosion in Natal1940
18King, L.C.Geomorphology of the Coastal Hinderland of Natal1941
18King, L.C.Geomorphology of the Natal Drakensberg1944
18King, L.C.Fair, T.J.D.Hillslopes and Dongas1944
18King, Lester C.Landscape Study in Southern Africa1947
18King, L.C.A Miniature Desert in Natal1941
18King, L.C.The Monoclinal Coast of Natal, South Africa1940
18Konig, FriedrichDie Wasservorsorgung in Deutsch-Sudwest-Afrika19072 Copies
18Kotze, J.J.Some Remarks on the Establishment and Tending of Timber Plantations with Special Reference to the Cape Province1921
18Krapf, J.L.Afrika von Sud nach West und von West nach Ost endlich einmal duchkreuzt oder Kurze Uebersicht der Missionsreisen und Entdeckungen des Dr. Livingston durch Sud-Afrika1857
18Kratochvil, OtakarHolubova Cesta do Zeme Masukulumbu1948
18N/ALimberely, the Diamond City, South Africarec 1951
18Hutchinson, G. EvelynPickford, Grace E.; Schuurman, Johanna F.M.A Contribution to the Hydrobiology of pans and other inland waters of South Africa1932
18N/ASouth African Prospects and Progress. Economic Profile of Africa's Industrial Giant1969
18N/ASouth African Tradition. A Brief Survey of Culture and Art in the Republic of South Africarec 1970
18du Toit, Alex L.Borehole Water Supplies in the Union of South Africa1928
18du Toit, Alex L.Crustal Movement as a Factor in the Geographical Evolution of South Africa1933
18du Toit, Alex L.The Kalahari and Some of its Problems1927
18du Toit, Alex L.The Mier Country1926
18N/AVisitors' Guide to Johannesburgrec. 1962
19N/AProceedings of the Rhodesia Scientific Association Volume XI Part III Containing Papers Read During December 1911-May 19121912
19N/ACommercial Possibilities of the Union of South Africa19212 Copies
19Evans, I.B. PoleThe Plant Geography of South Africa1917
19Jacqz, Jane W.Development Needs in Botzwana and Lesotho1967
19Laidler, P.W.The Morphology and Classification of Ground and Polished Stone Artifacts of South African Origin1939
19Landsell, K.A.Weeds of South Africa1923
19Leclercq, JulesLes Boers et leur Etat Social1900
19Leclercq, JulesLa Carriere Coloniale de Cecil Rhodes19022 Copies
19N/ALa Revue Francaise: Le Portugal Insulaire & D'Outre-Mer Mozambiquerec 1960
19Leclercq, JulesLa Golconde Africaine1894
19Leclercq, JulesL'Independence des Boers et les origines des republiques sud- Africaines1900
19Leslie, T.N.Rare Karoo Plants and their Cultivation1927
19N/ALesotho-Facts and Figures. Capital: Maseru1966
19Lerinkind, L.Droughts in South Africa: A Preliminary Study of their Extent, Severity, and Frequency of Occurrence since 1904.1941
19Louw, Eric H.Changing continent. South Africa's Role in Africa1959
19Lowe, C. van RietA Contribution to the Prehistory of Mocambiquen.d.
