UWM Faculty Application Guidelines

UWM Faculty Research/Conference Award 2024-25


UW-Milwaukee faculty, both members of CLACS and non-members, who are involved in Latin American/Caribbean related projects.

An approved Travel and Miscellaneous Expense Authorization (TMEA) form must be fully approved before any purchases are made. Failure to secure preauthorization may result in denied reimbursement of expenditures.

Award Categories (in order of priorities)

  1. Original research
  2. Presentation of paper at professional conference/workshop
  3. Comparative and cross-disciplinary research projects involving Latin America and the Caribbean

Nature of Awards

The number of awards and their dollar amount will generally be in the range of $250 to $500 and will depend on the project, faculty rank, number of applications, and previous CLACS support. Funding intended for travel purposes is subject to UWM travel policies.

Applications may also be accepted on a rolling deadline, dependent on availability of funding.

Application Deadlines

    • February 1, 2025 for expenditures between April 1-June 30, 2025

Awards notification will be approximately three weeks after the application due date.

A Complete Application Consists of

  1. General information, including type of request, e.g. research support or virtual conference presentation
  2. Proposal information (1-2 pages): include a detailed research project description, list organization/institution affiliation(s) and contacts, state research methodology (if applicable), anticipated outcome, and project timeline. If applying for research expenses, detail how the funds will advance your project. If presenting a paper, please include further information and an abstract. Please explain in your proposal how the activity is connected to the CLACS mission.
  3. Budget information that includes logistics and funds expected from other sources
  4. Uploaded Item(s): current abbreviated 2-3 page curriculum vitae; and a letter confirming acceptance of your paper (if applicable).

* In the event of insufficient funds, applications from assistant professors and from persons not previously funded within one year of the current competition will receive priority.

Funding for this campus-wide competition is made possible through a cooperative arrangement with the Dean of the College of Letters and Science

Online Application