Provost Gronert met with the UC.
- He reported that the testing center has been assigned several backup personnel and that they should be able to reduce the lead time required for instructors to request ScanTron processing. Also, UITS repaired the scanner which had been malfunctioning.
- UC members noted that employees now have a new mandatory training status tracker which is helpful. We asked Gronert to widely disseminate the existence of this resource to campus.
- UC members made Gronert aware of various problems with student course evaluation in Fall 2022, so that we as a campus can avoid the same problems in Spring 2023.
In member reports:
- The Research Policy Advisory Committee discussed the proposed new Openness in Research policy. There are some concerns, and so the request for approval has been delayed to the April Faculty Senate meeting where it will get time for discussion.
- Two of the SFS Dean candidates have made campus visits with a third to come later this week.
- The ZCPH Dean position description is nearing completion.