19McBean, L. M.The System of Cadastral Surveying in Southern Rhodesia1930
19McConnell, R.B.Notes on the Geology and Geomorphology of the Bechuanaland Protectorate1956
19Macgregor, A.M.The Problem of the Precambrian Atmosphere1927
19Macmillan, W.M.Economic Conditions in a Non-Industrial South African Town-A Preliminary Study1915
19N/AMandate for German South-West Africa1921
19Mangope, LukasWill Bophuthatswana Join Botswana?1973
19Markus, RobertNaturgeographische Aspekte Botswanasrec 1966
19Marloth, R.Observations on the Cape Flora. Its Distribution on the line of Contact between the South-Western District and the Karoo1924
19Martens, RobertNatur und Landschaft Lesothos1966
19Petermann, Dr. A.Carl Mauch's Reisen im Inneren von Sud-Afrika 1865-18721874
19Maufe, H.B.Changes of Climate in Southern Rhodesia During Later Geological Times1930
19Maufe, H.B.The Geology along the Railway Between Bulawayo, Wankie and the Victoria Falls1929
19Maufe, H.B.On the Formation of Red Soil and of Black Vlei Soil from Dolerite at Salisbury, Northern Rhodesia1928
19Maufe, H.B.Some Problems in Rhodesian Physical Geology1927
19Meijs, LeoDolerite Dykes in Basutoland with Special Reference to the Geomorphological Effects of the Dykes and their Economic Significance1960
19Meijs, LeoNotes on the Occurrence of Petrified Wood in Basutoland1960
19Mendes Correa, A.A.Prehistoria de Mocambique. Um plano de estudios1936
19Michell, LewisCape to Cairo Railway1906
19Michell, Margaret R.Some Observations on the Effects of a Bush Fire on the Vegetation of Signal Hill1922
19Middleton, CoralBechuanaland: A Bibliography1965
19Millard, Thomas F.With the Boer Army. The Boer as a Soldier General Christian Dewet1900-01
19Miller, O.B.Bryant, E.G.Mangroves at Sorwana Bay, N. Zululand The Growth of Fodder Bushes1926
19Molengraaff, G.A.F.Hall, A.L.Alkali Granite and Nepheline Syenites, canadite and Foyaite, in the Vredefort Mountainlans, S. Africa1924
19Moore, Wilbert E.The Migration of Native Laborers in South Africa1946
19Morgan, S.C.Some Observations on the Upper Karroo Lavas and later Sediments of the Gwai Native Reserve, Southern Rhodesia1927
19Morris, S.S.City Engineering in Africa's Southern Gateway1951
19Morton, William J.South African Diamond Fields, and the Journey to the Mines1877
19Mota, Teresa P.A Producao e a Industrializacao do Trigo em Mocambique1971
19N/AMuizenberg, Kalk Bay and St. Jamesn.d.
19de NadaillacLe Mashonaland1894
19Naude, W.C.South Africa: A Western Society1961
19Neethling, Ernest J.Timber and Forests. South Africa's Needs and Resources1943
19Niddrie, David L.Cabora Bassa, Mocambique - Development Plans in the Lower Zambesi Valley1968
19Nitsche, GeorgDer Ursprung der jahrlichen Uberschwemmungen in Ovamboland1913
19Niddrie, David L.Changing Settlement Patterns in Rural Africa1974
19N/ANorthern Rhodesia1964
19N/ANyasaland. Some Notes for the Assistance of Visitorsrec 1942
19N/ANyasaland Protectorate. Aerodromes and Landing Grounds, 19371937
19Obst, E.Junge Krustenbewegungen in Sudafrika1937
19Obst, ErichDas Problem der Klimaverschlechterung in Sudafrika1936
19Obst, ErichReisen und Forschungen im Basutoland (Sudafrika) 1935/361937
19Ogg, A; Gotsman, B; Van Wijk A.MThe Determination of the Horizontal Component of the Earth's Magnetic Force at the Magnetic Observatory, Hermanus, Union of South Africa1944
19N/AOrange River Project. Taming South Africa's Biggest River1968
19Palazzo, L.Cronistoria dei Terremoti Etiopici anteriori dell Anno 19131915
19Palmer, MabelNatal's Indian Problemn.d.
19Penzhorn, K.E.W.Future Agricultural Trends in the Catchment Area of the Vaal River and their Possible Influence on Run-off.1963
19Peters, CarlOphir. Nach den neuesten Forschungen1908
19Pettman, CharlesHottentot Place-Names1921
19Phillips, F.V.Fire: Its Influence on Biotic Communities and Physical Factors in South and East Africa1930
19Phillips, JohnSome Problems presented by South African Grasses and Grass Communities1935
19Phillips, John F.V.Plant Indicators in the Knysna Region1928
19Phillips, Lou A.Union of South Africarec 1949
19Poch, RudolfBei den Buren1912
19Poch, RudolfBerichte uber meine Reisen nach Sudafrika 1907-19091908-1909
19Poch, RudolfEthnographische und geographische Ergebnisse meiner Kalaharireisen1912
19Poch, RudolfMeine beiden Kalahari-Reisen 1908 und 19091911
19Poch, RudolfReisen im Innern Sudafrikas zum Studium der Buschmanner in den Jahren 1907 bis 19091910
19Poch, RudolfSeine Reisen in der Kalahari und seine Buschmannstudien von 1908 bis 19091912?
