Peace Studies at UWM photo showing protests

Building peace in our community, nation and the world will depend on our ability to work well together to address systemic issues and pursue innovative opportunities. The peace and conflict studies certificate aims to help students develop a foundation in these essential skills. It provides an interdisciplinary perspective to undergraduate students in any field who wish to explore how peace and conflict exist in, shape, and transform communities and societies.

The certificate can enhance the resume of students going into education, environmental science, public administration, health care, health promotion, law, international affairs, human resources and global business, among other fields. The program is interdisciplinary, drawing upon theories and skills from a variety of fields.

Program Type

Undergraduate Certificate

Program Format

On Campus

Request Information

The peace and conflict studies certificate will provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to focus on historic and current issues, policies, processes, programs, and practices that relate to peace and conflict within and among communities and societies. A wide array of courses will help students better comprehend the interdisciplinary approach to understanding and engaging with peace and conflict issues. Students may select a focus area, including:

  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Conflict analysis
  • Sustainable development
  • Peace education
  • Environmental studies/Peace ecology
  • Social change/Social justice
  • Health equity
  • Cultural and post colonial studies
  • Restorative justice and resilience studies

The peace and conflict studies certificate is intended to enhance a bachelor’s degree. The certificate is available to all students currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree at UWM and to students who previously have received a bachelor’s degree from UWM or any other accredited college or university.

A student must complete 18 credits in the program. At least nine credits must be in advanced courses (300 level and above), and at least nine credits must be completed at UWM. A 2.50 GPA average is required in the certificate. Students interested in the peace and conflict studies certificate should consult with the coordinator or their advisor to add the certificate and outline a program of study.

Program Requirements

The peace and conflict studies certificate consists of three areas: core (three credits), fieldwork (three credits) and elective Coursework (12 credits), as outlined below.

Core Course Requirements

Students must take one of the below courses to receive the core course requirement for a total of three credits.

CourseCourse NumberCredits
Introduction to Peace and Conflict StudiesPEACEST 2033
Introduction to Conflict Resolution and PeacePEACEST 2013
Introduction to Peace and Conflict StudiesGLOBAL 203 3

Fieldwork Requirement (3 credits)

Students are required to do an internship, self-designed research project, or study abroad that relates to peace and conflict studies. The purpose of this requirement is to enable the student to engage in peace and/or conflict work through practical experience or research. The area of study must be approved by the coordinator of the peace and conflict studies certificate and must meet the requirements of the department through which it is being completed. The fieldwork requirement can be fulfilled in one of three ways:

  • Internship – UWM, local organizations and international organizations offer a variety of internship opportunities, both paid and unpaid. The study abroad office has partnerships around the world with organizations that arrange internships for students. Students pursuing an internship may enroll in PEACEST 489 or an approved internship course in another department.
  • Study Abroad – UWM offers several faculty-led study abroad courses, through various departments, schools and colleges.
  • Independent Study – The student may propose a research project to a professor in an area of interest. The independent study also must be discussed with and approved by the peace and conflict studies certificate Coordinator. Students pursuing independent research may enroll in PEACEST 699 or an approved independent research course in another department.

Elective Requirements (12 credits)

Select at least four three-credit courses. A maximum of nine credits (three courses) may be taken in any one department. Course offerings change from year to year. A full list of electives is available below, but students should consult with their advisor or the certificate Coordinator to ensure all electives are met. Electives can be taken across various campus departments.

