Freshwater Colloquium Series

The School of Freshwater Sciences’ Freshwater Colloquium creates a platform for students, faculty and scientists to discuss their research and emergent issues related to freshwater resources. Presentations are open to the public.

All events will take place on Mondays from 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. in-person in the GLRF Ballroom, except where noted.

The School of Freshwater Sciences Great Lakes Research Facility, is located at 600 E. Greenfield Ave.

Fall 2024 – Freshwater Sciences & Society: Perspectives on Modern Issues

September 16
*4:00 PM
Encouraging Student Interest in STEM in Elementary, Middle and High School Classrooms
Bart Adrian, Atmospheric Science lecturer at UWM School of Freshwater Sciences
September 23Shark Research in Chicago: helping conserve the ocean’s ultimate survivors from the Midwest
Steve Kessel, John G. Shedd Aquarium
October 7Great Lakes Offshore Wind (GLOW): Legal design choices and research questions
Melissa Scanlan, Professor, UWM School of Freshwater Sciences and Director, Center for Water Policy
Cora Sutherland, Interim Assistant Director, Center for Water Policy
October 21Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance: Addressing Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings through Partnerships
Rick Fox, Calumet Runoff Reduction Committee
Jessica Schultz, Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance
November 4Microbial drivers of environmental mercury methylation in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin
Ben Peterson, Assistant Professor at UWM School of Freshwater Sciences
November 18Geogenic Strontium Contamination Resulting from a Complex History of Water-Rock Interaction in Eastern Wisconsin
John Luczaj, UW-Green Bay
December 2Contaminant biotransport by migratory fish in the Great Lakes
Brandon Gerig, Assistant Professor at UWM School of Freshwater Sciences
Fall 2024 Colloquium Schedule.