In member reports:
- The UC has been asked to recommend faculty to the search committee for a new chief partnership officer. The committee identified a few individuals whose names will be forwarded to the administration.
- UW System President Rothman will be visiting UCM Faculty Senate in May. What questions should be addressed to him? Two topics seem appropriate:
- How will the UW System support the continuation of UWM’s R-1 status?
- What resources at the system level will be transferred to individual campuses?
- The SSEA will meet to draft general questions to be used in future evaluations.
- The ZCPH Dean search committee received a draft position description from a subcommittee and will review it.
Chancellor Mone visited the UC and reported on three somewhat linked initiatives:
- Since the Health Sciences Renovation (although being highly ranked by the UW System) didn’t receive mention in the governor’s budget, Mone will work together with others to ask the legislature to include it in the capital budget.
- Mone is working with legislative leaders for an additional base budget increment for UWM.
- Mone is working to develop a positive message of the benefits that UWM brings to the state, in order to counter generic stereotypes of what universities stand for.