February 8, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported:  1) In light of some recent developments with the ongoing unit mergers, campus administration needs to be reminded that names of schools and colleges are subject to final discussion/recommendation by the Faculty Senate; 2) A vacancy on the Professions Divisional Committee was successfully filled; 3) A new procedure is under development for post-disciplinary hearings related to FRRC cases, in order to comply with State Law—this will eventually lead to changes in Faculty P&P that will need to come before the Senate; and 4) He attended the remaining AVC for HR finalist interviews.

Chancellor M. Mone provided the following updates: 1) The $40M UWM “Investment” initiative being considered by the BOR continues to gather momentum, including strong support from the Milwaukee business community.  The next several months will be crucial to the initiative’s success; 2)  Two graduate recognition ceremonies will be held on April 10th for those who graduated since the pandemic started, but did not have a chance to participate in an in-person event; 3)  He will be hosting another Town Hall meeting on March 15th; and 4)  Work on improving faculty/staff morale is critical to the future of our campus—are there ways to make thing better?  He is making a push to find some answers to this issue.

Member D. Misra noted that APBC met last week with business including consideration of a proposal to merge the Department of Communication with the Department of Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies (both are in the College of Letter and Science).