Student Profile: Joshua (Josh) Miller
May 2, 2016

Joshua Miller
For Communication PhD student Josh Miller, communication impacts how we view that world and the possibilities for our future. This semester Josh was awarded the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, which will cover his tuition costs for the upcoming year and fund attendance of academic conferences to present his research. Josh does research on public deliberation and controversies involving gender, sexuality, race, ability, and religion. His research focuses on how people employ rhetoric in order to create, sustain, or disrupt community.
Josh, received his bachelor’s degree in 2012 from Michigan State University in Social Relations and Policy. He also received his Master’s degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He decided to attend UWM for his PhD for many different reasons. Prior to deciding to attend UWM, he had many positive interactions with members of UWM’s faculty and graduate students in the department. When he attended University of Nevada, one of his professors was Dr. Erin Parcell who now works as a professor at UWM. He stated, “Knowing Dr. Parcell made my decision to attend UWM that much easier.”
Josh loves teaching at UWM, where he teaches Public Speaking and Engineering Fundamentals, a communication course for first year mechanical engineering students. He states that having students who care about their education makes his job much easier. He said, “I’m thankful that I have had the opportunity to work with so many students who value their education.”
Josh loves Milwaukee because there are so many activities to do in the city. He has lived in Milwaukee for two years, but he still feels he hasn’t explored all of the wonderful things Milwaukee has to offer. He especially loves the excellent food in Milwaukee. Josh hopes to graduate soon with his PhD and eventually, become a full professor in a Department of Communication. In the meantime you can find Josh teaching classes, working with other graduate students, or at his favorite spot on campus, Kenwood in the Union.
By Marissa Trgo, UWM Communication Major