Publications – May 2016
Burke, T. J., Ruppel, E. K., & Dinsmore, D. (2016). Moving away and reaching out: Young adults’ relational maintenance and psychosocial well-being during the transition to college. Journal of Family Communication, 16, 180-187.
Prosocial maintenance behaviors with parents helped alleviate the effects of stress in first-year college students.
Cole, A. W., and Salek, T. A. (2016). Adopting a para-social connection to overcome professional kakoethos in online health information. In M. F. Folk and S. Apostel, Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility. Hershey, PA: ISI Global.
Fetherston, M. (2016). Teaching diversity in organizations: Stereotyping the stock photo. Communication Teacher.
Miller, J. (2016). Review of, On the frontier of science: An American rhetoric of exploration and exploitation. Women’s Studies in Communication, 24, 107-109.
Miller, J. (2016). Empowering communities: Ella Baker’s decentralized leadership style and conversational eloquence. Southern Communication Journal.
Miller, J. (2016). Introducing a conversation on disability & debate. National Journal of Speech & Debate, 4(3), 3-4.
Nelson, N., & Miller, J. (2016). Dyslexia & debate. National Journal of Speech & Debate, 4(3), 5-7.
Ruppel, E. K., Blight, M., Cherney, M., & Fylling, S. (2016). An exploratory investigation of communication technologies as a means to alleviate communicative difficulties and depression in older adults. Journal of Aging and Health, 28, 600-620.
Email use mitigated the link between hearing loss and depressive symptoms in older adults.
Ruppel, E. K. (2016). Scanning health information sources: Applying and extending the comprehensive model of information seeking. Journal of Health Communication.
Cancer information scanning behavior was associated with health-related factors and information source trust.
Salek, T. A. (2016). Book review of, Manufacturing uncertainty: contemporary U.S. public life and the conservative right, by Marlia Banning. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 19 (1).