OT FACT Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The Occupational Therapy Performance Data Module is the centerpiece of OT FACT. It houses the 950-plus questions in an expandable outline which branches to display questions relevant to your specific area of practice.

OT FACT highlights
the question entitled
“Medication Routine
Down arrow icon
OT FACT displays
the definition for
Medication Routine
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The purpose of this screenshot is to show what the ‘OT Performance Data’ screen looks like when using OT FACT software. On the left side of the screen, there is a braching list of categories and subcatagories. When selected said categories display the score response on the right side fo the screen. The subcatagory ‘Medication Routine +’ is selected on the left in this screenshot with a discription of the subcatagory on the right along with options of ‘No Deficit’, ‘Partial Deficit’, ‘Total Deficit’, and ‘Not Applicable’

Screenshot #2

If a question is scored a [2] or [0], then OT FACT branches to the next logical question on the same level. In this case, the category Medication Routine had been scored a [0], Total Deficit. OT FACT interpreted that there was no need for additional questioning since the deficit was total. Therefore, it branched to the next question called “Emergency Communication.”

Screenshot of OT FACT OT Perfermance Data expanded view

Screenshot #3

If the response was [1], Partial Deficit, OT FACT would pursue the line of questioning within Medication Routine to obtain more detail. In this case, a Medication Routine sub-category called “Schedule” is the next question.

Screenshot of OT FACT OT Perfermance Data expanded view
Up arrow icon
Buttons for going to the other
OT Fact Modules:
– Demographics,
– Summaries,
– Graphs, and
– Report.

Screenshot #4

There are several ways to customize OT FACT to meet the particular needs of a practice setting.

Memo notes can be attached to any OT FACT question. In some cases, however, a facility may want to automate the inclusion of memos. OT FACT allows the automation of four types of memo notes. One is the FIM score. OT FACT can automatically include FIM scores along with OT FACT scores.

Down arrow icon

Screenshot of OT FACT settings screen
Up arrow icon

Some occupational therapy programs do not want to use all of the 985 questions available in OT FACT. For these special needs Special Sets of questions can be selected. While a core set of questions containing about 300 questions must be used by all practitioners, the question detail used beyond this fundamental set can be custom selected.

Screenshot #5

Form making and Special Question Sets are made in the customization module of OT FACT. This allows practices to select the level of question detail desired and create forms and formats to make reports consistent and rapid to write.

Screenshot of OT FACT customization screen

Screenshot #6

The Report Module of OT FACT provides a method to accelerate writing reports through computer-assisted report writing. OT FACT uses forms and prior designed formats. Here, the Screenshot displays a sample of a form ready to merge data. Once a form is created, OT FACT can automatically merge Demographic Data, OT Performance Data, and Memos from the loaded files into the report on request.

Screenshot of OT FACT customization screen

Up arrow icon

Also, the Codeset feature allows practitioners to use “pick-lists” during the editing phase of report writing.

For example, OT FACT can list common assessment interpretations, frequently used goals, or standard treatment plans for report writing. Practitioners simply “copy” and “paste” items from the lists int the report documents.

Screenshot #7

OT FACT features several scoring types. Here, OT FACT is set up to score Self-Satisfaction. The scoring descriptors reflect the consumers perspective on how they feel about their own performance.

Screenshot of the trichotomos rating system used in OTFACT to rate satisfaction

Screenshot #8

OT FACT is designed to access the function of individuals in their particualar environments. To do this OT FACT requests the practitioner to select the type of scoring they are performing. This Screenshot shows the types of scoring available.

Environment-Free Scoring exhibits how a person performs without assistive technology or other outside accommodation of the environment.

Screenshot of OT FACT file type selection screen

Environment-Adjusted Scoring shows how a person performs when using assistive technology or has received some environmental accommodation.

Screenshot #9

In the Graph Module, OT FACT can display up to three sets of scores for comparison. Here we see performance from an Initial assessment compared to a Progress reassessment and a third assessment repeated at Discharge.

Screenshot of OT FACT graphs screen

Screenshot #10

OT FACT offers many printing options. Summaries, Graphs, and Narrative Reports can be printed for a single client or comparing up to three records, such as an admission, progress and discharge assessment of an individual.

Screenshot of OT FACT print files screen

A variety of printing options can be chosen by simply selecting the files and types of reports desired.