CLACS welcomes opportunities to collaborate with community colleges, technical colleges, and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to further expand Latin American and Caribbean Studies-related courses, programs and faculty professional development.
Alverno College
Virtual Series: Wisconsin Immigrant Workers: Their Stories and Impact, with Alverno Assessment and Outreach and UWM Center for International Education (Spring 2022)
Travel support for faculty member to participate in a Global Studies Symposium for Minority Serving Institutions and Community Colleges, hosted at Vanderbilt University (December 2021)
Teacher Workshop: Global Perspectives on Freedom of Speech, with Alverno Assessment and Outreach and UWM Center for International Education (August 2021)
Alverno Graduating Teacher Celebration, featuring Mexican children’s writer/illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh and Dr. Pablo Muirhead (MATC), discussing bringing children’s book cultural content into the classroom. CLACS also gifted graduating bilingual educators with a Tonatiuh book of their choice. (June 2021)
Teacher Workshop: Global Girlhoods, with Alverno Assessment and Outreach, UWM Center for International Education and UW-Madison International Regional and International Programs (November 2020)
Travel support for faculty member to participate in a Global Studies Symposium for Minority Serving Institutions and Community Colleges, hosted at Florida International University (January 2019)
Workshop: Developing and Sustaining Latin American Studies Programs, in collaboration with the North Central Council of Latin Americanists (Spring 2018)
Small Grants Program to support new course development
Workshop: Best Practices to Internationalize Post-Secondary Curriculum (Spring 2015)
Wisconsin Technical College System
Faculty professional development support for design of a study away program, “Digitizing the Americas: Exploring Cuba through Miami, Media and Technology (2017-18, Northeast WI Technical College)
UISFL grant application evaluation team (Summer 2016, Milwaukee Area Technical College)
Workshop presentations: WTCS workshop, Internationalizing Curriculum (Spring 2016, Moraine Park Technical College)
Faculty support for participation in Indiana University Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization (Waukesha County Technical College faculty, Spring 2016, spring 2015)
NAFSA webinar support: Curricular Designs for Global Learning (Fall 2014, Milwaukee Area Technical College)