2011-2015 Alumni

Seokhoon AhnAssistant Professor, Central Washington University   Ruth BeermanAssistant Professor, Randolph-Macon College   Tricia Clausen    Emily M. CramerAssistant Professor, Howard University   Keith DilbeckIndependent Consultant   Vinessa Gingrass   
Denis GrimesLecturer, University of Memphis   Anna HerrmanAssociate Professor, St. Norbert College   Jennifer JacklAssistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Communication Arts Dept.   Tanya JoostenDirector of eLearning Research and Development, University of WI-Milwaukee   Falon KartchAssociate Professor, California State University-Fresno   Jihyun KimAssistant Professor, University of Central Florida  
Kelsea Kohler SchoenbauerAssistant Professor, University of Minnesota-Duluth   Aimee LauAssociate Professor, Wisconsin Lutheran College   Mridula MascarenhasAssistant Professor, California State University-Monterey Bay   Rebecca MullaneInstructor, Moraine Park Technical College   Michele Olson    Kikuko OmoriAssistant Professor, California State University-Sacramento  
Kristen Pascale    Annie PrakOwner, Joy by Design   DeAnne PriddisAssistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University   Katherine RaffertyAssociate Professor, Iowa State University   Terra Rasmussen LenoxCommunication Instructor, Lake Michigan College   Candice RuhPhD Student, University of WI-Milwaukee  
Lara StacheAssociate Professor, Governors State University, University Park IL   Kelly TenzekClinical Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, SUNY-University at Buffalo, Buffalo NY   Katie TurkiewiczAssociate Professor, University of WI-Green Bay   Jacob Wildhagen    Tiantian Zhao    Anne Zmyslinski-SeeligAssociate Professor, Central Oregon Community College