Quizlet Chapter XII
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altus, -a, -um high, deep
arcus, -ūs (m.) bow
arma, -ōrum (n.pl.) arms
armātus, -a, -um armed
avunculus, -ī (m.) uncle
barbarus, -a, -um barbarian
bellum, -ī (n.) war
brevis, breve short, breif
castra, -ōrum (n.pl.) camp
cognomen, cognominis (n.) surname
contrā against, on the other hand
dēfendit, dēfendere to defend
dīvidit, dīvidere to divide
dux, ducis (m.) leader, commander, general
eques, equitis (m.) cavalry soldier
equitātus, -ūs (m.) cavalry
exercitus, -ūs (m.) army
expugnat, expugnāre conquer
fert, ferre to carry, to bear (plural: ferunt)
fīnis, fīnis (m.) limit, end, boundary
fugit, fugere to flee
gladius, -ī (m.) sword
gravis, grave serious, heavy
hasta, -ae (f.) spear
hostis, hstis (m.) to throw
imperat, imperāre to order, command (+dat)
impetus, -ūs (m.) attack, charge
incolit, incolere inhabit
lātus, -a, -um wide
levis, leve light, slight
metuit, metuere to fear
metus, -ūs (m.) fear
mīles, militis soldier
mīlia, -ium (n.pl.) thousands
mille one thousand
mīlitat, militāre to serve in the army
nōmen, nominis (n.) name
oppugnat, oppugnāre to attack
paret, parēre to obey (+dat)
pars, partis (f.) part, pirection
passus, -ūs (m.) step, gait
patria, -ae (f.) fatherland
pedes, peditis (m.) foot soldier
pīlum, -ī (n.) javelin
praenomen, praenominis (n.) fist name
pugnat, pugnāre to fight
pugnus, -ī (m.) fist
sagitta, -ae (f.) arrow
scutum, -ī (n.) sheild
soror, sororis (f.) sister
trīstis, triste sad
vāllum, -ī (n.) rampart, wall
versus toward
vester, vestra, vestrum your (pl)