Geography PhD students win GIS Project Competition during UWM GIS Day
PhD students, Yang Song and Wei Xu, received first and second places if the Graduate Student GIS Project Competition during UW-M GIS Day.
PhD students, Yang Song and Wei Xu, received first and second places if the Graduate Student GIS Project Competition during UW-M GIS Day.
Please join us to welcome Dr. Cuiyu Song from the College of Earth Science & Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Shandong, China.
Rina Ghose was invited to give several talks at the Department of Geology-Geography at West Virginia University on Oct. 21 2015.
Caroline Seymour-Jorn, Anna Mansson McGinty, and Kristin Sziarto presented the 46th Annual Morris Fromkin Memorial Lecture. The lecture highlighted their research on social justice activism among Muslim in Milwaukee.