19Poch, RudolfUber die Kunst der Buschmanner Die Stellung der Buschmannrasse unter den ubrigen Menschenrassen Sudafrikanische Steinwekzeuge aus verschiedenen Perioden1911
19Polak, H.S.L.The South African Indian Question1947
19Posselt, F.W.T.Survey of the Native Tribes of Southern Rhodesia1927
19Power, J.H.On the Herpetological Fauna of the Lobatsi-Linokana Area1927
19Prescott, J.R.V.The Kariba gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme1959
19N/APretoria. Administrative Capital of the Union of South Africa1928
19N/APretoria, Official Handbook and Guide1935
19N/AThe Queenstown Gazetteer1929
19Querini, G.Economic Problems of Zambia's Integration into the EAC1970
19Rastall, R.H.Geology of Worcester, robertson, and Ashton Districts (Cape Colony)1911
19Reich, B.M.Short Duration Rainfall Intensity in South Africa1961
19Reitz, ConradSouth African Bibliography1967
19N/ARhodesian Agricultural Union. The Farmers' Handbook containing Report of Proceedings at the Third Annual Farmers' Congress1906
19N/ARhodesian Agricultural Union. The Farmers' Handbook containing Report of Proceedings at the Fourth Annual Farmers' Congress1907
19Ritschmann, Th.Zum Rassenkampf in Sudafrika1914
19Roberts, AlexA Statistical Inquiry into the Population Problem in South Africa1926
19Robertson, T.C.Vorster, J.P.Modern Mozambique1943
19van Oordt, J.F.The Origin of the Bantu. A Preliminary Study1907
20N/ASouth African Traditionrec 1974South Africa-Dept. of Information
20N/ABarberton Carolina and Lake Chrissie. In the Picturesque Eastern Transvaal1928
20N/AA Digest of the Fagan Report1947/48
20N/AKaffirland1848Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag.
20N/AMean Monthly and Annual Precipitation, Inches Selected Stations in Africa1923
20N/ANeed for the Conservation of South Africa's Natural Resources and Features of Scientific Interest and Importance (Symposium)1938
20N/AProvisional List of Geographical Proper Names in the Union of South Africa and in South-West Africa Compiled by the Departmental Committee for the Spelling of Geographical Proper Names1938
20N/ARhodes Inyanga Estate. A Paradise for the Tourist and Sportsmanrec 1940
20Ritso, Bernard WilliamThe Artesian Wells of the Cape Colony1903
20Robertson, T.C.All of Africa is Drying Up1949
20Rogers, A.W.The "Solid" Geology of the Kalahari1935
20Ropke, Wilhelmsouth Africa: An Attempt at a Positive Appraisal1964
20Roux, Edward R.The Native Reserves and Post-War Reconstruction1944
20Russell, AnnieA Woman in the African Diggings1893
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.Alguns aspectos da 4.a campanha da missao antropologica de Mocambique1947
20dos Santos Junior, Joaquim R.Alguns "muzimos" da Zambezia e o culto dos mortos1940
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.A Alma do indigena atraves da etnografia de Mocambique1950
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.Antropologia de Mocambique1956
20dos Santos Junior, Joaquim R.Aspectos de Fluctuacoes Demograficas em Indigenas de Mocambique1948
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.Berros, Fernando/Castro FranciscoNotas Etnograficas de Mocambique/Notas de Vocabularios Indigenas do Niassa e da Zambezia (Mocambique)rec 1956
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.Carta da Pre-Historia de Mocambique Carta Ethnologica de Mocambiquerec 1956
20dos Santos Junior, J.R.Les Peintures Rupestres du Mozambique1952
20Saunders, H.P.Bibliography of South African Geology1897
20Schell, Irving I.Inertial Characteristics of the Winds and their Predictive Implications for the Water Movements off Southwest Africa1968
20Schofield, J.T.Bushman Paintings.1923
