UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported on standing committees for the upcoming year. Names were generated to potentially fill vacancies on APBC, FAGC, FRRC, and the Divisional Committees.
The Deans of the Lubar School of Business, College of General Studies, and College of Health Sciences will be invited to attend a future UC meeting and discuss faculty governance.
UC Chair O’Connor attended the Budget Model Support Team meeting. Discussed at the meeting were: budget model formula and anticipation of future funding, and a comparison of schools and colleges; the marginal tuition model; and the level of improvement needed to result in increases for future budgets. Tine Freiburger will be the UC rep to the APBC next year.
UC Member Mark Schwartz requested that UC consider ways in which connections can be made between MORFS and departments.
The Committee considered proposed edits to Post-tenure review policy (UWM Doc. 3083). Changes still need to be made to clarify timelines. Once UC is finished editing the document, it will be forwarded to Faculty Senate for consideration.