Left to right Kathleen Smith (MSU Denver), Bonan Li (Oregon State University), Youssef Kaddoura (University of Florida), Katie Jones (NEON), Alison Donnelly (UWM), Kai Zhu (UCSC), Rong Yu (UWM)

Left to right Bonan Li (OSU), Jeff Morisette (USGS), Youssef Kaddoura (University of Florida), Katharyn Duffy (NAU), Kathleen Smith (MSU Denver), Alison Donnelly (UWM), Kai Zhu (UCSC), Rong Yu (UWM)
Alison Donnelly was selected by the organizing committee to attend the NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) Science Summit at the Earth Lab, University of Colorado, Boulder October 15th-17th where she lead the Phenology Group with co-leads Rong Yu (post-doc UWM) and Katie Jones (plant ecologist NEON).