Screenshot of the trichotomos rating system used in OTFACT to rate satisfaction

Screenshot of the trichotomos rating system used in OTFACT to rate satisfaction
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Brief Description (Alt Text):

Screenshot of the trichotomos rating system used in OTFACT to rate satisfaction

Essential Description (Caption):

The purpose of this screenshot is to show what the screen looks like when a response is recorded, specifically while scoring ‘Self-Satisfaction’ when using OT FACT software. The screen displays 4 options for a response; Completely satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Not at all Satisfied, and Not Applicable.

Detailed Description (Description):

This screenshot is displaying the scoring type of 'Self- Satisfaction' while using OT FACT software. On an all-black screen is the title ‘Response:’ shifted to the left side. Beneath that are 4 responses that can be selected. From the top it states ‘[2] Completely Satisfied’, ‘[1] Somewhat Satisfied’, [0] Not at all Satisfied’, and [] Not Applicable. There is a small gap/space between the options ‘Not at all Satisfied’ and ‘Not Applicable’.