Supporting Research and College Goals

The Office of Research Support serves faculty by helping to increase sponsored funding for research. This is the starting point to connect faculty with government funding agencies and industry. These include the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health and also state and local agencies. The team can also help build partnerships, identifying Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) opportunities and working through contracts and IP issues.

The office also supports student success by identifying funding sources and preparing college-wide proposals for academic programs and scholarships. We provide pre-award resources that faculty and staff need to find funding opportunities and to develop successful proposals.

Proposal Development

Building Strong Grant Proposals

The competition for sponsored research funding is intense.  Agencies like the National Science Foundation can receive 100 proposals for a program that provides only three awards. To help find the right grant opportunities for your research and to develop strong proposals with a competitive edge, we offer the following services:

Identifying Grant Opportunities

  • Identification and notification of funding opportunities
  • Funding searches for individual or collaborative projects
  • Database of faculty research interests

Assisting With Proposals

  • Interpreting agency guidelines
  • Communicating with funding agencies
  • Coordinating large, multidisciplinary or collaborative projects
  • Developing budgets and budget narratives
  • Preparing recurring proposal information (institution, college, individual)
  • Reviewing and editing of proposal narratives, project summaries, and other components
  • Coordinating the follow-up, revision and resubmission of unfunded proposals
  • Offering assistance and guidance with internal grant applications
  • Providing advice and assistance with compliance and regulatory issues

Assisting With Awards

  • Helping manage awards process
Grant-Related Workshops

Empowering Faculty Through Workshops

Successful proposal writing is an art unto itself, one that requires specialized approaches to form, content, aim and audience. The Office of Research Support workshops help strengthen your proposals and increase your chances for winning. Examples of workshops include:

Proposal Writing Strategies

  • Abstracts and summaries
  • Project narratives and specific aims
  • Intellectual merit and broader impact statements
  • Budget development and budget narratives

Special Topic Workshops

  • Proposal review and evaluation processes
  • Grant agency overviews
  • Internal grant programs
  • National Science Foundation CAREER grants
  • National Institutes of Health grants

Long-Range Strategic Planning

Planning for the Future

Whether you are just starting your academic career and research projects or are well-established, you need a plan to meet your current and future goals. We can help you get there with:

  • Individual long-range research grant planning
  • Strategic career planning for new faculty
  • Planning for group or collaborative projects (internal and external)
College-Wide Projects

Supporting the College Community

Our expertise doesn’t stop at grant writing and career planning. We also provide support for collaborative projects, develop, write and edit college publications, and provide data on college grant activities. Services include:

  • Researching, organizing, and developing college-wide grants (e.g., student support, major equipment, collaborative projects, center and institute proposals)
  • Data analysis and reports on CEAS grant activity
  • Other projects and activities as college needs and grant opportunities emerge

Contact Information

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

Office: EMS E379B
Will Hoyer, MS
Research Administrator