CourseCourse NumberCredits
Psychological Effects of Racism AFRIC 2653
Urban Violence AFRIC 3003
Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social JusticeAFRIC 3223
Global Black Social MovementsAFRIC 3443
Multicultural AmericaANTHRO 1503
Introduction to Conservation and Environmental SciencesCES 2103
The Politics and Policy of SustainabilityCES 4613
Intercultural Communication COMMUN 3503
Communication in Human ConflictCOMMUN 3633
Negotiation Skills WorkshopCOMMUN 3653
Cross-Cultural CommunicationCOMMUN 4503
Literature and PoliticsCOMPLIT 2323
Seminar in Literature and Cultural ExperienceCOMPLIT 3603
Race, Ethnicity, and Justice CRM JST 3103
Critical Issues in Criminal Justice (Restorative Justice)CRM JST 5921-3
Economic Development ECON 3533
Introduction to Community Change and EngagementED POL 1113
Community ProblemsED POL 1143
Conflict and Change in Community Based OrganizationsED POL 4113
Peace EducationED POL 5203
Current Topics in Cultural Foundations of Education: (Antiracist Education)ED POL 5791-6
Multicultural AmericaENGLISH 1503
Language, Power, and Identity ENGLISH 4043
Transnational Migrations: Asian-, Arab-, Euro-American and Latino Identity ETHNIC 1023
Global Violence, Disease, and DeathETHNIC 3753
Multicultural AmericaFILM 1503
Water-Energy-Food-ClimateFRSHWTR 3923
Politics and Policy of SustainabilityFRSHWTR 4613
Geography of Race in the United States GEOG 1143
Introduction to Environmental Geography GEOG 1253
Muslim Geographies: Identities and Politics GEOG 2313
Cities of the World: Comparative Urban Geography GEOG 4433
Introduction to Global Studies I: People and PoliticsGLOBAL 1013
Environment and SustainabilityGLOBAL 3613
Rethinking Global SecurityGLOBAL 3713
Humanitarianism in Global PerspectiveGLOBAL 4423
The Global Politics of Human RightsGLOBAL 4473
Access, Security, and Intercultural Contexts in Global CommunicationsGLOBAL 4513
The Politics and Policy of SustainabilityGLOBAL 4613
Strategies for Realizing Security in Global ContextsGLOBAL 4713
Client Diversity in Health Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (may also be taken as BMS/COMSDIS/KIN/OCCTHPY/THERREC 245) HCA 245 3
Multicultural AmericaHIST 1503
The First World War 3 HIST 2483
North American Indian History to 1887HIST 2623
The 1960s in the United States: A Cultural History HIST 2713
The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesHIST 2823
The Vietnam WarHIST 2873
Germany: Hitler and the Nazi DictatorshipHIST 3633
The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-45HIST 3643
Colonization in Africa: A History of Resistance and Adaptation HIST 3873
The History of Southern Africa HIST 3923
Hmong Americans: History, Culture, and Contemporary LifeHMONG 2653
Introduction to Latino Studies LATINO 1013
Cultural Diversity in HealthcareNURS 1013
Global Health: Ethics and Human Rights NURS 4753
Global Food Security and Systems NURS 6203
Exploring Global Environmental HealthPH 1423
Climate Change, the Environment & Human HealthPH 3033
Introduction to Health DisparitiesPH 3193
Ethical Issues in Health Care:PHILOS 2443
Mind and KnowledgePHILOS 3033
Political PhilosophyPHILOS 3553
Special Topics in Indian Religious Thought: (Gandhi and Nonviolence) PHILOS 4753
International LawPOL SCI 3163
The Arab-Israeli ConflictPOL SCI 3283
International Organization and the United Nations POL SCI 3373
Politics of Nuclear WeaponsPOL SCI 3403
Problems of American Foreign PolicyPOL SCI 3593
History of International Political Thought POL SCI 3613
Theories and Methods in International Politics POL SCI 3653
International ConflictPOL SCI 3703
Nationalism and Ethnic ConflictPOL SCI 3713
Morality, Conflict and War  POL SCI 3793
Social Psychology: Psychological PerspectivesPSYCH 2303
Multicultural AmericaSOCIOL 1503
Social Inequality in the United StatesSOCIOL 2333
Social ChangeSOCIOL 3253
Collective Behavior SOCIOL 3433
Environmental SociologySOCIOL 3503
Theatre and Social ChangeTHEATRE 2043
Urban Planning Solutions to Contemporary Urban ProblemsURBPLAN 1413
Social Justice, Urban Planning and the New Multicultural AmericaURBPLAN 3503
Multicultural America URB STD 1503
Multicultural AmericaWGS 1503
Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies: A Social Science PerspectiveWGS 2013
Global FeminismsWGS 4013

  • Academic Program Manager
Lynne Woerhle
  • Associate Professor
  • MSP Director