The University Housing Service Desks are located in the lobbies of all University Housing Facilities. Service Desks are open 24 hours a day, when their buildings are open (year-round in Cambridge, Kenilworth, and Sandburg).

The following services are provided for residents:

  • Lock changes and key-ins (fee may apply).
  • Facilitating purchases of coaxial cable for TV hook-up, Ethernet cables, and replacement guest passes.
  • Coordinating lost and found items.
  • Check-out of the following items: community kitchen key-in access, recreational sporting equipment, board games, and cooking utensils. (resident must present their Panther ID)
  • Loading money onto PantherCa$h accounts.
  • Secured entry to all University Housing Facilities via Panther ID check and staffing of Tower monitors in Sandburg.