Quizlet Chapter IV
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abest, abesse to be away, not here
accūsat, acūsāre to accuse
adest, adesse to be here, present
baculum, ī stick, staff, rod
discēdit, discēdere to go away, leave
habet, habēre to have, posses
imperat, imperāre (+ dative) to order
imperatus, -a, -um imperative
indicativus, -a, -um indicative
is, ea, id he, she, it
mēnsa, -ae (f.) table
nūllus, -a, -um no, none, no one
numerat, numerāre to count
nummus, ī (m.) coin
paret, parēre to stop
percūnia, -ae (f.) money
quod because
rursus again
sacculus, ī (m.) little bag, purse
salūt, salūtare to greet
salvē! Hello! Be well!
sūmit, sūmire to take up
tacet, tacēre to be silent
tantum only
vacuus, -a, -um empty
vocātivus, -a, -um vocative