March 2, 2021

Provost Britz reported that vaccinations have begun on campus and a registration system will be made available for faculty, academic staff and others on campus who are eligible to receive a vaccine. The goal is to vaccinate all faculty and academic staff by the end of the semester depending on the number of vaccines received through Aurora. Vaccinations will be offered to eligible community members when the vaccine allowance makes that possible. Campus is close to finalizing fees for the fall semester. Priorities based on the 2030 plan are being determined by Academic Affairs. The potentially permanent impact of tenure-clock extensions on faculty will need to be considered going forward.

In New Business Codification Committee representative N. Fleisher discussed the pending review by the CC of P&P Chapter 6, which defines various kinds of committees (standing, administrative, search & screen, student etc.). UC Chair K. Dolan will attend the meeting of the CC this week to present the ongoing UC review of committee roles and responsibilities.

UC Chair K. Dolan reported on her meeting with Chancellor Mone. She will chair the internal search committee established to replace outgoing Secretary of the University T. Turner. The goal is to have someone in place by mid-April.

In Members’ Reports D. Misra reported that the Space Planning Committee met and discussed a request from SARUP to have a room returned to their use that had been utilized by another unit temporarily.

In Old Business the UC discussed Committee Chair responses to the request for input sent by UC Chair K. Dolan as part of the UC review of governance committees. These responses will be reviewed by the UC and discussed at the next meeting.

Chancellor Mone will attend the March 9 meeting.