Quizlet Chapter III
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scaena, -ae (f.) scene
persōna, -ae (f.) actor, part
mamma, -ae (f.) mom, mommy
laetus, -a, -um happy
īrātus, -a,-um angry
probus, -a, -um honest, upright, good (in the sense of behavior)
improbus, -a, -um naught, bad (in the sense of behavior)
cantat, cantāre to sing
pulsat, pulsāre to hit to beat to knock
plōrat, plōrare to weep, cry
rīdet, rīdēre to smile, laught
videt, vidēre to see
vocat, vocāre to call
venit, venīre to come
interrogat, interrogāre to ask
respondet, respondēre to answer
dormit, dormīre to sleep
audit, audīre to hear
verberat, verberāre to beat
mē me (acc.)
tē you (acc.)
eum him (acc.)
eam her (acc.)
neque and not, nor
iam now, already
cūr why?
quia because
hīc here
quī, quae, quod who, which
quis, quae, quid who? what?
nōminātīvus, -a, -um nominative
accūsātīvus, -a, -um accusative
verbum, ī (n.) verb, word