2022 Presentations 
Aktar, F., Tian, S., Drake, M., Smith, R.O., Ahamed, S. Poster, (2022).IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), “A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Enhance the Accuracy of Sound Measurements in iOS Devices for Accessibility Applications.” (November, 2022). https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2023/AgingCognitiveSensory/95_Aktar/95_Aktar.pdf
2021 Presentations
Ardehali, M. (Presenter & Author). Poster, (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “Classifying the Direction of Covert Visuospatial Attention Using a Novel Analysis Method: Pilot Study.” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
Ardehali, M. (Presenter & Author), Poster. (2021). OT Summit of Scholars Conference, Virtual Conference, “Classifying the Direction of Covert Visuospatial Attention Using a Novel Analysis Method: Pilot Study.” (June 2021).
Mendonca, R. (Presenter & Author), Smith, R. O. (Author), Poster. (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “Feasibility Analysis: MED-AUDIT (Medical Equipment Device – Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool).” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
Mendonca, R. (Presenter & Author), Smith, R. O. (Author), Burns, S. (Author), Pickens, N. (Author). Poster. (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “Professional and Consumer Home Safety Evaluation Apps: HESTIA-NextGen.” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
Obiedat, Q. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, J., (Author), Mendonca, R. (Author), Burns, S. (Author), Drake, M. A. (Author), O’Donnell, L. (Author), Smith, R. O. (Author), Poster. (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “Using video recordings as a COVID-19 adaptation to study the inter-rater reliability of the AccessTools app.” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
O’Donnell, L. (Presenter & Author), Drake, M. A. (Author), Poster. (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “AccessPlace Stakeholder Product Validation.” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
O’Donnell, L. (Author), Drake, M. A. (Presenter & Author), Smith, R. O. (Author & Presenter), Poster. (2021). OT Summit of Scholars Conference, Virtual Conference,”AccessPlace Stakeholder Product Validation: Southeastern Wisconsin I-Corps and Project IMPACT.” (June 2021).
Raychoudhury, V. (Presenter & Author), Edinger, J. (Author), Osman, G. (Author), Smith, R. O. (Author). Poster. (2021). Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, “MyPath: Accessible Routing for Wheelchair Users through Sensor-based Surface Characteristic Classification.” (July 2021). https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference/Program-by-Day
Schwartz, J. (Author), Mendonca, R. (Presenter & Author), Burns, S. (Author), Obiedat, Q. (Author), Smith, R. O. (Author). Poster. (2021). OT Summit of Scholars Conference, Virtual Conference, “Feasibility of a Self-Paced Training on Standardized Assessment of the Community Environment.” (June 2021).
Schwartz, J. (Author), Mendonca, R. (Author), Burns, S. (Author), Obiedat, Q. (Author), Smith, R. O. (Presenter & Author), Drake, M. A. (Author), O’Donnell, L. (Author), Poster. (2021). OT Summit of Scholars Conference, Virtual Conference, “The Impact of Community Accessibility Assessment: A National Multisite Study.” (June 2021).
2020 Presentations
Ardehali, M., Obiedat, Q., George, O., Follansbee, B., Smith, R. O. (2020). Using a novel training paradigm for classification of Absolutely Volitional Covert Visuospatial Attention (AV-CVSA) direction through EEG signals: a pilot study. Scientific Paper at RESNA 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Obiedat, Q., Smith, R. O. (2020). Optimizing the content validity of the AccessTools app through the study of inter-rater reliability. Scientific Paper at RESNA 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Smith, R. O., Drake, M. A. D., O’Donnell, L., Bauman, K., Sullivan, M., Pearson, S., Ives, C. & McGavock, K. (2020). Access ratings for buildings: Utilization of community engagement events to populate the database with accessible information. RESNA, Virtual Conference.
