Jennifer Haas
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2019
M.A., Anthropology, University of South Carolina, 1995
B.A., History, Anthropology, Marquette University, 1992
Courses Taught
ANTH 308 Archaeology of North America
ANTH 465 Historic Preservation in Archaeology
ANTH 466 Historical Archaeology
ANTH 467 Archaeological Curation
ANTH 530 Paleoethnobotany Methods and Analysis
ANTH 535 Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics
ANTH 566 Archaeological Analysis and Report Preparation
ANTH 567 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 763 Professionalism in Anthropology
North American Archaeology, Paleoethnobotany, Bioarchaeology, Woodland Tradition, Foodway Archaeology, Historic Preservation/Cultural Resource Management, NAGPRA
Professional Qualifications
Meets the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for Archaeology (Prehistoric and Historic Periods) and History (48FR44738-9)
Qualified archaeologist to excavate and analyze human burials under Wisconsin’s burial
law and administrative rules (Wis. Stats. § 157.70(1) (i) and HS 2.04(6))
Jennifer R. Haas serves as Principal Investigator for Cultural Resource Management at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Haas is a professionally qualified Archaeologist (prehistoric and historic periods) and Historian per the National Park Service Secretary of Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (48FR44738-9). Haas is a Qualified Archaeologist and Skeletal Analyst under Wisconsin's burial law and administrative rules. Haas further serves as a gubernatorial appointee to the Wisconsin Burial Sites Preservation Board and board member for the Wisconsin Archeological Survey. Haas brings over twenty years of experience with regard to cultural resources, historic preservation, and archaeological/burial sites.