October 4, 2022

Provost Gronert updated the UC on recent actions:

  • Various administrative leaders have expressed support for students impacted by Iranian demonstrations and the Iranian government’s reactions to them.
  • The report from the 2030 Taskforce on the Faculty Workforce will be shared with Deans across campus this week.
  • Campus units have been told to plan for a 4% budget cut next academic year.

AVC Fessahaye (HR Director) met with the UC briefly to discuss a new professional development resource page. She will return later to give more details.

The UC reached a consensus on an outline of proposed changes to the promotion to full professor procedure. A full document will be considered for approval at a later meeting. Also, we received clarification that the student “free speech” survey proposed methodology has not been changed. Obtaining 500 completed surveys for each UW-System campus is still the goal.

Lastly, the new Dismissal/Disciplinary Hearing Committee (DDHC) still needs two additional appointments. The UC discussed potential candidates to fill out the roster.