CGCA Seminar: Morgan Lynch

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Morgan Lynch, Physics, UW-Milwaukee Physics - Room 481 Abstract: Since the discoveries of Parker, Hawking, and Unruh, namely cosmological particle creation, black hole evaporation, and accelerated radiation, respectively, a general notion has emerged that the particle content of spacetime is […]

CGCA Seminar: Thomas Kupfer

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Thomas Kupfer, Radboud University Nijmegen The evolution of compact binaries - Binary white dwarf systems as strong gravitational wave sources Abstract: Hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are hot core helium-burning stars with a large fraction found in short-period binaries with […]

CGCA Seminar: Robert Lindner

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Robert Lindner, UW-Madison Physics - Room 481

CGCA Seminar: Larry Price

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Larry Price, Caltech Physics - Room 481

CGCA Seminar: Laura Sampson

Physics 481 - UW-Milwaukee 1900 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI

Laura Sampson, Montana State University Physics - Room 481