Donald R. Shea Undergraduate Scholarship

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee offers a limited number of scholarships in the amount of $250-$500 for undergraduate students (sophomores and above)  demonstrating academic interest in Latin American and/or Caribbean studies.

The scholarship may be used for semester-long, year-long, or short-term study abroad, and for other approved academic opportunities, such as field research, related to Latin American/Caribbean that can be accepted for UWM credit. In-person travel must be approved by CLACS and UWM before funds are dispersed

Students from any major or field of study are invited to apply.


  1. Undergraduate students (sophomores and above) enrolled in a UWM degree program
  2. 3.0 GPA or higher and in good standing in their program
  3. Demonstrated academic interest in Latin American and/or Caribbean studies, such as course work/extra curricular activities
  4. Preference given to students who have not received this scholarship previously.

Application Deadlines

November 1, 2024 (for opportunities anytime between December 2024 -May 2025)

April 1, 2025 (for opportunities anytime between June-December 2025)

Awards notification will be approximately three weeks after the application due date.

Application Guidelines

Applications are to be completed on Academic Works. You must complete your general profile on Academic Works first, to be considered for this opportunity as well as all future scholarships. Your profile is a one-time set up that will match you with all available scholarships and awards. You can find the award by searching “Donald Shea” in the website’s search bar.

All materials, including your letters of recommendation, must be received by 11:59pm the day of the deadline. Please reach out to those writing your letters early, so they have enough time to upload them before the deadline.

A complete application consists of:

  1. General personal/academic information;
  2. Statement on the intended use for the scholarship and the role of Latin American and/or Caribbean studies in your academic program, and your academic/personal/professional goals;
  3. One letter of recommendation from UWM faculty, which will be submitted by the recommenders through Academic Works;
  4. Your unofficial transcript(s);
  5. The acceptance letter/email for your program.

Any questions can be directed to: Aimee Orndorf,

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies reserves the right to not make an award in a given year if suitable applicants are not available.