Innovative Weather Has Closed
Innovative Weather has ceased all operations as of April 30th, 2024. While our student internships and forecasting services have discontinued, this website stands to tell the legacy of Innovative Weather and it’s alumni.

For Students, Partnership & Community.

The Innovative Weather Legacy

For Students, Partnership & Community.

The Innovative Weather Legacy

For Students, Partnership & Community.

The Innovative Weather Legacy

For Students, Partnership & Community

The Innovative Weather Legacy

For Students, Partnership & Community.

The Innovative Weather Legacy

The Innovative Weather Legacy

More content such as interviews and training videos commemorating Innovative Weather’s legacy can be found at our YouTube channel linked below.

Valuable Student Experiences

Innovative Weather existed to give students experience as qualified meteorologists. Careers in meteorology are competitive, so Atmospheric Science students need a strong education, and often times a “plus one.” What really separates future meteorology candidates is having real-world forecasting experience and polished professional skills. Both undergraduate and graduate students at UW-Milwaukee were provided the opportunity as a paid internship, which gave both the operational forecasting and soft skills to land students to their dream job.

Customized Weather Partnership

Adverse weather impacts all businesses and industries differently. Innovative Weather placed great value on working with partners to learn their specific needs, so that our qualified student forecasters could understand and communicate the inherent risk to a forecast well in advance. Beyond just forecast data, our partners thrived from well-communicated and high context decision support services. Armed with the most up-to-date radar software, access to atmospheric observations, live lightning data and more, our team worked 24/7 to assure that our partners received all the information they needed in an active weather environment.

Strong Community Involvement

Next to taking care of the bottom line, companies are often thinking about the next generation and desire to see students well equipped to enter the work force ready to succeed. Our weather partners, community supporters, and the University of Wisconsin system aided in giving our students an excellent educational and professional development experience. Our students gained valuable experience out in the community, visiting and serving local industries and organizations that have an impact right in our back yard. Only together can the combination of education and experiential learning happen at this level. Our partners were not just a client or granting agency, they made excellence in education happen!