UC Chair N. Rothfels reported: 1) Two faculty have agreed to be nominated for service on the NS divisional committee; 2) The social science faculty senate position vacancy for this semester has been filled; 3) Some departments are apparently advising faculty that committee service outside of their department (i.e., in the School/College or University) will not be considered in evaluations. This is a serious issue, and points to broader concerns, which he will discuss with the Provost; and 4) The Scenario planning group met and received substantive guidance from faculty. There will be some flexibility for instructors to change modality after spring break, but the hope is that the number doing so will not be large.
Provost J. Britz provided the following updates: 1) He will hold a second meeting with Chairs and Directors later this week to clarify expected campus procedures after spring break; 2) The number of new freshman admissions for next year are looking good compared to last year and other UW-System campuses; and 3) Campus is looking for ways to incentivize doctoral students to complete their degrees.