CGCA Seminar: Nico Yunes

KIRC KEN 2175 3135 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee

The CGCA (The Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics) seminars are scheduled for Fridays at 1:00 pm in in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) Room KEN 2175. A "brown bag lunch" group will assemble in KEN […]

Biophysics Seminar: Dilano Saldin

KIRC KEN 2175 3135 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee

The Physics department Biophysics Seminars are usually on Thursday afternoons from 4:15-6:00 pm in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) Room KEN 2175. Refreshments are served from 4:00-4:15 pm in the KIRC 3rd floor Kitchenette area. Structures of randomly oriented […]

CGCA Seminar: Azadeh Keivani

KIRC KEN 2175 3135 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee

The CGCA (The Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics) seminars are scheduled for Fridays at 1:00 pm in in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) Room KEN 2175. A "brown bag lunch" group will assemble in KEN […]

CGCA Seminar: Alaina Henry

KIRC KEN 2175 3135 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee

Alaina Henry, Goddard Space Flight Center - NASA Local Laboratories for high-redshift astrophysics: Testing theories of Lyman Alpha Escape (and more) in reionization-epoch analogs Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) – Room KEN 2175