January 17, 2023

Provost Gronert discussed several on-going areas of concern with the UC:  1) The Testing Center had been operating under the Registrar’s Office until last year, when it was shifted to UITS in anticipation of the implementation of on-line course evaluations.  The reduction in staffing in the Testing Center occurred while it was still in the Registrar’s office.  Gronert will help coordinate a meeting between the UC and Beth Schaefer so the UC can learn UITS’ perspective on the ongoing issues; 2) The UC continues to seek information about required employee trainings and how employees can track whether their efforts have been recognized as completed.  Ideas on how to better communicate information about required employee training were discussed; and 3) Efforts to engage students who have not registered for the Spring semester were discussed.  Gronert was encouraged to gather information on the effectiveness of these types of interventions.  Efforts to do so are hampered by a lack of manpower available to work on the issue.