Quizlet Chapter X
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āēr, āris (m.) air
āla, -ae (f.) wing
anima, -ae (f.) breath, life, soul
animal, animālis (n.) animal
aquila, -ae (f.) eagle
ascendit, ascendere to climb
asinus, -ī (m.) ass, donkey
audet, audēre to dare
avis, avis (f.) bird
bēstia, -ae (f.) beast, animal
cadit, cadere to fall
canit, canere to sing
capit, capere to sing
crassus, -a, -um thick
deus, -ī (m.) god
enim indeed, for
ergō therefore
facit, facere to make, to do
fera, -ae (f.) wild animal
ferus, -a, -um wild
flūmen, flūminis (n.) river
folium, -ī (n.) leaf
homō, hominis (m.) human being
lectus, -ī (m.) couch, bed
leō, leōnis (m.) lion
lūdit, lūdere to play, to mock
mare, maris (n.) sea
mercātor, mercatōris (m.) merchant
mortuus, -a, -um dead
movet, movēre to move
natat, natāre to swim
necesse est it is necessary
nēmō no one
nīdus, -ī (m.) nest
nūntius, -ī (m.) messenger
occultat, occultāre to hide
parit, parere to give birth, to lay
perterritus, -a, -um terrified
pēs, pedis (m.) foot
petasus, -ī (m.) hat
pila, -ae (f.) ball
piscis, piscis (m.) fish
potest, posse to be able (plural: possunt)
pullus, -ī (m.) young (animal)
pulmō, pulmōnis (m.) lung
rāmus, -ī (m.) branch
spīrat, spirāre to breath
sustinet, sustinēre to support
tenuis, tenue thin
vīvit, vivere to live
vīvus, -a, -um alive, living
volat, volāre to fly
vōx, vōcis (f.) voice
vult, velle to want (plural: volunt)