UC Chair N. Rothfels reported: 1) He attended finalist interviews for the new compliance and ethics officer in Legal Affairs; 2) BOR Education Committee review of the UWM unit reorganization plan went smoothly, but it was made clear that additional governance review will occur before final campus approval. Indeed, UW-System indicated that they will only need to be notified of the final names for the new units; and 3) A process will be put together for the CARES group to make a presentation to the Faculty Senate in concert with a resolution, like what is on tap for the Climate Action-Carbon Resilience Plan.
Provost J. Britz provided the following updates: 1) Final names for the new Schools/Colleges will be deliberated by the Faculty Senate and other appropriate venues; and 2) He is leading UW-System Provosts in developing an academic briefing for the incoming UW-System President.
R. Shumway (AAFEC Chair), Director of Finance & Operations Kathy Heath, and VC Robin Van Harpen (the latter two are serving as interim leadership for campus HR) joined the UC to discuss ways to facilitate forward movement on DEI campus recruitment processes and strategies. More clarity of direction is needed from Academic Affairs (Provost) in concert with School/College leaders and the DEI AVC. As soon as feasible, AAFEC should be meeting regularly with HR (once the new leader in in place) to advance this initiative on campus in concert with Academic Affairs.
Member D. Misra noted that the Nominations Committee has met and provided names for committee positions which will be presented to the Faculty Senate.