September 13, 2022

Chancellor Mone provided the following updates: The latest enrollment numbers show a 3.3% drop from last year, however that revenue loss has been partially offset by an increase in student residence hall numbers (which are close to current capacity); The… Read More

September 6, 2022

UC Chair Schwartz updated the committee on the most recent plans for the previously announced UW-System-wide “Free Speech” student survey, which will likely take place soon after the November election. The survey will randomly sample same-sized groups from each UW… Read More

August 30, 2022

UC Chair Schwartz announced that the Provost has asked the committee to nominate faculty as potential members and chairs for the Zilber College of Public Health and School of Freshwater Sciences Dean Search committees. The UC is also tasked with… Read More

August 23, 2022

The UC welcomed new members John Boyland and Lisa Hager.  The committee will only have five members until elections are held this semester to fill two vacant positions. Appointments of UC representatives to other campus committees for the coming year… Read More

August 9, 2022

The UC approved an updated “Interim COVID-Related Health and Safety Policy” submitted by UWM administration.  A permanent policy will be brought to the Faculty Senate in the upcoming Fall semester.  The committee also submitted a slate of faculty nominees to… Read More

June 7, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported that he has accepted the position of acting L&S Dean, and thus will be resigning from the UC, effective June 13th.  The UC elected member Mark D. Schwartz to assume chairing the committee, effective next… Read More

May 17, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported:  1) He received a letter with concerns about CGS from a faculty member; 2) The Chancellor’s Extended Cabinet meeting addressed UW-System-wide IT security and other policy related issues; 3) SSEA will not need to do… Read More

May 10, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported:  1) L&S Dean S. Gronert has been appointed as interim Provost; 2) He attended the Governance Reps meeting in Madison last Friday.  Major issues discussed included the need for a more robust conversation with UW-System… Read More

May 3, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported:  1) Interim Provost interviews are underway and will wrap up tomorrow—the selection is expected by the end of the week; 2) Chancellor M. Mone indicated that the NWQ Building A demolition remains a “tug of… Read More

April 26, 2022

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported:  1) He thought the CARE group presentation at Senate last week went very well; 2) The deadline for applications for the interim Provost position is tomorrow, so there will be a very fast turnaround time… Read More