Our faculty are internationally known for their work in areas such as freshwater contaminants, biological pollutants, fisheries, invasive species, aquaculture, observation technology, climate variability, weather prediction, and water policy.

Our research teams include scientists, economists and legal experts who are advancing fundamental and strategic science and training the next generation of freshwater, climate, and weather professionals. Their work informs policy, improves management, and promotes the health and sustainability of the Earth and its ecosystems worldwide.

Investment in our research includes funding from the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Energy, state of Wisconsin and local government, as well as corporate partners, foundations and private donors.

Our researchers and students collaborate with on-site partners, and our building houses offices for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin Sea Grant, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Milwaukee Riverkeeper, Southeast Wisconsin Watershed Trust, Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin and Milwaukee’s Harbor District.

9On-site governmental and nonprofit collaborators

Research Impact

  • Newton Awarded $2 Million Grant for Antimicrobial Resistance Study
    Dr. Ryan Newton, Associate Professor in the School of Freshwater Sciences, has been granted a $2 million grant to study antimicrobial resistance in wastewater. The award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will allow Newton and his team to quantify antimicrobial resistance through wastewater treatment processes and compare resistance patterns over the past 10 years …
  • Deng Works with Riveredge and WI DNR
    Professor Dong Fang Deng has been working with Riveredge Nature Center and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on developing a diet plan that helps young fish grow faster. Last week, at our building in the Harbor District, our incoming undergraduate students were able to join an early release of baby sturgeon which were fed …
  • Milwaukee Magazine Q&A with McLellan
    Milwaukee Magazine spoke with Dr. Sandra McLellan, Distinguished Professor at UWM School of Freshwater Sciences about the Wastewater Surveillance Program and their work during the RNC.  Read the Full Story

We’re committed to advancing key research priorities

Explore freshwater systems and develop methods for their preservation and management. Study the impacts of climate change, human activity, and invasive species on the Great Lakes and Earth’s ecosystems worldwide. Improve water safety through cutting-edge research. Track the presence and sources of pathogens and determine the impacts of contaminants on human and ecosystem health. Form collaborations among scientists, engineers, and industry.

Predict weather and climate and their impacts to society. Manage, replace and restore the Great Lakes’ commercial and recreational fisheries. Drive new technologies in water research and management and fisheries management and urban aquaculture. Advance understanding of atmospheric processes on local to global scales. Link science to action and generate transformational policies from great science.