20Scholtz, A.P.The Maize Industry in South Africa- Danger Signals for the Future1962
20Schonken, J.D.Our Natural Water Supply1931
20Schulze, B.R.The Climate of Gobabeb1969
20Schulze, B.R.Temperature Fluctuation in South Africa1960
20Scott, PeterLand Policy and the Native Population of Swaziland1951
20Scott, PeterMineral Development in Swaziland1950
20Seward, A.C.Fossil Plants from the Bikkeveld and Witteberg Beds of South Africa1932
20Siegfried, AndreLes problemes ethniques de l'Afrique du Sud1949
20N/AO Sisal1955Guia dos Exportadores e Importadores de Mocambique
20N/ASix Thousand Miles of Sunshine Travel over the South African Railways1937
20de Smidt, A.A Brief History of the Surveys and of the Cartography of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope1895
20Smit, M.T.R.Cornelius Sejosing of Griqualand1946
20Soares, H. da SilvaO clima de Vila Cabral1968
20N/ASouth Africa 1910-1950rec 1960
20N/ASouth Africa's Climaterec 1955
20N/ATo South Africa for Diamonds1878
20N/ASouth African Quiz1969
20N/ASouthern Rhodesia1929
20Spilhaus, A.F.Diurnal Changes in the Free Atmosphere over Pretoria1936
20Spilhaus, Athelstan F.Results of Aerological Investigations in South Africa19372 copies, 1 a reprint with date unknown
20Steven, H.M.Afforestation in South Africa1929
20Stewart, ThomasHoltzhuisbaaken Spring, Cradock1923
20Sutton, J.R.A Possible Lunar Influence upon the Velocity of the Wind at Kimberley
V. IX Part 2
20Sutton, J.R.A Possible Lunar Influence upon the Velocity of the Wind at Kimberley
V. IX Part 3
20Sutton, J.R.Rainfall and the Pressure Gradient1921
20Sutton, J.R.Some Statistics of Thunder and Lightning at Kimberley1921
20N/ATanle Mountain. Some Easy Ways to the Summit1913
20Talbot, William J.Kapstadt als Weltstadt1959
20Taswell, H.L.T.South Africa Prospers while Critics Grumble1966
20Tell, WilliamSoil Erosion in Basutoland- I-II-III-IV1931
20N/ATermos de Vassallagem Nos Territories de Machona, Zambezia e Nyassa 1858 a 18891890
20N/AThis is South Africarec 1946
20N/AThe Times [London] Supplement on the Republic of Botswana1966
20Tooke, W. HammondNotes on the Geographical Distribution of the Hottentot and Bantu in South Africarec 1913
20N/ATrypanosomiases Committee of Southern Rhodesia. The Scientific Basis of the Control of Glossina Morsitans by Game Destruction1946
20Uhlig, CarlDer sudafrikanische Bundesstaat und Deutsch-Sudwestafrika1915
20N/AUmtali, the Highlands of Southern Rhodesia1938
20N/AUmtali, Southern Rhodesia. The Tourist's and Settler's Paradise1940
20N/AUnderground Water1946
20N/AUnion of South Africa. Report of the Departmental Committee on Wheat Growing1919
20Van der Spuy, K.R.Flying in South Africa1930
20van Dongen Irene S.Nacala. Newest Mozambique Gateway to Interior Africa1957
20N/AVan Rie beeck Festival- 1652-19521952
20Vernay, Arthur S.The Great Kalahari Sand Veldt1931
20N/AVictoria Falls of Southern Rhodesia1936
20N/AThe Victoria Falls of Rhodesia1938
20N/AThe Victoria Falls on the River Zambesi, Rhodesiarec 1932Inscription says it was gifted Christmas of 1905
20Viktor, ZsivnyA Zambezi Vikrotia-Esesei1931
20Viljoen, MaraisThe Future of the Vaal Riverrec 1963
20Wagner, P.A.A Contribution to our Knowledge of the National Game of Skill of Africa1917
20Wagner, Percy A.Some Problems in South African Geology1917
20Walker, Eric A.The Frontier Tradition in South Africa1930
20Wallis, A. H.The Rainfall of Southern Rhodesia/The Rainfall of South Africa1921
20Walls, Robert R.The Geology of Portuguese Nyasaland1922
20Walter, HeinrichGrasland, Savanne und Busch der arideren Teile Afrikas in ihrer okologischen Bedingtheit1939
