Non-Seminar Options

There are several ways Honors College students can complete up to nine Honors credits outside of Honors seminar courses. These experiences help students customize their educational experience under the guidance of some of the best faculty members on campus. You can read more about the non-seminar options below. We highly recommend meeting with an Honors advisor to talk about the non-seminar proposal process before submitting your proposal. You can find the link to the non-seminar submission form HERE.

Senior Honors Thesis

labstudentStudents write an extended paper reflecting independent research in their major field of study. Students who complete the six-credit thesis option  receive the Honors Degree with Distinction.

Senior Honors Thesis Proposal Guidelines

Senior Honors Project

The Senior Honors Project may consist of a performance, exhibit, musical composition, or technical/professional project. Students who complete the six-credit project option receive the Honors Degree with Distinction.

Senior Honors Project Proposal Guidelines

Research in Honors

Students assist a faculty member with research and then design and complete an original and major research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Students who complete the six-credit research option will receive the Honors Degree with Distinction.

Research in Honors Proposal Guidelines

Alternative Honors Course Proposal

With permission from both the degree-granting college and Honors College Director, students may add an Honors component to department capstone courses or final research/project experiences.

Alternative Honors Course Proposal Guidelines

Departmental Advanced Independent Study / Honors Tutorial

With approval from the Honors College, students can propose an independent course study through their academic department. Students can also propose an Honors Tutorial plan to be completed under the supervision of an Honors faculty advisor.

Honors Tutorial and Independent Study Proposal Guidelines

Study Abroad

aishaabroadAny university-approved study abroad program may be submitted for Honors credit consideration. Students must meet with an Honors advisor prior to studying abroad in order to establish eligibility and arrange for Honors credit.

Students approved for Honors credit abroad are eligible to apply for the Honors Study Abroad scholarship.

For more information about study abroad programs, visit:

Center for International Education

Graduate Course Work

Graduate level courses completed with a B- or better may be counted toward the Honors College graduation requirements. This option normally is open only to seniors in the program who meet the necessary prerequisites. Permission for an Honors student to take a graduate course must be obtained from the instructor of the course, the chairperson of the department or school/college designee in which the course is taught, and the Honors College director.