CGCA Seminar: Sam Gralla

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Sam Gralla, University of Arizona Spacetime Physics of Force Free Magnetospheres Physics – Room 481 The spectacular displays of pulsars and quasars are likely energized by rotating compact objects (neutron stars and black holes, respectively) through their plasma magnetospheres. When […]

Colloquium: Dr. Bangalore S. Sathyaprakash

Physics 135 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department colloquia are usually on Friday afternoons at 3 pm in Room 135. Coffee and cookies are served at 2:45 pm in the same room. Anyone is welcome. The Two-Body Problem a Century After Einstein Dr. Bangalore S. […]

Biophysics Seminar: Ashish Mishra

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department Biophysics Seminars are usually on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm in Room 481. Refreshments are served from 4:00-4:15 pm in the same room. The sigma 1 receptors are present in monomeric and oligomeric forms in living cells […]

Biophysics Seminar: Dr. Julie Oliver

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department Biophysics Seminars are usually on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm in Room 481. Refreshments are served from 4:00-4:15 pm in the same room. Tissue Factor: Approaches to Studying a Cell Surface Receptor Involved in Hemostasis, Thrombosis, and […]

CGCA Seminar: Meagan Morscher

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Aaron Geller, Northwestern University The Dynamical Evolution of Stellar Black Holes in Globular Clusters

Biophysics Seminar: Dr. Russel Fung

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department Biophysics Seminars are usually on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm in Room 481. Refreshments are served from 4:00-4:15 pm in the same room. Towards Extracting Dynamics Below Timing Jitter By Manifold-Based Machine Learning Dr. Russel Fung, Senior […]

CGCA Seminar: Joe Simon

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Joe Simon, Graduate Assistant, UWM-Physics Forecasting the Gravitational Wave Signal for Pulsar Timing Arrays

Biophysics Seminar: Koki Yokoi

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department Biophysics Seminars are usually on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm in Room 481. Refreshments are served from 4:00-4:15 pm in the same room. Theoretical studies of molecular structure using FRET and molecular dynamic simulations Koki Yokoi, Dissertator, […]

CGCA Seminar: James Guillochon

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

James Guillochon, Harvard Smithsonian CfA A Dark Year for Tidal Disruption Events Physics – Room 481

Colloquium: Lucianne Walkowicz

Physics 135 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

The Physics department colloquia are usually on Friday afternoons at 3 pm in Room 135. Coffee and cookies are served at 2:45 pm in the same room. Anyone is welcome. Astrobiology and Anomalies: Applications of Machine Learning in Astronomical Surveys […]