ASC Chair Kristin Roosevelt attended and introduced Leigh Wallace, incoming ASC Chair. ASC continues to appoint academic staff to standing committees (e.g. Chancellor’s Care and Respect of Expression Task Force). The ASC conducted a survey of AS subcommittees in anticipation of a restructuring over the summer. Some will be eliminated. All subcommittees will now have bylaws. Roosevelt has heard from some colleges regarding development of their own workload policies – some are starting on this in fall, others are working on this over the summer. UC Chair O’Connor and UC Incoming Chair Dolan will attend an ASC meeting this summer.
UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that the Chancellor’s Extended Cabinet met yesterday. A gift of $1.25M was announced from Microsoft for CSI. The State budget should be approved shortly, for consideration by the Evers administration. Enrollments are down campus-wide. The July Board of Regents meeting will have a special session for campuses that took in the 2 year colleges.
Three people will augment the department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering. Rules Committee is now full; SSEA Committee still needs members. The Chancellor’s Care and Respect Task Force has been filled. Glen Williams will chair the Art and Design department this summer. Chair O’Connor has met with representatives of the School of Education.
UC Member John Reisel reported that the Strategic Enrollment Management Modeling team met to discuss the future of the committee. The Inappropriate Behaviors in our Facilities by Members of the Public workgroup was developed and met, charged with bringing together existing resources for how to handle issues as they arise.
Post Tenure Review Policy is being revised to clarify who is in control of the remediation process, and the role of the departmental Executive Committee in giving input.
The University Committee welcomes Tina Freiburger to the UC. She will officially start on the committee in August.