2019 Presentations
Best, K. L., Routhier, F., MacLachlan, M., Smith, R. O., Mavrou, K. (2019, August). Quality in AT Research: Re-Evaluating Use of the Medical Model. Invited Presentation Topic Panelist at Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) 2019 Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Burns, S., Mendonca, R., Picken, N., & Smith, R. O. (2019). Home safety assessment for aging-in-place and home integration: There’s an app for that. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gauthier, C., Paul, H., Smith, R. O. (June, 2019). Challenge and strategy of disability infobases. Poster Presentation at the 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from: https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2019/emerging_technology/Gauthier.html and (2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1682374
Grampurohit, N., Fritsch, L., & Knopf, A., & Mendonca, R. (2019). Game based versus non-game based virtual reality intervention for upper extremity rehabilitation in chronic stroke: A Systematic Review. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Holloway, C., Andrich, R., Contepomi, S., Smith, R. O., Borghi, F., Manca, M. C., Malavasi, M. (August, 2019). Creating conditions for AT to work. Invited Presentation Topic Panelist at Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) 2019 Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Mathson, M. A., Murphy, A. L., Ardehali, M. M., & Smith, R. O. (2019) Small Kitchen Appliances Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool (SKA-AUDIT), Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
McCartney, A., Smith, R. O. (June, 2019). Evaluating the need for validation of AccessTools for deaf individuals: A qualitative study. Poster Presentation at the 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from: https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2019/other/McCartney.html and (2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1682374
Mendonca, R., Sheehy, K., Freedman, E., & Grampurohit, N. (2019). Effectiveness of robotic therapy on upper extremity function and pain in adults with chronic stroke: A systematic review. Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Mendonca, R., Burns, S., Pickens, N., & Smith, R. O. (2019). Mobile health to support complex decision making in home evaluation: A preliminary analysis. Presented at Rehabweek 2019, Toronto, CA.
Mendonca, R., Burns, S., Pickens, N., & Smith, R. O. (2019). HESTIA: Using mobile technology for complex home assessment decision making. Presented at the OT Summit of Scholars, Charleston, SC.
Mendonca, R., Pickens, N., Burns, S., Smith R.O. (June, 2019). Mobile Health for Complex Decision Making. Platform presentation at the 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from: https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2019/jea/Mendonca.html and (2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1682374
Obiedat, Q., Ardehali, M., Smith, R. O. (April, 2019). Introduction to EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI): A Closed-Loop Neurofeedback. Tech Day Session at AOTA 2019 Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Silverman, M. K., Jozwik, S., Lund, S. K., Moerchen, V. A., Smith, R. O., 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek Conference, “ITIP2: Interdisciplinary technology instruction program for individualized technology implementation planning,” Toronto, Canada. (June 2019).
Silverman, M. K., Smith, R. O., American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, “Lessons Learned From an Early Adopter of Assistive Technology Program Accreditation,” New Orleans, LA. (April 2019).
Silverman, M.K., Jozwik, S., Lund, S., Moerchen, V., Smith, R. O. (June, 2019) ITIP2: Interdisciplinary technology instruction program for individualized technology implementation planning. Poster presentation at the 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference, Toronto, Canada.
Silverman, M.K., Jozwik, S., Lund, S., Moerchen, V., Smith, R. O. (2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1682374
Smith, R.O., Tomashek, D., Wilson, C. (June, 2019). Perspectives on Building Accessibility: Survey responses by people with disabilities on accessibility experiences and the need for information. Platform presentation at the 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from: https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2019/public%20policy/Tomashek.html and (2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1682374
Smith, R.O., Gift, N., Contepomi, S., Richard, L., Layton, N. (2019). Global challenges in AT education and training. Invited Presentation Topic Panelist at Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) 2019 Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Smith, R.O. (2019, July). “The Future of Healthcare” Industry Panel. Panel member at the COMPSAC 2019: Data Driven Intelligence for a Smarter World Hosted by Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, July 15-19.
Smith, R.O. (2019, April) How Smart is Smart?: Leveraging Technology for People with Disabilities. Invited Presentation at the AbilityLab Research Seminar Series. Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Chicago, IL.
Smith, R.O. (2019, April) Innovative Technology for Practice. Invited Presentation at the Annual WisCouncil Spring Conference for Current and Future Fieldwork Educators. Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, WI.
Wang, W. S, Mendonca, R., Kording, K., Avery, M. & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Towards Data-Driven Autonomous Robot-Assisted Physical Rehabilitation. Presented at 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Toronto, CA.