The College of Engineering & Applied Science Graduate Programs Office team is available to assist you with processes and procedures related to your master’s or doctoral degree program.

If you have a question about a change to your schedule, a change in advisor, requirements for your program of study and/or completing College of Engineering & Applied Science and UWM Graduate School forms, please stop by our office at EMS E379 or email us at We can explain processes and procedures or help you find the resource you need to make earning your degree run smoothly. 

Please see your faculty advisor for information about scheduling classes, degree expectations, and other academic related questions.

Graduate School Forms and Downloads
Graduate Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) Form

The Graduate Transfer Credit Evaluation (PDF) is used when you have graduate credits from another institution that you would like to have count toward your UWM graduate program. This is only to be used for transfer credits to a Master’s degree program.

Please complete Part 1 of the TCE, then have your faculty advisor complete Part 3. The form along with a copy of your transcript (can be unofficial) then needs to be returned to the Graduate Program Office for processing.

One Stop Enrollment and Financial Services Forms
Registration Change Form

The Registration Change Form is used when you need to add, drop, swap, change credits, switch sections or grading option changes to your class schedule.  

Please complete the form down to the two boxes at the bottom. You will need a signature in the box on the lower right-hand side from: 

  • your advisor, if you need permission to enroll in the class (you are a graduate student wanting to enroll in an undergraduate course), or 
  • the instructor, when you are requesting to enroll in a closed class. 

The form then needs to be returned to the Graduate Program Office for processing.

Request for Exception (RFE) Form

The Request for Exception Form (PDF) is used by the Graduate School to make changes to your academic record, specifically:

  • to make changes to your schedule (swap, drop, change sections), when you no longer have access to make changes in PAWS. Important: if you want to change your schedule, you need to include a Change in Registration form (below) as well.
  • when you took a cross-listed class as an EE class, but you want it to count toward your concentration in CE.
  • to request permission to continue when you have an academic hold due to a low GPA. This must include a plan as to how you will increase your GPA.

Please complete Section I (the entire 1st page), then your advisor must complete section II, and include a supporting statement. The form then needs to be returned to the Graduate Program Office for processing.

All Request for Exception and Change in Registration forms need to be submitted to the Graduate Program Office for processing. We make sure everything is complete on the form, then send it to the correct staff person in the Graduate School for further decision making and processing. 

Undergraduate Requirements Assessment Form: MS Computer Science, Regular Track

Download form here.

Undergraduate Requirements Assessment Form: MS Computer Science, Professional Track

Download form here.

MS Computer Science Program of Study Form: Professional Track

Download form here.

MS Computer Science Program of Study Form: Thesis, Regular Track

Download form here.

MS Computer Science Program of Study Form: Non-Thesis, Regular Track

Download form here.

MS Computer Science Change of Advisor Form

Download form here.

MS Program of Study Form

For enrollment management and class scheduling purposes, a written Program of Study, developed in conjunction with your major advisor is required to be submitted to the Graduate Programs Office during your first year of study.

MS Program of Study Form

MS Change of Graduate Advisor Form

 In the event that you need to change advisors, due to research interests, retirement, etc. Please complete the Change in Advisor form and submit it to the Graduate Program Office for processing.

Independent Study Form

Anyone wishing to complete an Independent Study must complete the registration form, design a proposal, obtain your major advisor signature on both and submit to the Graduate Programs Office for processing.

College of Engineering & Applied Science PhD Forms

For enrollment management and class scheduling purposes, the student, in consultation with the major professor, should develop a proposed program of studies during the first year of enrollment. This program of study must be approved by the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and must meet the distribution requirement listed below. For subsequent changes, the student must file a revised program of study for approval. Learn more.

Guidelines in Developing the Program of Study

Program of Study Form

Mathematics/Quantitative Methods Requirement

The following courses are acceptable for the Mathematics/Quantitative Methods Requirement in the doctoral program.  Other courses may also be accepted if appropriate (Submit documentation, i.e. course description, for courses proposed to meet this requirement). 

