Get connected through student organizations

Enhance your education at UWM by joining one of our many student organizations. You’ll expand your learning outside of the classroom and make great connections, too!

Student organizations are comprised of people who are passionate about a specific area of engineering or computer science.

By getting involved, you can:

  • Meet new people and build a network of support.
  • Work as a team to build something and maybe even participate in regional and national competitions.
  • Learn about scholarship opportunities.
  • Make professional contacts that may lead to future internships or jobs.
  • Strengthen your job resume and define your career goals.
  • Develop leadership and communication skills.
  • Have fun with people who might end up becoming your new best friends.

How to Learn More

The College of Engineering & Applied Science has active student chapters of many of the leading engineering and computer science professional societies and organizations. See below or contact Steven Anderson to learn more about an organization you’re interested in–or to start a new student org.

Engineering & Computer Science Student Organizations

American Foundry Society (AFS)

AFS provides academic, hands-on, and career opportunities to students interested in metallurgy and the metal casting industry.

For more information, contact Kaustubh Rane, president or Pradeep Rohatgi, advisor.

American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA)

AIAA is the largest aerospace professional society in the world, serving a diverse range of more than 35,000 individual members from 80 countries, and 100 corporate members. AIAA members help make the world safer, more connected, more accessible, and more prosperous.

For more information, contact Hamza Alnawafah, president or Ryoichi Amano, advisor.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

ASCE presents students with the opportunity to participate in engineering related activities and competitions, and network with other engineering students and professionals.

For more information, contact Kayla Bates, president or Hani Titi, advisor.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME promotes knowledge of the theory and practice of mechanical engineering, and presents a proper prospective of engineering work. We also offer the opportunity to participate in activities that promote a professional awareness of mechanical engineering. Facebook link or

For more information, contact Justin Pflanzer or Andrew Dressel, advisor.

Arab American Association of Engineers & Architects (AAAEA)

AAAEA is a professional student organization dedicated to help, strengthen, empower and inspire its members for excellence. AAAEA promotes and advocates the students in Engineering, Architecture, and Computer Science majors, by providing career and educational enhancement programs, technical exchange, and community service.

For more information, contact Mona Said, president or Mohamed Yahiaoui, advisor.

Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

AEE promotes the scientific and educational interests of those engaged in the energy industry and to foster action for sustainable development.

For more information, contact Saif Al Hamad, president or Wilkistar Otieno, advisor.

Biomedical Engineering Society at UWM (BMES)

BMES is a group of mostly Biomedical Engineering students looking to provide opportunities to other BME students. We set up connections between students and professors as well as some volunteer opportunities in the form of working with 3D printing prosthetic hands for kids in need through our connection with eNable, a non-profit. We host monthly speakers from different realms of BME, including research, industry, and continuing education.

For more information, contact Adam Schultz, president or Mahsa Dabagh, advisor.

Construction Leadership Council – Student Chapter (CLC)

CLC is a student led organization that provides young professionals with an opportunity to observe and develop their skills with current industry leaders.

For more information, contact Ashley Drzewiecki, president or Jian Zhao, advisor.

Cyber Security Club

Cyber Security Club is a new student organization.

For more information, contact David Waite, President or James Schulz, advisor.

EV Club

Electric Vehicle Club (EVC)

The Electric Vehicle Club was created to give students hands-on experience converting conventional and human-powered vehicles (bikes, scooters, skateboards) to electric ones. Members of the club say that electrification of public transportation is one of the best, and most feasible, ways to promote sustainability and make a significant impact in decreasing the consumption of fossil fuels. The club, which has eight members, is sponsored by Serial 1 (Harley-Davidson’s sub-brand specializing in e-bikes). In April, Serial 1 donated two traditional bikes to the club, which club members will retrofit to function as EV bikes.

For more information, contact David Adashek, president or Deyang Qu, advisor.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB@UWM)

EWB@UWM combines sustainable engineering with a passion for human life. Our humanitarian work brings running water to impoverished villages in the Ixil Triangle of Guatemala. We believe that everyone has a right to access our planet’s most valuable resource. EWB at UWM also aims to improve the sustainable use of energy in Wisconsin. Through local and international design projects, we strive to bring new concepts to areas around our university and businesses, as well as worldwide, who have an interest in our work. Facebook linkInstagram link

For more information, contact Co-Chairs Nick Birschbach or Nathaniel Wurzer at or John Reisel, advisor.

Game Design & Development (GDD)

GDD is a place where students of all varieties come together and construct projects and ideas with each other from all sides of gaming. We have people who design board games, code, sound, art, story, and narrating of games. We also do all our social media via Discord. Feel free to join at

For more information, contact Wesley Hines, president or Bob Sorenson, advisor.

GIS Club

GIS Club is a new student organization.

For more information, contact Muriel Marseille, president or Stephen Appel, advisor.

Google Developers Group at UWM

The Software Developers Group at UWM is a student org dedicated to learning programming technologies. Our members are people interested in furthering their exploration into technology and enhancing their skills in computer-related categories. We strive to help any members or other students explore the vast field of technology by organizing meetups, programming events, learning new technologies and inviting guest speakers to inspire our students.

For more information, contact Yogitha Palukuri, president or Christine Cheng, advisor.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Our student chapter aims to help students by providing networking opportunities, mentoring, project guidance, and more.

For more information, contact Brian Liebau, president or Bill Dussault, advisor.

The Computer Society (IEEE-CS)

IEEE-CS encourages education enrichment in computer science and related fields. We als  broaden student awareness, provide the opportunity for social activities among members and faculty, and work towards increasing the reputation of a computer science degree from UWM. Keep up to date via our website at or Slack (chat) workspace.

For more information, contact Hunter Montgomery or or John Boyland, advisor.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)

IISE is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the application, education, training, research, and development of industrial and systems engineering.

For more information, contact Bau Bui, president or Wilkistar Otieno, advisor.

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

The goal of the Institute of Transportation Engineers at UW-Milwaukee is to connect to industry professionals, grow the community of transportation engineers, and attend district conferences.

Our student chapter focuses on presenting members with opportunities for community service, leadership, scholarship, and internships.

For more information, go to, or contact Tom Shi, advisor.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

NSBE increases the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.

For more information, contact Kalen Walker, president or Ramona Sledge, advisor.

Prototyping Club (PC)

PC provides students the tools, knowledge, and support to develop an idea into an invention.

For more information contact Andrew Hinz, President or Ilya Avdeev, advisor.

Research in Engineering, Healthcare, and Biomechanics (REHAB)

The purpose of REHAB is to provide students in engineering, healthcare, and biomechanics fields with opportunities to participate in workshops, engage in networking opportunities, and explore research in their related areas of study.

For more information, contact Caleb Cordes, President or Brooke Slavens, advisor.

Robotics Association at UWM (RA UWM)

RA UWM gives students with a passion for robotics an outlet to express that passion through designing, building, testing, programming, and competing with our robots against universities from around the world. We will also use this organization as a platform to coordinate community outreach and volunteer efforts for high school, middle school, and elementary school robotics teams and events throughout the Milwaukee Area.

For more information, contact Nate Valentine, president or Brian Armstrong, advisor.

Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers is a new student organization.

For more information, contact Ramon Mendoza or Alberto Maldonado, advisor.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

SAE provides members an opportunity to gain insight into the engineering profession by offering hands on engineering experience through student design competitions, monthly meetings with engineering professionals, and local industry tours.

For more information, please contact Matt Loomis or Erick Recinos, co-presidents or Dan Beller, advisor.

Society of LGBTQ+ Engineers

The Society of LGBTQ+ Engineers is a new student organization.

For more information, contact Melanie Piotrowski or Tom Dake, advisor.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE-UWM)

SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering, and to be recognized for their life-changing contributions as engineers and leaders. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career for women through an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities, and much more.

For more information, contact Tarani Neelapu, president or Megan Bauski, advisor, or visit the SWE website.

Structural Engineering Society at UWM (SES-UWM)

SES-UWM expands the experience and knowledge of members in structural related fields through attending relevant events and inviting well-known speakers to hold technical workshops.

For more information, contact Farhad Farajiani, president or Habib Tabatabai, advisor.

Student Water Council (SWC)

SWC seeks to create awareness of water issues, research opportunities, and assist in  the development of the greater Milwaukee region as a World Water Hub.

For more information, contact Emma McKeel, president or Aaron Thiel, advisor.

Tau Beta Pi Wisconsin Gamma (TBP) Honor Society

The Tau Beta Pi is the oldest engineering honor society representing the entire engineering profession and is the nation’s second-oldest honor society. It honors engineering students in American universities who have shown a history of academic achievement as well as a commitment to personal and professional integrity. Students must be invited to join.

For more information, contact Abhi Tokala.

Triangle Fraternity

Triangle Fraternity develops balanced men in the fields of engineering, architecture, and science by providing an environment which fosters personal growth and professional success. Our motto is: Integrity and Excellence in Engineering.

For more information, contact Charles Saelens, President or Bob Sorenson, advisor.

Other UWM Student Organizations

In addition to getting engaged in organizations related to your area of study, we also encourage you to connect in other ways. UWM has 300+ UWM student orgs, allowing every student the opportunity to find their perfect fit. See a full list of UWM Student Organizations here.