Quizlet Chapter VIII
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abit, abīre to go away accipit, accipere to take, to receive alius, alia, aliud other, another ānulus, -ī (m.) ring aspict, aspicere to look at, to gaze upon aut or clāmat, clāmāre to shout collum, -ī (n.) neck cōnstat, cōnstāre to state, to cost consistit, cōnsistere to stop convenit, convenīre to agree, to suit digitus, -ī (m.) finger emit, emere to buy gemma, -ae (f.) gem gemmātus, -a, -um jeweled ille, illa, illud that linea, -ae (f.) line, string, thread margarīta pearl medius, -a, -um middle monstrat, monstrāre to show nimis too much nōnāgintā ninety octōgintā eighty ōrnāmentum, ī (n.) decoration, piece of jewelry ōrnat, ōrnare to adorn ostendit, ostendere to show, to stretch out pecūniōsus, -a, -um rich, wealthy pretium, ī (n.) price prōnōmen, īnis (n.) pronoun quantus, -a, -um how great quārtu, -a, -ums forth satis enough sēsterius, ī (m.) coin taberna, -ae, (f.) shop, booth, stall tabernārius, -ī (m.) shopkeeper tantus, -a, -um such a vēndit, vēndere to sell vīginitī twenty