CIV-725 Finite Element Methods in EngineeringCS-417 Theory of Computation
CIV-726 Mechanical VibrationsCS-535 Algorithms Design and Analysis
CIV-761 Advanced Structural AnalysisCS-704 Analysis of Algorithms
CIV-801 Applied ElasticityCS-708 Scientific Computing
 CS-711 Machine Learning
 CS-712 Image Processing
 CS-714 Computational Geometry
 CS-720 Computational Models for Decision Making
 CS-755 Information and Coding Theory
 CS-759 Data Security
 CS-760 Computer Systems Performance Evaluation
 CS-762 Fault-Tolerant Computing
 CS-805 Randomized Algorithms
EE-701 Advanced Linear System AnalysisME-701 Advanced Linear Systems Analysis
EE-711 Pattern RecognitionME-706 Continuum Mechanics
EE-712 Image ProcessingME-711 Thermal Radiation and Conduction
EE-718 Nonlinear Control SystemsME-715 Numerical Methods in Engineering
EE-721 Digital CommunicationsME-718 Nonlinear Control Systems
EE-741 Electromagnetic Fields and WavesME-723 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
EE-742 Electromagnetic WaveME-726 Mechanical Vibrations
EE-755 Information and Coding TheoryME-765 Mechanical Reliability and Probabilistic Design
EE-760 Computer Systems Performance EvaluationME-773 Advanced Dynamics
EE-762 Fault-Tolerant ComputingME-785 Optimization Methods in Engineering
EE-765 Fourier Optics & Optical Signal PrcsME-816 Optimal Control Theory
EE-771 Advanced Electric Power Systems Theory 
EE-781 Advanced Synchronous MachineryMATERIALS  
EE-810 Advanced Digital Signal ProcessingMAT-410(G) Mechanical Behavior of Materials
EE-816 Optimal Control TheoryMAT-702 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
EE-819 Adaptive Control TheoryMAT-710 Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
EE-872 Computer Analysis of Electric Power SystemsMAT-720 Kinetic Processes in Materials
 MAT-731 Deformation Processing
IND-455 Operations Research IMATH-413 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
IND-465 Operations Research IIMATH-414 Numerical Analysis
IND-571 Quality ControlMATH-416 Computational Linear Analysis
IND-572 Reliability EngineeringMATH-535 Linear Analysis
IND-575 Design of ExperimentsMATH-601 Advanced Engineering Mathematics I
IND-716 Engineering Statistical AnalysisMATH-602 Advanced Engineering Mathematics II
IND-717 Operations Research for Engineering ManagementMATH-701 Industrial Mathematics I
IND-765 Operations Research Methods and Advanced ProgrammingMATH-702 Industrial Mathematics II
IND-767 Statistical Methods for Engineers and ScientistsMATH-767 Statistical Methods for Engineers & Scientists
IND-768 Applied Stochastic ProcessesMATH-768 Applied Stochastic Processes
IND-777 Scheduling and Real Time Resource ManagementMATH-813 Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
 MATH-814 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Independent Study Form

Anyone wishing to complete an Independent Study must complete the registration form, design a proposal, obtain your major advisor signature on both and submit to the Graduate Programs Office for processing.

999 Guidelines and Proposal/ Approval Form for Engineering Graduate Students 

Electrical Engineering PhD Forms

Electrical Engineering PhD Program of Study Form

Independent Study

Anyone wishing to complete an Independent Study must complete the registration form, design a proposal, obtain your major advisor signature on both and submit to the Graduate Programs Office for processing.

999 Guidelines and Proposal/ Approval Form for Engineering Graduate Students 

Change of Graduate Advisor Form

Qualifying Exams are offered the Thursday and Friday of the second week of classes.

SemesterClasses BeginQE Dates
Fall 2024September 3September 12/13
Spring 2025January 21January 30/31
Fall 2025September 2September 11/12
Spring 2026January 26February 5/6
Biomedical Engineering

Please contact the Biomedical Engineering Department Chair or Leanne Myers for qualifying exam samples.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Please contact the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department Chair or Leanne Myers for qualifying exam samples.

Computer Science

Please contact the Computer Science Department Chair or Leanne Myers for qualifying exam samples.

Electrical Engineering

The EE PhD Qualifying Examination is used to ensure that PhD students have sufficient depth and breadth of fundamental electrical engineering concepts. The exam is given twice per year, early in the Fall and Spring semesters, and is graded on a pass-fail basis.

Industrial Engineering

Please contact the Industrial Engineering Department Chair or Leanne Myers for qualifying exam samples.

Materials Science & Engineering

The Materials Science & Engineering PhD Qualifying Examination is used to ensure that PhD students have sufficient depth and breadth of fundamental materials engineering concepts. The exam is given twice per year, early in the Fall and Spring semesters, and is graded on a pass-fail basis. Guidelines are provided below.

Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering PhD Qualifying Examination is used to ensure that PhD students have sufficient depth and breadth of fundamental mechanical engineering concepts. The exam is graded on a pass-fail basis. Guidelines are provided below.


Therese Crary
  • Advisor, Graduate Programs
  • Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Health Informatics
Bob Packard
  • Advisor, Graduate Programs
  • Civil/Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering