Sugato Ray Wins FACSS Student Poster Award
Sugato Ray, a Ph.D. candidate with the UWM Department of Physics working under the direction of Professor Carol Hirschmugl, recently won a FACSS Student Poster Award at the 2017 SciX conference in Reno, Nevada. His poster, titled Precise Recovery of Coordinates by Image Processing Algorithm for FTIR Micro-Spectroscopy Limited Angle Computed Tomography, was one of three posters out of the 44 presented on Wednesday, October 11th, to receive a FACSS Student Poster Award.
The FACSS Student Poster Award is presented to 12 graduate student posters over the course of the conference by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. FACSS encourages graduate student participation and engagement in their conferences, with the FACSS Student Poster Award acting as one way to recognize and highlight the contributions of these scholars. A total of 178 posters were presented at this year’s conference.
For more information on the recent SciX conference, please visit their website here to see a full list of the events, presentations, and posters.