Al-Kitaab (part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 5 Part 1
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أَبَداً at all
مُتَأَكِّد/ة (من/أنّ) certain, sure (of, that)
بريد mail, post
بَطن belly, stomach
ثقيل/ة heavy (in weight or substance)
جُزء (من) part (of)
أَجزاء parts
جِسم body
يحاول he attempts, tries
مُخَدِّرات drugs
خَفيف/ة light (in weight or substance)
أَخلاق morals
تخاف على she is afraid for (someone)
تخاف من she is afraid of
خائف/ة afraid
دم blood
بِدون without
ذَكي/ة smart, intelligent
رُبَّما perhaps, maybe
زَمن time
شَعر hair
(مُتضايق (من upset, bothered by
اِعتَبَرَ to consider (someone or something to be)
غادَرَ to leave
قلب heart
يلَمح (إلى) أنّ he hints
يناقِش he discusses (something)
يتناقش مع he discusses something (with someone)
مُهم important
أهَمّ most important
يَثِق في, بـ he trusts, has confidence
ثقة trust, confidence
واثق trusting
وجه face
يَد hand
أَيادي hands

Al Kitaab (Part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 5 Ism al Fael
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Al-Kitaab (part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 6 Part 1
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أَلف thousand
بيئة Environment
جواز سَفَر passport
يحترم he respects
يحتاج الى He needs to
حاخة need
بحاخة الى in need of
يدفع he pays, pushes
دافع motive
الدُنيا this world
سُلوك behavior
يتصرف he acts
تَصَرُّف act, action
ضَروري necessary
ظُلم inustice
يُعطي he gives
غَنِي rich
فخر pride
فخوربـ proud of
فقير poor
يَقصِد he aims, intends
كَرامة dignity
يَنشَأ he grows up
نصيحة advice
هدية Gift
وَطن homeland
مُواطن citizen
يوقف He stops

Al-Kitaab (part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 6 Part 2
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أُخِذَ It was taken
إلخ etc.
تاريخ date
إنسان human being
يَتِمّ + المصدر to be completed
يَجري he runs
يتَحَدَّثَ عن he talks about
اُحِسُّ I feel
حاسِس بـ a feeling that
ما أَحلى how beautiful is….!
اختار I choose
اِختِيار choice
سِفارة embassy
طِفل child
اطلُب من I ask of (someone to)
قُبِلَ it was accepted
القُدس Jerusalem
يقَدَّمَ he presents
كَأَنَّ + جملة اسمية as if
مِثل just like
يِمُرّ he passes by
مالِي financial
واسِطة connections, influential contacts
وَضْع situation

Al-Kitaab (Part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 6 Zmn Al Fael
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Al-Kitaab (part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 7 Part 1
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أَساسي/ة basis, basic
يَبلُغ he reaches, attains
حرب war
حضارة civilization
حَقيبة suitcase, purse, backpack
حال state, condition
مُحيط ocean, environment (physical and abstract)
خِلال during, throughout
دار house, abode
رابِط/ة tie, bond, link
تَسجَّلَ she records, registers
شَعْب a people (political connotation)
يَشمَل he compromises
صَحراء desert
صَليب a cross, Crusader
ضَعف weakness
ضَعيف weak
طريق path, road, way
عَصْر area, age
العُصور الوُسْطى the middle ages
عَظيم great
قَرْن century
قُرون centuries
قافِلة caravan
قُوّة power
قوِيّ/ة strong, powerful
قيمة value
اِستَكشَفَ he explored
يلاحظ he notices, remarks, observes
يَمتد he extends, stretches
مُدّة period (of time)
نُسخة copy
يَنظرُ he looks at
نَظْرة glance, look
تُراث heritage

Al-Kitaab (part 2) 3rd Edition Lesson 7 Part 2
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أَواخِر last ones (days or years)
أَوائل first ones
بَرَكة blessing
يُتِرجِم he translates
تُرجِم (إلى)/تُرجِمَت was/were translated (to)
اجتِماعي social
مُجتَمع -ات society
حَسَب depending on, according
يَحْفَظ he preserves
حَقيقة (a) truth
حَقائِق truths, facts
أنت على حَقّ you are right!
بِحَقّ truly, rightly so
يِرحَل he travels, sets out, departs
رَحّالة traveler, explorer
مُستَشرِق Orientalist
شَهر عَسَل honeymoon
صاحِب owner, possessor
يَطبَع he prints, types
طَبَعة printing, edition
طول length
يُعتَبَر is considered
عِلم science
عُلوم sciences
عالِم a learned person, scientist
معلومات information
يُعيد he repeats, re-does
عادة habit, custom
قاضي to make a legal ruling, judge
يَقطع he cuts, cuts across
يَقوم بـ to undertake, carry out
كِامل entire, whole
لِقاء meeting
يَنشُرُ he publishes, spreads (news)
يَتَنَقَّل he moves around
تَهتَمّ بـ to be interested in
أَهَمِّيّة importance
تَصِف (بأنّ) she describes (as)
وَصْف description
أَوصاف descriptions

Arabic Vocabulary: Miscellaneous Words
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وجبة meal
فَضاء space(outer space)
نَظيف/ة clean (adj)
يُهدر he wastes
طُرُق paths
مُستَحيل impossible
خريطة map
يضرب he hits
اعراض symptoms
فنية artistic (only for objects)
فنان/ة artistic (for people)
يقترب he gets closer
عادة custom
بيض eggs
جَنَّة paradise
لِسان tounge
ثورة revolution
كميّة amount
نوعيّة quality
نمط pattern
أنماط patterns
ينصرف he scrams, leaves
البشرة complexion
بلا سبب without reason
متشائم pessimistic
متفائل optimistic
السَّرقة stealing
يقصف he bombs
لاجئ refugee
سلاح weapon
أسلحة weapons
خطر danger
مُجرم criminal
كابوس nightmare
ضحية victim
أناني selfish
ضد against
ذنب guilt
وثائقي documentary
على فكرة by the way
خيار choice, option

Verb Patterns: Introduction
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