A group of residents talking and studying within the common space within a Sandburg Hall House.

A Living Learning Community (LLC) consists of a group of students with a common interest or major living on the same floor(s) of a residence hall. Each LLC usually takes a class together, making it easier to meet classmates, form study groups, and get involved in leadership opportunities. Best of all, there is no additional cost to join!

Students in LLCs report making friends faster, have higher GPAs, and graduate at a better rate than students who are not. LLC-related activities range in number and occur throughout the year. You will have access to field trips, events, lectures and networking opportunities, in addition to a more tight-knit environment.

  • Meet students with similar interests
  • Involve yourself on campus and gain leadership experience
  • Meet a diverse group of students
  • Get to know faculty and staff outside of the classroom
  • Join study groups and access additional tutoring and supplemental instruction
  • Have access to increased service learning and volunteer opportunities

As a member of a Living Learning Community at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, you get to be part of a “community within a community” by living in the residence halls among students with similar interests.

Billy SmithLiving Learning Community Resident

Community Choices

All current Living Learning Community options are listed under the building in which they are (or will be) located. This list is comprehensive; however, options may change from year to year and are updated as information becomes available.