Dembski, T. (2011, April). Teaching module of the portrayal of disability through assistive technology use in film. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Ithaca, NY.
Fernandes, A., & Smith, R. O. (2011, April). Obstacles and facilitators of inclusive post-secondary education for students with disabilities: An instructor perspective. Presented at the AOTA 91st Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Hirschman, A., & Smith, R. O. (2011, July 11-16). Rolling out incremental universal design: The role of disability student services providers. Presented at the 34th annual International AHEAD Conference. Seattle, WA.
Hirschman, A., Smith, R. O., & Anson, D. K. (2011, April). Universal Design Instructional Tools UDITS: Measuring accessibility. Presented at the AOTA 91st Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Hirschman, A., Smith, R. O., Jennerjohn, C., & Maggard, K. (2011, June). Writing text descriptions: Rationale, art and science of a good description. Presented at the RESNA 34th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Toronto, Canada.
Jennerjohn, C., & Smith, R. O. (2011, June 5-8). Development of a decision-assist guide for older adults to age in place. Growing Old With Disability Conference.Presented at the FICCDAT International Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Jennerjohn, C. & Smith, R., (2011, June 5-8). Growing old with disability conference. Poster, Development of a decision-assist guide for older adults to age in place. Presented at the FICCDAT Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Khan, M., Ahamed, S.I., Rahman, M, & Smith, R. (2011, June 5-8). A feature extraction method for realtime human activity recognition on cell phones and iFactum: Sensor-rich iPhone as a versatile tool. RESNA Quality of Life Technology (QoLT). Presented at the FICCDAT Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Lemke, M. R., Anson, D., & Smith, R. O. (2011, June). Evaluating accessibility in the world around you: Measurement tools and assessment approaches for public spaces, home residences, products, information sources, and educational materials. Workshop. Presented at the RESNA-ICTA 2011, Toronto, Canada.
Lemke, M., Smith, R. & Anson, D. (2011, June 5-8). Measuring accessibility in the world around you. RESNA Conference. Presented at the FICCDAT Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Li, X., Wang, Y. C., Rymer, W. Z., Zhou, P. (2011, October 11-15). Motor unit number estimates show decreases in paretic muscles of stroke survivors. Presented at the ACRM-ASNR 2011 Annual Conference. Atlanta.
Li, X., Wang Y. C., Suresh N. L., Rymer W. Z., Zhou P. (2011, July). Motor unit number reductions in paretic muscles of stroke survivors. Presented at the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Medicine, 15(4), 505-12.
Liegl, K., Lemke, M., & Smith, R.O. (2011, April). Differences between architecture and occupational therapy student perceptions of restaurant accessibility using the RATE-IT evaluation tool. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Ithaca, NY.
Mendonca, R., & Smith, R. O. (2011, June 5-8). Development of a methodology to measure accessibility. Universal Design Conference. Presented at the FICCDAT International Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Mendonca, R., & Smith, R. O. (2011, June 5-8). Effects of providing accessibility information to people with disabilities. RESNA/ICTA Conference. Presented at the FICCDAT International Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Mendonca, R. J., & Smith, R. O. (2011, April). Trace Usability Screening Kit (TUSK) for accessibility evaluation of products and environments. Presented at the AOTA 91st Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Milanowoski, A., Tomashek, D., Smith, R.O. (2011, April). Role of multifocal lens glasses on walking balance. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Ithaca, NY.
Park, M., Liegl, K. P., & Smith, R. O. (2011, April). Preliminary validation of the restaurant accessibility and task evaluation information tool (RATE-IT). Presented at the AOTA 91st Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Park, M., Smith, R. O., & Liegl, K. P. (2011, June). The Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT). Presented at the International Conference on Best Practices in Universal Design. Toronto, Canada.
Smith, R. O. (2011, May). Better design of the world: The role of occupational science & technology in the advancement of scientific discovery. Keynote Speaker. Presented at the 10th Annual Occupational Therapy Research Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Smith, R. O. (2011, November). Measuring the impact of AT – Does it work? Keynote Speaker. Presented at the Recent Advances in Assistive Technology & Engineering (RAaTE) Conference. New Coventry, UK.
Smith, R. O., & Lawler, M. (2011, August). TechSpec 2011. Presented at the 14th Annual RSA Project Directors’ Conference: Working for a Better Tomorrow. Arlington, VA.
Tanviruzzaman, M., O’Brien, C., Rizia, R., Ahamed, S.I., & Smith, R. (2011, June 5-8). iFacotum: Sensor -rich iPhone as a versatile tool. RESNA Quality of Life Technology (QoLT). Presented at the FICCDAT Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Tomashek, D., Beshorner, K., & Smith, R. O. (2011, June). Modifying the DGI for improved discrimination of multifocal eyeglass conditions. Presented at the RESNA 34th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Toronto, Canada.
Thesis/Dissertation Research Projects
Erfurth, A. (2011, May). Measurement of restaurant accessibility by people with disabilities: Preliminary consequential and construct validity of a restaurant universal design assessment. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Available through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library.
Jennerjohn, C. (2011, May). Development and preliminary validation of a decision-assist resource for older homeowners to age in place. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Available through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library.
Park, M. (2011, April). Preliminary validation of the Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT): Content and construct validity. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Available through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library.