
The staff at the Language Resource Center started creating in-house Arabic supplementary materials since the fall of 2009 when we hired our first Arabic graduate assistant. Over the years, we have collaborated with several professors and instructors, as well as a few graduate assistants and undergraduate research students from the Arabic program at UWM in creating the open educational Arabic language materials. Their contribution and the collaborating with the LRC result in our current collection of the Arabic materials. We would like to thank Dr. Hamid Ouali, Khuloud Labnieh, Abdellatif Oulhaj, Zafer Lababidi, Islam Hindi, Josh Wasserman, and John Simon Johnson for their strong support and tireless efforts in making the resources available for everyone. We would also like to thank Erica Steib and Porsche Schlapper for volunteering in the videos.

Josh Wasserman and John Simon Johnson’s work is supported by the Title VI National Resource Center grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Arabic GruopArabic Group2
Josh Wasserman, Zafer Lababidi, Islam Hindi, and John Johnson (from left to right)Recording Conversational Videos