20Walter, HeinrichDie Verbuschung, eine Erscheinung der Subtropischen Savannengebiete, und ihre Olologischen Ursachen1954
20Warren, CharlesBoundary Line between the Orange Free State and Griqua-Land West1881
20Warren, ErnestThe Mammals and Birds of Natalrec 1914
20Wayland, E.J.Some Account of a Pebble Industry in the Transvaal1929
20Wegner, E. Walt.Aus Deutsch-Afrika: Tagebuch-Briefe eines jungen Deutschen aus Angra Pequena (1882-1884)1885
20Wellington, J.H.A Physiographic Regional Classification of South Africa1946
20Wellington, John H.The Kunene River and the Etosha Plain1938
20Wellington, John H.Some Geographical Aspects of the Peopling of Africa1937
20Werther, RudolfDie Kalahari1935
20Westlake, J.The Transvaal War. A Lecture Delivered in the University of Cambridge, November 18991899
20Whigham, H.J.The Fighting with Methuen's Division. Belmont, Gras Pan, and Modder River1900
20Whigham, H.J.The Intermediate Stage of the Boer War1900
20Wright, E.H. SmithKnight, E.F.Railways in rhodesia/With a Description of the Victoria Fallsrec 1904
20Yergen, MaxGold and Poverty in South Africa1938
21N/AThe Island of Reunionrec 1972Ambassade de France
21Anderson, D. DrysdaleThe Point of Population Saturation. Its Transgression in Mauritius1929
21de la Rue, E. AubertL'Ile de la Nouvelle Amsterdam1931
21Baehr, AlfredZur Landesunde der Maskarenen1912
21Barrabe, LouisSur le mode de gisement et l'age des roches eruptives de la region mediane du pays sakalave1926
21Various AuthorsAcademie des Sciences Tome 177 Decembre1923
21Besairie, HenriContribution a l'Etude de la Declinaison Magnetique a Madagascar et de ses Rapports avec la Geologie1937
21Besairie, HenriContribution a l'Etude des Solds de Madagascar1937
21Besairie, HenriHourcq, VictorEaux thermo-minerales de Madagascar recement etudiees1935
21Besairie, HenriLe laboratoire de recherches geologiques et de prospection du Service des Mines de Madagascar1935
21Besairie, H.Note sur la geologie de la region du Zomendao (Madagascar)rec 1937
21Besairie, HenriLes principaux types de sols de Madagascar1935
21Besairie, HenriLes Recherches Petroliferes dans l'Ouest de Madagascar1930
21Besairie, HenriLes Sols de la Basse Menaranda1935
21Besairie, HenriLes Sols de Madagascar1937
21N/AThe Comoro Islands1962
21Davy, E.G.The Probability of Tropical Cyclones at Mauritius1960
21Decary, RaymondLe Crocodile Malgache. Ses moeurs, son role dans la vie indigene1949
21Decary, RaymondLe Lac Ihotry1942
21Decary, RaymondLa legende du Rokh et l'AEpyornis1937
21Decary, RaymondLes Marofotsy. Coutumes et Croyances1946
21Decary, RaymondLes noms francais dans la toponymie de Madagascar1944
21Decary, RaymondNotes geologiques sur l'Extreme-Sud de Madagascar1931
21Decary, RaymondL'origine de la dissemination du flamboyant dans Madagascar. Les grottes d'Andranoboka1938
21Decary, RaymondLa Population de l'Androy (Extreme Sud de Madagascar)1937
21Decary, RaymondLes recherches de Botanique pure et appliquee a Madagascar1938
21Decary, RaymondLa population de Madagascar1947-48
21Decary, RaymondLes Satellites de Madagascar et l'ancienne navigation dans le Canal de Mozambique1937
21Decary, RaymondLes Voyages de Portugais a Madagascar au XVI Siecle1949
21Deherain, HenriLe Voyage de Francois Leguat dans l'Ocean Indien (1690-1698) Est-il Imaginaire?1926
21Dixey, FrankObservations sur les surfaces d'Erosion a Madagascar1958
21Edwardes, S.B. de BurghGeographie illustree de l'Ile Maurice1921
21Falck, KjellL'ancien villege a Vakinankaratra, Madagascar1958
21Fosberg, F.R.The Fern Vegetation of Aldabra Atoll1971
21Fosberg, F. RaymondUnique Aldabra1967
21Golding, ArturZur Landesnatur der Seychellen1913
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