Anne O. Fisher
PhD and MA, Slavic Languages and Literatures (Russian Literature), University of Michigan
BA, Russian, University of Oklahoma
Courses Taught
TRNSLTN 709 – Literary Translation
TRNSLTN 710 – Comparative Systems in Translation
TRNSLTN 719 – Introduction to Translation: Russian to English
TRNSLTN 729 – Advanced Translation: Russian to English
TRNSLTN 820 – Translation Theory
Selected Books
Amelin, Maxim. The Joyous Science: Selected Poems of Maxim Amelin (White Pine Press: Buffalo, 2018), trans. Anne O. Fisher and Derek Mong.
Buksha, Ksenia. The Freedom Factory (Phoneme Media: Los Angeles, 2018), trans. Anne O. Fisher.
Ilf, Ilya, and Evgeny Petrov. The Twelve Chairs (Northwestern University Press: Evanston, 2011), trans. Anne O. Fisher.
Ilf, Ilya, and Evgeny Petrov. The Little Golden Calf (Russian Life Books: Montpelier, 2009), trans. Anne O. Fisher.
Selected Publications
(Forthcoming) Krzhizhanovsky, Sigizmund. “The Poetics of Titles,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Countries that Don’t Exist: Essays of Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, eds. Alex Spektor and Jacob Emery (Columbia University Press: New York, 2021).
Lukshina, Julia. “Grandpa,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in The Bangalore Review, 8 March 2021. http://bangalorereview.com/2021/03/grandpa
Danishevsky, Ilya, and Galina Rymbu. “Reality (Unfortunately?) Varies”: A Conversation Between Galina Rymbu and Ilya Danishevsky,” trans. Helena Kernan and Anne O. Fisher, in Words Without Borders, 1 February 2021. https://www.wordswithoutborders.org/article/february-2021-new-writing-in-russian-reality-unfortunately-varies-a-convers
Filimonov, Andrey. “Chapter 1 of Manikin and the Saints: The Siberian Tract, Year 7109 Since the Creation of the World,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in B O D Y Magazine, Saturday European Fiction, 13 June 2020. https://bodyliterature.com/2020/06/13/andrey-filimonov/
Lukshina, Julia. “Nervous, a One-Act Play,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Asymptote, October 2019. https://www.asymptotejournal.com/drama/julia-lukshina-nervous/
Lvovsky, Stanislav. “Her name is Natasha, she’s thirty-six years old, and she doesn’t know what to do,” trans. David Louden and Anne O. Fisher, in InTranslation (Stonewall at 50, June 2019) http://intranslation.brooklynrail.org/russian/her-name-is-natasha-shes-thirty-six-years-old-and-she-doesnt-know-what-to-do
Lukyanov, Aleksey. “Annus Mirabilis (Anus Horribilis),” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in World Literature Today Vol. 92, No. 3 (May 2018), 56-59. https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2018/may/annus-mirabilis-anus-horribilis-aleksey-lukyanov
Fisher, Anne O. “From Sign to Sound: Rendering Linguistic Play in Krzhizhanovsky’s The Poetics of Titles,” in DELOS: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, Vol. 32 (2017), pp. 20-26 (also available at http://journals.fcla.edu/delos/article/view/90565/86827)
Sharipova, Nilufar. “The Man You’ll Marry,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Spurl Editions (2016). http://spurleditions.com/blog/2016/3/3/the-man-youll-marry-short-story
Platonov, Andrei. “The Anti-Sexus,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Cabinet Magazine Issue 51 (Fall 2013), 48-53.
Buksha, Ksenia. “There is No Night,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Chtenia/Readings Issue 23 (Summer 2013), 15-25.
Fisher, Anne O. “Adapting Paratextual Theory to the Soviet Context: Publishing Practices and the Readers of Il’f and Petrov’s Ostap Bender Novels,” in The Space of the Book in Russia’s Social Imagination, ed. Miranda Remnek (Toronto University Press: Toronto, 2011), pp. 252-280.
Moskvina, Marina. “Excerpt from Trash Can for the Diamond Sutra,” trans. Anne O. Fisher, in Life Stories (Russian Information Services, Inc.: Montpelier, 2009), 169-178.