K. Dolan reported on the Deans’ meeting with the Provost during which the results of the Student and Faculty Surveys were discussed. At the meeting to discuss student recruitment the focus was on changes that could be made to speed up the admissions process in order to be more competitive in the local market, including streamlining certification of WI residence, accepting unofficial high school transcripts, etc. Transfer degree MOUs with MATC will allow anyone with an Associate’s Degree from MATC to transfer directly into a UWM major without needing to take additional GERs. The launch of the Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship was discussed; students with a 3.4 or higher GPA who apply would be eligible for a tiered merit award based on their GPA. The award would provide a maximum of four years of funding at $500 to $1500 per year.
The Faculty Representatives met with UW System President Tommy Thompson in Madison last Friday. The transition to a standardized bi-weekly pay plan for all UW System employees, which was interrupted by COVID, is moving forward again. The biweekly pay plan (every other Thursday) is scheduled to begin February 1, 2021, bringing the UW System in line with other state employees.
Also discussed was the new federal “surge” testing protocol for COVID to be administered in partnership with the U.S. and Wisconsin Departments of Health and Human Services. All UW System students and employees will be provided with access to rapid tests; this includes all the satellite campuses and community members in immediate proximity to campus. The CDC will be sending 250 employees to administer the BinaxNow rapid tests, which provide results in 15 minutes. Rollout will be on November 10 and will continue for six weeks. The rapid tests will not be replacing antigen and PCR testing already being carried out.
There were no Members’ Reports.
Chancellor Mone will attend the November 10 meeting.